Maeve Press – Everything’s Gonna Be Okay
By: Jamie Steinberg
Q) Please tell us what is new this season on “Everything’s Gonna Be Okay” and with Genevieve.
A) This season Genevieve continues the search for her own sense of identity within her complicated family and an even more complicated world. While she tries to find new creative outlets, like starting a YouTube channel, and really attempts to leave her own social comfort zone with her peers, she also has to cope with the reality that her siblings do really need he, and she really needs them, in more ways than she even realized.
Q) How was your character originally described to you?
A) Okay, so I actually still have the email for the audition and with the original pilot script so I’m taking this directly from there! Genevieve is “Greasy, Clever, Dramatic,” which actually feels like a very accurate way to describe her so good job to Josh [Thomas]! Early on I also understood that Genevieve feels totally responsible for her sister and this defines her even more than anything personal about herself.
Q) In what ways has Genevieve evolved since we met her in Season 1?
A) She is growing up! While still preoccupied with making sure her sister is okay, Genevieve is also way more assertive this year and has more of a “I know what I want and will try my absolutely darndest to get it.” Yet, that being said, Genevieve is still quite awkward and anxious about just about everything.
Q) How much of a say do you have in her character development?
A) Josh has always been interested in my input regarding Genevieve since the very beginning and that is so wonderful. He is also just a very intuitive human and writer and definitely takes bits of who we are and sprinkles that into our characters. I actually joined the writers room and helped with some writing on a few episodes this season which was such a blast to do!
Q) Going into Season 2 were you hoping to share more scenes with someone(s) in particular?
A) Wow, hard to pick just one person. I love my scenes with Nicholas. They feel so honest and natural and fun so I was excited about more relationship building scenes with him. I definitely wanted to have some more, kinder, scenes with Adam Faison who plays Alex because Genevieve was so mean to him last season and I just adore Adam. And Genevieve’s relationship with Matilda (Kayla Cromer) is so special that those scenes are also super fun. But also the bugs. I was hoping to have more time with the bugs because they are totally spontaneous and fascinating as actors. It is authentic bug casting on our show, by the way.
Q) When not filming does the cast spend much time together?
A) Physically we don’t really go out as a pack, but we do chat a ton on the group chats! We are also almost always not in the same state or country at the same time which does put a damper on hang outs.
Q) What are some special episodes that standout to you this season that viewers should keep an eye out for?
A) I am excited about episode four because Genevieve takes a shot at doing something creative, but different than she did at the end of Season One. I also love episode Five because Genevieve is on a very strange adventure outside of the comfort of her family. Episode Eight is also super fun for a similar reason and then Episode Ten is just a surprising and wonderful evolution for the entire family. But, also, the whole show is special, and I am very bad at making decisions
Q) What do you think it is about Nicholas and his siblings that continues to unite them as a family?
A) Basically, they honestly love and care about each other. They are all eccentric in their own ways and have a remarkable ability to roll with each others’ eccentricities and even appreciate them at least some of the time. They have experienced so much trauma and because of that, especially with Genevieve, they have underlying trust issues, yet they trust each other and love each other and when they are around each other they feel at home. It’s a beautiful portrayal of an unconventional family trying to make life work
Q) What is it about “Everything’s Gonna Be Okay” that has made it such a fast fan favorite series?
A) I think it is just a very honest show. The characters are flawed and real, even if their circumstances are sometimes unusual. Also, the writing is so sharp and fun.
Q) You are a part of social media. Do you enjoy the instant fan feedback you receive from the fans?
A) Well, and this may come as a shock to some people, truly I am not the greatest with social media, but I am trying my absolute best. As a standup comedian and an actress who started in theater, I do appreciate instant feedback. I really enjoy getting to hear from our audience and understanding what people respond to, what they love and even what annoys them. It’s great to have forums for conversation and to try to understand how these stories and characters affect people, in good and bad ways, and then try harder to reach people in the most positive ways. But, of course, you can’t make everyone happy all the time, that’s a hard lesson.
Q) What would you like to say to everyone who are fans and supporters of you and the work you do?
A) Thank you so much for watching and being a part of our little world. Our world only matters when people come into it and make it theirs, too. I am so grateful anytime people come see my stand up or a show I am in and super thrilled for the fans of “Everything’s Gonna Be Okay.” We would literally not have a second season if it weren’t for all the beautiful people who took time out of there day to watch a frantic family try to survive life in Agoura Hills. Without you I probably would not have gotten my puppy Charlie because we would have been back in NYC in our little apartment, so thank you! I think you are all the coolest and feel like at this point we are all friends, which is even cooler! Also, I love you all! Is it too soon to say that?
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