Movie Reviews

Make It Look Real

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By: Malasha Parker



Make It Look Real is an in depth look into the world and mind of an intimacy coordinator. The documentary film explores the intricacies of why it is so important for intimacy coordinators to have a presence on sets. Director Kate Blackmore and intimacy coordinator Claire Warden provide audiences with a detailed look into how actors, directors and intimacy coordinators work together to provide a safe and comfortable environment to create movie magic.

The film opens with an intimate scene between two actors as they flirt and start the beginning of a sex scene. We then see the actors introducing themselves and explaining that they’ve never done a sex scene before, so all of this is a completely new experience for them. Warden begins to discuss what she does and shares her background into how intimacy coordinators became such a need in Hollywood. The #MeToo movement sparked the conversations that set people off to find better ways to protect the rights one has when filming on set. Through the film audiences can see Claire breaking down how she helps the actors and everyone on the set understand how to make the process of sexual scenes as comfortable as possible. She does this by having one-on-one conversations with the actors and director, going on trips to meet with stylists who personalize in creating garments for covering the private areas of actors and being there as one of the few people on set for those discrete scenes. The deep dive gives audiences perspective on why intimacy coordinators are needed more in the film industry and how important it is that actors and directors feel validated in wanting the extra support.

Warden is a stern and delightful woman who gives straight forward answers, not allowing for anyone to be pushed over. She is compassionate when discussing the scenes. She’s also the perfect listener and conversationalist. It makes viewers understand exactly why she is in this line of work.The actors feel comfortable discussing what they are willing to do and what they may be apprehensive of doing on screen. They express their gratitude for her help and for the experience of being able to learn more about themselves and their acting through working with her. It can also be shown through their scenes over time how they become more and more comfortable.

Blackmore’s direction looks seamless and effortless. She knew the right moments to catch and the perfect way to not overcompensate in a shot. The questions given to the actors do not seem invasive and she never gives the impression of an interloper when sharing those behind the scenes intimate moments. It’s an excellent documentary film showing something viewers have never seen up close and personal before.

Make It Look Real opens audience eyes in ways they’ve never imagined to a look at what a set is like when nobody but the actors, director and intimacy coordinators are in the room. These private moments are usually only heard about through the words of the actors and to see how much more goes into making a sex or sexual scene gives a look at these scenes with a newfound respect and perspective. I highly recommend anyone who has ever wondered how these scenes are filmed and those who work in the film industry to watch Kate Blackmore’s film Make It Look Real. The industry needs more documentaries  like this for people to understand there’s more than just looking pretty and saying your lines.

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