
Mama’s Chicken and Dumplings

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By: Jamie Steinberg



Mama’s Chicken and Dumplings is ten-year-old Allie Lewis’ favorite meal and the title of this sweet read by Dionna L. Mann. It’s all the answer to figuring out how to find her mother a man. Allie thinks by determining eligible bachelors in the area and delivering them a jar of this delicious dish she will be able to find a suitable man for her mom. However, this is no simple tale of a little girl looking for a father – it’s a mission for mama. Turn the pages of this dynamic read to find yourself smiling and rooting for Allie and her mother to snag someone who will fill both of their hearts.

Allie Lewis’ father ran off when she was just a baby and then got himself killed. These days she lives with her doll Mitzy and her Mama, whom she’d like to see remarry. But not just any man will do and that’s where Allie creates her supersecret Man-for-Mama plan. He has to be able to fix things, like to sing songs and absolutely must love her mother’s chicken and dumplings. Enter suitor number one, who is Mr. Johnson. He owns an antique shop in town. He has moved back to town, and it seems he was schoolmates with Allie’s mother. Not on the list, but throwing his hat into the ring, is Mr. Coles – Allie’s band teacher and the uncle to her nemesis Gwen. What starts out is a hunt for a husband for her mother turns into a lesson in meddling and a reminder not to judge a book by its cover.

This story is filled with nostalgia and sweet thoughts of youth. I remember when I moved away from my friends, and I would write them letters waiting for them to reply – just like Allie does when her best friend Jewel moves away. My mom was also an avid baker when I was a kid and it made me so proud when people would come over and had the chance to try out her meals and her sweet treats. Did I mention that I also played the flute like Allie (but she was probably better than me)?

Author Dionna L. Mann clearly knows her cuisine and how to endear her readers into a storyline. Those that turn the pages of this beautiful book will find a tale of family bonds, big dreams and high hopes. However, be warned not to read Mama’s Chicken and Dumplings on an empty stomach because mama’s cooking sure sounds like heaven!

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