Matt Cedeno – Power
By: Jamie Steinberg
Q) What are the recent projects that you are working on?
A) Currently working on developing a pet project that has garnered some interest. Early stage development, so stay tuned. Always working on my active apparel brand, Body Language Sportswear, and have some exciting collaborations with Peloton and Bandier that will launch later this year. Just had baby #2 late April so have been spending some much-Q) needed QT with the new addition. Prepping as well for my return to “Power” in Sept for Season 6!
Q) What originally made you want to be a part of the show “Power?”
A) “Power” has a grit and realness about it that makes it very engaging. The characters are so dynamic and well written that it makes it seamless for an actor to disappear into the role. That combined with great storytelling made this a very alluring project for me to work on.
Q) How was Cristobal originally described to you?
A) I didn’t originally read for Cristobal. I read for another character, Mike Sandoval actually, and Courtney [A. Kemp] ended up offering me the role of Cristobal. The character was completely different than what I had portrayed in the past, but she made that leap and entrusted me with the role. So, there wasn’t anything character wise scripted for me, just the writing and context and had the freedom to paint the rest. It was liberating and I’m grateful to her for believing in me for the part. That’s a rarity in this town!
Q) What was your process for getting into character?
A) Cristobal is like a switch for me. He is so unlike my real self that I actually find it comfortable and easy to slip into character. He embodies many characteristics that I sometimes wish I could incorporate into my own! He’s extremely focused on what he wants, Power/Money/Validation, and he uses everything in his arsenal to achieve it. I embody his thoughts, desires, fears and drive and make bold choices. This guy is not safe.
Q) Talk about working with costars Omari Hardwick and Joseph Sikora.
A) Omari is an amazing talent and even more amazing human being. Even in the storm he stays grounded and connected to those in his circle and presence. He’s a thoughtful and gracious dude and I sincerely hope that our storylines cross paths and I have more opportunities to share the screen with him.
Joseph is dynamic. Tommy was my favorite character coming into the show as Joseph has brought so much to the character. It’s pure entertainment to watch. One has to be present and on their toes when working with Joseph as he is very much in the moment, explosive and unpredictable. Off camera he is very generous. He went out of his way when I first joined to make me feel welcome and share his resources to help ensure a successful ride on the show and I really appreciated that.
Q) What were some of your most memorable moments from working on the series?
A) Most memorable to me to date are my scenes with Rotimi. He’s become like a brother to me and we have great chemistry. It’s hard to stop laughing when we get together, we have the same sense of humor and it makes for a lot of fun on set.
Q) What did you personally take away from your time working on “Power?”
A) I’m taking a lot so far from my time on “Power.” Invaluable experiences, relationships, and growth to name a few.
Q) You often take on dramatic roles. Is there something that draws you to this genre?
A) I personally have a lot of fun working on comedic projects. I think a dramedy would be ideal. I have more drama under my belt as that has been the roles best suited for me to date. I enjoy many genres. Most important is great storytelling and good people working together towards a quality product.
Q) You are a part of social media. Do you enjoy the instant fan feedback to the roles and projects you do?
A) Yes, it’s great to hear feedback from fans. I dabble in social media but have yet to make the full commitment! Can suck you in for inordinate amounts of time so I try to be careful to not get stuck in its grasp. I’ve always been a more private individual as well so it’s a little against my nature to be putting myself on blast all the time. Something I need to get used to though as it doesn’t appear to be going anywhere!
Q) What would you like to say to everyone who is a fan and supporter of you and your work?
A) Many thanks to everyone who has supported me in my career thus far, I very much value and appreciate it. I’ll strive to continue bringing exciting characters to your screen!
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