Matt Shively – Feels So Good
Q) What are the recent projects that you are working on?
A) I’ve been working on a Paramount webseries produced by Elizabeth Banks called “Resident Advisors,” which I have been working on for the past two weeks. Then, I also have been working on the new David Duchovny show “Aquarius.” That will be fun! I’ve also got a Disney movie that comes out on August 15th.
Q) Your film Feels So Good is out now. What kind of fan feedback have you been receiving through social media?
A) I have been a part of a kids show for so long so it is always a fun thing when it gets switched up. I’ve not done an R rated vulgar comedy so a lot of stuff is, “We’ve never seen you in this sort of light or this sort of role.” It’s been a lot of surprise reaction from people because they didn’t know I could go that far and talk about penises that much. But I do!
Q) The film seems to have widened your fanbase.
A) Finally, I have fans above the age of fourteen now. So, that’s cool!
Q) Talk a little bit about the comedy aspect of the film and getting to play the different sides of your character.
A) That was an amazing experience because like I said I’ve never been a part of an R rated comedy and I’ve always wanted to be a part of something that is a little more risqué than most things. It was kind of cool because I’ve always wanted to play the loud mouth guy who thinks he knows everything and wants to do everything. It was the moment where I got to do a role that I always wanted to do, to have the people around me so relaxed and cool about everything. A lot of what I said in the movie is written down, but I also got to say and do whatever I wanted. I got to improv as much as I wanted. Having the freedom to do whatever I wanted was one of the coolest things in the world. Having (director) Josh [Stolberg] and Brendan [Robinson] along the way there was fantastic. Brendan is an amazing actor and it was very easy! We only met once before we actually started filming, but the chemistry between he and I was kind of an instant thing. It made it so much fun!
Q) What was it like working with Brendan Robinson on the movie?
A) We have two very different personalities. He is very by the book and he knows exactly what he needs to do and he is going to do it and that’s it. And I’m very much a loose cannon. So, our personalities kind of collide and work together. We never got into fights or arguments. We always knew what the other person was wanting to do and we just let them do it. It worked out perfectly!
Q) Was there anything about working on the project that surprised you?
A) I have never been one for nudity. When I read the script and I got the role, I read it again and I was very, very nervous because I didn’t know what they were going to have me in exactly. That was a big step for me to throw everything aside, despite twenty people being there and the crew filming, pulling my pants down and letting the world see it all. That was a big one. And shooting in a strip club was also weird. I don’t like strip clubs to begin with, but to be paid to sit in one was very weird. I just had to give up all my worries and cares and just do it.
Q) Did you find comedic timing shooting a film was different than when you make a television series?
A) It is because with a show everything is kind of set up for one big punchline at the end of every three or four lines. You’re getting to the point. You’re getting to the joke. That’s what you are always trying to do. Acting in a film, it was like everything was a joke. Whatever you can come up with you can do. With a show, it is a lot more scripted. The writers want you to do and say what is on the paper, where as with the movie they will say they like your personality so you can do what you want and say whatever you feel is right. If they don’t like it, they will tell me they don’t like it. But it’s all about having fun rather than just sticking to the script.
Q) What were some of your most memorable moments from filming Feels So Good?
A) There is a scene where we were hiding in a closet and Allan’s mom is supposed to be having sex with this weird guy. They got a body double to play his mom and she was actually a porn star. When we crawl out of the closet, I’m supposed to be filming what is happening with the sex part. She would refuse to wear underwear. They told her she wasn’t in a take so she didn’t need to refuse to wear underwear. She was like, “No, I’m still not going to wear underwear.” I’m supposed to be filming her from behind so there was a very, very intense situation where I am acting and filming this thing and she just was not wearing any underwear. I think it was all out there for the world to see. I was a foot and a half away from her. I was like, “I’m literally getting paid to sit here and do this. It’s very odd.”
Q) The movie is sort of reminiscent of American Pie and Girl Next Door. How does this movie compare and contrast to those?
A) After watching it, I realized a lot of teen comedies are so by-the-book and everything has to be like this formula of every other teen comedies. I think that was what was lost in the 90’s because that is when teen comedies started making a comeback. For me, I ended up loving the movie because it is not like a comedy out right now. It’s very much, in my opinion, a comedy from the 80’s or 90’s. It’s very vulgar and it’s very out there, but at the same time it is just a lot of fun. For me, as an actor, all I want to do is entertain people. If you are laughing, smiling or crying and it’s me doing that then that is all that matters. This is just entertainment. It’s pure entertainment and that’s all you can ask for. That’s all that matters to me.
Q We have seen you acting in all different sorts of facets. Is there anything else you would like to try your hand at?
A) I do write and I did a webseries with one of my best friends. That was kind of a really cool moment because I have never created something from the bottom and worked it to the point where it was an actual thing that I could sit down and watch. I have always enjoyed writing and I will be writing at some point. I’m more of an idea guy so I don’t really like to sit down and write, but I can come up with a scene. I love drama, which is one thing I think a lot of comedic actors enjoy doing. They like to switch it up. More drama would be fantastic and also just writing and creating is always something that I wanted to do.
Q) Is there anything else about the film that you would like to share with fans?
A) If you are sitting at home and you have nothing to do and you just want to have a good time for an hour and a half, pop some popcorn and watch the movie. Let all of your cares go away because it’s one of those things with the movie that it is pure entertainment. It gets so dumb sometimes and so loud and in your face that it is an escape. That is one of the best things about movies for me, they are always an escape. You can turn everything off. This is a movie that you can turn on and as ridiculous and out there as it gets, it is always funny and always entertaining. If you’ve got free time, you should sit down and watch it. I guarantee it will be a very good ninety minutes for you.
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