
Maya Ixta – Time

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By: Jamie Steinberg



Q) How would you describe your sound?


A) I have so many musical influences, so it’s really a culmination of different genres. I try to experiment with different styles because I’m always discovering new elements that I like to incorporate into my music. I would describe my sound as pop, alternative, and I’m also writing more in Spanish.


Q) Who are some of your musical influences?


A) Latina artists inspire me so much. Kali Uchis and Rosalia are my top two artists. They both have such a special way of conveying their messages through music and naturally incorporate their culture into their songs. Billie Eilish is another huge influence of mine. She has such a unique story, from being an underground indie artist to a huge musical influence on my generation.


Q) You’ve studied quite a bit about songwriting and music. Why was that so important for you?


A) Songwriting is a complex art to study because it’s so personal. Every artist has their “methodology” that works best for them. Some of my favorite artists that write genius lyrics say songwriting comes from their heart and flows out as they’re writing. However, learning the fundamentals of music and songwriting is important to me because I can see the different ways songs can be written and discover what works for me in the process.


Q) Talk about the story behind your new song “Time.”


A) “Time” reflects my anxiety about the future and what I want to achieve. Unfortunately, I don’t have a crystal ball and not knowing what comes next in my life can be scary. I think this worries a lot of other teenagers, too. This uncertainty is what inspired the song. I wrote it when I was feeling so stressed and overwhelmed. Writing the song was actually very therapeutic and a huge stress reliever for me.


Q) What do you think it is about the song that fans connect to?


A) I think everyone can connect to feelings of uncertainty, stress and not knowing what the future holds, especially teens. There’s so much pressure because of school, social media, relationships and more. I want to remind my listeners that, despite life’s demands, it’s crucial to carve out moments for ourselves, to breathe, to live fully and to nurture our mental well-being.


Q) What can you tease about the video that will accompany the song?


A) Hmmm…all I’m going to say is expect trains and a cute outfit and maybe some time travel!


Q) What is your songwriting process? Do you need music before you can create lyrics?


A) It depends on the song and the vibe I want to create for it. Sometimes I already have the whole song written before I go into the recording studio, so I just work on the production aspect with my producer. We then dedicate a session to record the song. Other times, I write with a partner and we work on production and writing the song simultaneously. Once I have a baseline I like, I go back and record over the produced track. Sometimes lyrics and melodies happen simultaneously so I really pay more attention to where the song is taking me. It’s a very personal process and it works for me!


Q) How much of a hand do you have in the production of your music?


A) I’m involved in every step of the production of my songs. Usually, I’ll write the song and create a demo on Logic so I can show a collaborator how I envision the song to be. With all my music, I’m in the studio for comping vocals, editing, changing lyrics and adding production. I like to be extremely involved in the creation because it also helps me learn more about my style and how I can improve as an artist.


Q) With “Time” out now, is this a prelude to a new EP or full album? 


A) Yes! I’m working on various songs that will be a part of my upcoming EP, Diary Entries. This E.P. is very special to me because every song is based on an entry from my diary. My diary is one of my “safe spaces” and it’s helped me so much to sort out life. I would love to share my experiences with others in the hopes that it can help them as well. [smiles]


Q) Where are some of your favorite places to perform and what makes those locations so significant to you?


A) Every venue has a special vibe. Recently I performed at the Moroccan, and it was so special because so many people I care about were there supporting me on stage. But I have to say, the most amazing experience I’ve had is when I performed at is Radio City Music Hall in NYC. I was 11 years old and I got sing some of my favorite musical theater songs for a holiday show. That was a pretty incredible experience because it’s such an iconic stage!


Q) Who would you most like to collaborate with on a song in the future?


A) So many artists, it’s so hard to choose one! Right now, I would say Rosalia because, as I mentioned before, I love the way she naturally incorporates her culture and Spanish language into their songs. As a Latina artist, that’s also very important to me and I know Rosalia and I would work great together!


Q) What artist/musician are you currently listening to and why do you dig them?


A) I’m listening to “att.” by Young Miko on repeat! Something about the album is so appealing to me because I just get good vibes from her music. I’m actually going to see her at her upcoming tour and I’m beyond excited!


Q) You are a part of social media. Why is that such an important way for you to connect with your fans?


A) I will say, I am not the best at social media, but I recognize that it’s now a natural way for people to communicate and connect. I appreciate when fans comment on my posts, tell me what they think about my music, and even give me ideas about what to create next!


Q) What would you like to say to everyone who is a fan and supporter of you and your work?


A) First and foremost, THANK YOU so much! It means the world to me that even one person connects with my music. I hope that anyone who listens to my songs is able to relate to my stories. I hope they know they are understood through my music. Everyone has a unique perspective and I want anyone who has had similar experiences to know there is someone out there who gets them!



Listen To “Time” by Maya Ixta



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