
Meg DeLacy – Implicit

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By: Atiya Irvin-Mitchell



Q) When did you start songwriting?

A) It took me a long while to ever really consider myself a songwriter. I started playing around with my guitar and poetry around the age of fourteen, but once I met a couple of producers at eighteen years old my comfort zone expanded. I found a space for experimental diversity in my writing and also different platforms/instruments to accompany my guitar and words. I started writing songs that were honest and that I genuinely loved and was proud of.


Q) Who are some of your musical influences?

A) Jhené Aiko lyrically. Amy Winehouse’s sound and swagger. SZA’s RnB approach.


Q) Please tell us the story behind your new song “Implicit.”

A) I was in a relationship where I felt distressed at times. Some memorable moments would slip through the cracks and he wouldn’t remember in the morning. This song was created as a reminder for him to remember me, remember the warmth and remember the love. Keep me in your mind.


Q) What’s your songwriting process like?

A) Concept wise it’s all over the place. I usually walk into the studio with an idea and my producer and I will start talking about our week or day and find ourselves writing about something random depending on the conversation. Musically, for the past couple years the bones of my songs would start with the bassline. From there, I usually play with verse melodies followed by the lyrics. My chorus and bridge usually come last. Depending on the song the hook will come naturally, or I’d just play with ideas during the whole process. It always finds its home by the end of the session.


Q) What are you hoping fans get from this song?

A) Staying present with yourself and the people you’re with. It’s so important to be able to play back memories doing things you love or spending time with people you love. Our bodies and minds experience very specific moments and at the end of the day it’s the only thing we have to remember.


Q) How did you go about selecting some of the artwork used in the “Implicit” music video?

A) For the music/lyric video I decided to feature my two good friends and their relationship. It follows them just enjoying themselves, getting lost in the love they create. I also paired it with some cool visuals like skateboarding (a freedom memory) and love scenes found in comic books and video games.


Q) What’s one thing you’d like fans to know about this song?  

A) It’s honest, true and relatable if you allow yourself to go there.


Q) Who would you most like to collaborate with on a song in the future?

A) I would LOVE to eventually do a reggae album…Damian Marley? I’ll keep that open. [laughs]


Q) What, if anything, do you have in common with Cindy Burman from “DC’s Stargirl?”

A) Her and I are very different for the most part, but her insecurities feel very close, too. She is very human in the way that her vulnerability/self-doubt/feeling alone at times gets the best of her, becoming vicious towards everyone she meets. She’s scared just like all of us, but since we are talking about a superhuman world she lives in, violence and super powers are taken advantage of in order to heal from her mistakes.


Q) What hints are you able to give about where her character arc might be headed next season?

A) She’s on her completely own mission for the second season. One that may or may not get the best of her…


Q) What would you like to say to your fans and supporters?

A) Thank you for constantly showing love and interest in what I create and share with you guys. I am forever grateful to take this journey with and beside you. I can’t wait for everyone to enjoy the songs I release early next year as well as “Stargirl” Season Two airing Spring 2021!

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