Michael Rainey Jr. – 211
By: Lisa Steinberg
Q) What are the recent projects that you have been working on?
A) Right now, I am working on this short film that I am going to direct in the summer. We are in the process of writing that and lately, I have just been auditioning. Right now, that is one thing that I am focused on, that short film and I’ve been directing some.
Q) Please tell us the premise of the film 211.
A) 211 is about a little timid kid that starts off getting bullied in school and basically throughout the film it shows his progress as part of just becoming a little timid kid to a big kid with grown men responsibilities with serious responsibilities. The film shows the growth in his character.
Q) What made you want to be part of the film?
A) I sat down and met with the director, York Shackleton, in California and he was so cool, and he wanted me to be in the film. York told me what it was going to be about, he told me where it was going to be filmed and he told me who was going to be in it. From when he just told me about it, I was just like, “Wow, I’m going to be part of this…It’s going to be great.” I had to do it. I had to do it.
Q) How was your character Kenny originally described to you?
A) He came to me like two years ago. York told me he was a kid that liked to skateboard, and he had problems with getting bullied in school. That’s really it, like just a timid kid. There’s obviously more to it, but I really don’t remember everything he told me. But those are the key points of the kid, he’s timid and he gets bullied.
Q) Was there anything in the role that was not originally described to you.
A) Like in all of my roles, I try to incorporate something that’s me…That’s myself. So, I feel like there’s probably something that I may have added, but I couldn’t even tell you. I feel like it’s a natural thing that happens.
Q) What did you find challenging about playing Kenny?
A) Everything that he had to do, I was all ready for it. I wanted to do everything. It was nothing really too challenging. It was fun most of the time; it was just a lot of fun. The emotional scene was obviously something I had to really get in tune with, but I wouldn’t say it was challenging. It definitely took more to prepare for our filming, but I wouldn’t say it was challenging.
Q) What kind of physical prep work or stunt training did you have to do for the film?
A) I didn’t really have to do any training. Well as far as weaponry, that is the only training I did, but I didn’t do any workouts for it or any physical training for it.
Q) What was it like working with Nicolas Cage?
A) Working with Nicolas Cage, that was fun. He said I was his favorite costar. So, that was a big confidence booster for me. Nicolas Cage said I was his favorite costar, that’s crazy! Working with him was fun, it was easy, and we got directions quick and got right to the punch.
Q) What was some of your most memorable moments from filming 211.
A) The whole thing, just being there. We filmed in Bulgaria so that was memorable. Traveling to Bulgaria, touring, experiencing their culture, experiencing their food and everything was memorable. I feel like the whole process of filming was memorable to me. It was fun to me. That was something I’ll never forget.
Q) Are you looking forward to the fan feedback that you will be receiving from the movie?
A) Yes, definitely I am looking forward to that. It’s different than like “Power” because people hate Tariq. I feel like people aren’t going to hate Kenny in this movie, they are going to love Kenny in this movie. So, I’m kind of looking forward to this feedback.
Q) So, what can you tease for the upcoming season of “Power” and with Tariq?
A) I can say Tariq is going to be Tariq and I can say that Season Five is going to be crazy and people are going to be on the edge of their seats. I don’t want to say too much because the littlest thing said could be the biggest thing given away.
Q) You often take on dramatic roles, is there something that the genre that draws you in?
A) I feel like dramatic roles are natural to me. It’s pretty moving to see people cry because of the emotion I delivered in a scene.
Q) What would you like to say to everyone who is a fan and supporter of your work?
A) I love and appreciate them because without my supporters I wouldn’t be here. I can’t be anymore thankful for them.
211 in Theaters, VOD and Digital HD June 8th
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