Michelle Morgan – Ice Blue
By: Jamie Steinberg
Q) What are the recent projects that you have been busy working on?
A) Well, I completed Season 13 of “Heartland” in August and that is playing on UpTV in the states. I also just finished a film festival tour of my first short film Mi Padre, My Father and we recently we played at some film festivals. I also had another film at the Austin Comedy Short Festival. So, I’ve been premiering my own films this year, which has been exciting for me.
Q) Please tell us the premise for the film Ice Blue and about your character Maria.
A) When I was offered the part, I wasn’t sure I wanted to take it because I had to be very careful about how it was dealing with domestic violence because that is an issue near and dear to my heart. I work with victims of domestic violence. So, I wanted to make sure that it was being treated properly. And after talking to [director] Sandi Somers, I realized it was a very interesting look at families and family violence. One of the things she said the film was about was family trauma and how we can’t just bury it and ignore it because it will eventually come back to haunt us if we don’t deal with it.
Q) Was there anything you added to the role of Maria that wasn’t in her initial breakdown?
A) Oh, of course! You have to. My character on “Heartland” was supposed to be a petite blonde and I’m an almost 5’9 brunette. So, for this role I thought what was interesting and what wasn’t in the script was the sexual tension between Maria (my character) and Billy MacLellan’s character, the father. Obviously, there was something that had drawn us together. I kind of wanted to play with that a little bit, like what had that relationship been like before things went south.
Q) What advice did Sandi Sommers offer during filming that you took to heart?
A) We talked about the character and the film. I can’t think of one particular thing or piece of direction. When I’m acting it’s very instinctual and it’s very much that I like to stay in the moment and not really in my head. So, I don’t really remember the direction she was giving me.
Q) What were some of your favorite or most memorable scenes to film?
A) Definitely the end of the film in the scene where the three of us are together. It’s the only time when me, Billy and Sophia [Lauchlin Hirt] are all together. It’s a big dramatic scene that is sort of the climax of the action. That scene was really, really fun to shoot. It’s a very dynamic scene and a real exciting scene. So, that one was fun.
Q) Do you think that Ariel’s sacrifice was really for her mom?
A) No. I mean, I think her mom had convinced her to do it, but I don’t know if it was for I few’re going to get mental about it, I think it was just about the trauma that had not been dealt with or understood.
Q) With such intense scenes to shoot, how did you shake off a long day of filming?
A) I like to have a bath. And I like to watch…Especially if I’m filming something very dramatic and hard, I like to unwind and watch a comedy.
Q) What did you personally take away from your time working on Ice Blue?
A) Well, personally I took away from it that even when I’m playing very dark characters or sinister characters it is important to bring a human element to them and make them human and not just two-dimensional bad guys.
Q) What message do you hope the movie conveys to viewers?
A) That’s a good question. Talk to your family. Secrets won’t stay secrets for long.
Q) You are a part of social media. Why is that such an important way to connect with your fans?
A) It’s nice to get feedback from fans. It’s nice to share things that I’m passionate about. I did a Zero Waste Challenge for the environment this year. I work with organizations that support victims of domestic violence and I like to be able to support those organizations on social media. And it’s just a fun way to hear what my fans like and what they connect with.
Q) How can fans get involved with the charities you support?
A) There is definitely a women’s shelter near you and they are always looking for donations or volunteers. That’s a really easy way to just get involved. Google a women’s shelter in your area and there are definitely kids staying there. That’s how I started. I went and volunteered. And I would do drama programs for the kids and then I started doing workshops with women and trying to encourage them to use their voices to speak up for themselves using improv techniques – just things to build their confident. Then, also as an ambassador to raise money. So, it grew over time. But anyone can help by making a donation or donating a bit of their time.
Q) What would you like to say to everyone who is a fan and supporter of you and the work you do?
A) Well, I’d like to say thank you very much for the love and support. You can always follow me on Instagram at @michellemorgan_ to keep up with what I’m doing. Please shoot me a “hello.” I try to write back to as many people as I can.
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