Mike Hatton – Green Book
By: Lisa Steinberg
Q) What are the recent projects you have been working on?
A) For the past few months I’ve been promoting Green Book as well as doing preparation on a couple of projects I’m producing. One of those films is called Triumph and it will be really special. It’s about a wrestler with cerebral palsy starring RJ Mitte from “Breaking Bad” and a big actor just boarded the cast! We’re donating a portion of the movie to United Cerebral Palsy.
Q) Please tell us the premise for the upcoming film Green Book.
A) Green Book is the story of a bouncer who takes a job as a driver for a jazz pianist on a three-month tour of the South during the height of segregation. The driver his white (Viggo Mortensen). His boss is black (Mahershala Ali). So, as you can imagine, these two guys are both “fish out of water” for this time in the South. Plus, they have polar opposite personalities, which makes for an interesting ride that’s both fun and sometimes scary!
Q) How was your character George Dyer originally described to you?
A) George is the bass player for The Don Shirley Trio and kind of the comic relief. Initially, George was described to me as kind as being bit sarcastic and snobby towards Tony. Both he and Oleg (Dimiter D. Marinov) were highly trained musicians. But we decided to make George friendlier to juxtapose with my band-mate
Q) Were you familiar with any of your costars prior to working with them on the movie?
A) Of course, I was! I was a fan of Mahershala’s from his work on “House of Cards” and his Oscar winning role in Moonlight.
As for Viggo Mortensen, I’ve been a huge fan of his for years! His work in Carlito’s Way was when I first noticed him. He stole the scene from Al Pacino, which is hard to do! As he worked through the years in various projects from The Lord Of The Rings Trilogy to Eastern Promises, he’s had some incredible performances and well deserved accolades for his work. But I think Green Book is his best work yet. I think both he and Mahershala are stellar in this.
Q) Talk about working with costars Viggo Mortensen and Marhershala Ali.
A) They’re both incredible people and seeing them get into character was awesome to watch!
Mahershala was a perfectionist and rightfully so because his performance is perfect! I watch him on screen in this and I’m in awe because he is nothing like Don Shirley.
Viggo could be the greatest actor of this generation and you’d never know it when you’re with him. He was laughing and joking in between the scenes that were fun! And during ones that are tenser, he was genuinely concerned for our character’s wellbeing. I think his gift of being so intune with the whole picture is what sets him apart. It’s more than just building a believable character, it’s reacting to the environment with honesty.
Seeing that process taught me so much as an actor. Plus, I got to spend a lot of time off set with him and he’s the best! He’s just a regular guy who happens to be a genius and a movie star. He’s a warm person who welcomes everyone.
I even joked with him at one point that I was hanging out with “The King Of Middle Earth,” and he said, “It’s just me.”
Q) What piece of advice did iconic director Peter Farrelly offer that you took to heart while filming?
A) Peter started off the first day of the shoot letting the entire cast and crew know that if they had an idea, they could bring it to him. It’s one of the coolest things I’ve ever seen. Of course, I only spoke about my stuff up when someone else did first! Hah!
Q) What were some of your most memorable moments from filming Green Book?
A) There was a scene where my character was listening to Tony talk and wasn’t responding. I was having a hard time with it. Sometimes silence is harder to pull off then dialogue! Viggo could tell that I was having a hard time. Then, the writers and producers chimes in. The conversation led to them adding a line for me that was hysterical. However, Pete (Farrelly) said it’s my delivery that makes the joke work! It was a very fun and collaborative process that I’ll always cherish and when I see people in theatres erupt in laughter, it pays off!
Q) What do you think it is about the movie that will make it a fast fan favorite?
A) It’s a beautiful story of friendship that everyone can relate to. That’s why audiences and critics love it.
Q) You are a part of social media. Are you looking forward to the fans reaction to the movie?
A) I am already seeing the positive reception from fans hitting me up at my Instagram, Twitter and Facebook (@TheMikeHatton).
Q) You’re an actor, writer and producer. What advice would you give to up and coming actors and actresses?
A) Don’t be afraid to ask for help or advice. The worst that can happen is that they’ll say “no.” Also, if you get advice, consider using it… especially if that person giving it is in a position to get your project made. Movie making is a collaboration after all!
Q) What would you like to say to everyone who is a fan and supporter of you and your work?
A) I’d say, “Thank You!” I love what I do and I couldn’t do it with the support and love of my family, friends and fans!
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