
Mira Goto – Before

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By: Karen Steinberg



Q) What inspired the title for your new EP Before?

A) The title of the album is also one of the songs, but it feels like this chapter of my life is different than everything before it.  It’s a bit harder, a bit more intense and I felt the name Before was appropriate since I’m a different person now than I was before.

Q) How does the music on this EP set itself apart from the previous music you have made like with songs “Remember This Moment” and “Anybody Else?”

A) This album feels a bit rawer and more personal.  I shared some songs that are deeply personal, not that the others weren’t, but they are just a bit more lighthearted in nature.  This one maybe feels a bit like you’ve been locked in your house for two years because of a pandemic, and you’re going through some tough times!

Q You’ve shared that this EP is “a good representation of who I am as a writer, an artist and a woman.” In what ways is that so?

A) There’s a song on here about my son, about motherhood, about wanting the best for your kid.  I’m a mom now, and while I’m still a new mom, I worked hard to try to capture that universal, parental feeling of hoping life is kind to your child, and hoping your child can find joy and beauty in life.  Just one example; the rest of the songs reflect that too but each in a different way.

Q) There are five songs to this EP. Do you have a favorite or most treasured song you worked on? 

A) Probably my favorite would have to be “Bright Eyes” since it’s about my kiddo!

Q) Was there one song that challenged you the most either as a songwriter or emotionally?

A) Yes, the song “Before” was a hard one to write, and I’m glad I worked through it!  It’s based on a true story, and required some self-reflection, I was young and naive, and really looking back now realize some ways in which I could have handled the whole situation better.

6) Before was recorded at Prime Recording Studio in Nashville. What made this the perfect setting for you?

A) What made Prime Recording the perfect setting was working with Derek Garten!  He’s so talented, and really did such a fantastic job bringing life to my vision.  I hope he wants to work together again someday!!

Q) Derek Garten lent a hand with production on this. In what ways did he collaborate with you and help formulate your work on the EP?

A) Derek listened to me, the thousands of examples and notes I sent him, “These drums from this track, but this ambient feel from this track… I like this other track, but I don’t want it to sound like this at all.”  He made sense of the complete gibberish I sent him, and then made magic out of it.  He’s so easy to work with too!  You’ll see his name on all the “Taylor’s Versions” coming out these days.

Q) Which song(s) are you looking forward to performing for a live audience?

A) Derek and I got to perform our song “Enough to Try,” which was a career highlight for me – he had never performed before, and fancies himself a writer and producer.  I was honored to do that with him for his first time, and hope we get the opportunity again someday.

Q) What do you hope listeners take away from listening to your new EP as a whole?

A) I hope listeners take away that life is hard, and you are not alone. There are seasons of joy and happiness, and also seasons of loss or despair.  It can feel eternal while you’re going through it, but you aren’t alone.

Q) What would you like to say to everyone who is a fan and supporter of you and your work?

A) I would say thank you for listening, thank you for sharing my music and I hope to continue to put music out that speaks to you!  And please find me on socials and message me – I’m very responsive, and I love hearing from people and which songs they relate to!


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