
Mistine – lonely

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By: Jamie Steinberg



Q) How would you describe your sound?

A) nostalgic, hopeful, sparkly


Q) Who are some of your musical influences?

A) I’ve already been really influenced by classic rock and 80s synth. Aerosmith is my all-time fave…Also, I love Green Day and The Who.


Q) Your new EP lonely is out. What are some themes you’ll be exploring on it?

A) The theme for all of these songs was truly just the everyday emotions of me being in my mid-20s and attempting to navigate life. Each story was very real and very personal to me exploring new possibilities, new feelings, yearning, friendship, loneliness and love – and also the mix of how you can feel more than one at once (e.g. love and loneliness)


Q) For this EP, what was your song writing process? Did you need music before you could create lyrics?

A) I usually just start holding a guitar and play around until a random melody comes into my head. When something sticks, then I move forward with writing! I usually try to just see what words naturally come out while also incorporating what I’m thinking about that day and really feeling to tap into personal and intimate emotions. Nothing needs to come first. I would usually just try to create silence in life so creativity could flow through me.


Q) How much of a hand do you have in the production of your music?

A) I was super involved! I wrote most of the songs acoustic guitar and finished them on Zoom with my producer Andy in the UK.  We work together really well and are constantly throwing ideas back and forth, along with vocal takes and guitar parts to add, etc.


Q) Which song(s) are favorites for you and why does it hold a special place in your heart?

A) I think “GardenState” is my favorite because it reminds me of my hometown and brings my heart back to childhood memories – the innocence and fun of youth.


Q) With the EP out now, will you be headed out on tour to perform your new music?

A) Live shows this summer! A new song and music video in august to introduce a new era!! OMG I’m so excited! Album on the way!!


Q) What emotion or message do you hope lingers with audiences that explore lonely?

A) I hope that everyone can feel less alone by knowing that other people feel disconnected sometimes too. It’s really helpful to me to know that I’m not the only person in the world that feels this way and whenever I bring it up to friends, I end up having some of the most fulfilling conversations …connecting over feeling disconnected helps me to feel more connected! (haha) Even when we feel lonely, we are never alone in this world. We are also so special and so loved.


Q) You’ve toured with the likes of Conan Gray and Haiden. Where are some of your favorite places to perform and what makes those locations so significant to you?

A) My favorite moment on every tour is a day off in a city – sharing a meal with a band/crew member and just taking time to get to know them – and, of course, exploring the local thrift shops. My favorite cities to perform are always Seattle and NYC…the people just really appreciate the music.


Q) Who would you most like to collaborate with on a song in the future?

A) Kid Bloom


Q) What artist/musician are you currently listening to and why do you dig them? 

A) I really love Maggie Rogers and The 1975…just so fun


Q) What would you like to say to everyone who is a fan and supporter of you and your work?

A) Thank you for listening. I hope you are feeling seen and loved <3


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