Molly Brazy – Built to Last
By: Jamie Steinberg
Q) How would you describe your sound?
A) I would say my 2019 sound is more like sexy, hood and girly and the same time.
Q) Who were some of your musical influences when you were growing up?
A) Growing up it would be like Dough Boys, Cash Out, Real Kane and local artists.
Q) Talk to us about the idea behind your new single “Wood.”
A) With “Wood” I wanted to go more grown woman. With the whole Built to Last album I wanted to switch it up and make it more radio – more of today’s sound. When I did “Wood,” that was like the combination I was thinking about – more grown and sexier, but at the same time hood.
Q) What do you think it is about the song that fans are enjoying?
A) It’s really catchy. I know that for a fact. I feel like I’m saying a lot of relatable things in the song. So, that could be it, too.
Q) How does the video for the song play into that new grown and sexy sound?
A) It has a sexual vibe to it. It’s self-explanatory, really. It’s got that grown and sexy vibe.
Q) How much of a hand do you have in the production of your music?
A) When it comes to producing, it would be Go Grizz and Pooh. I’ve also been working with Zay.
Q) How did you come to work with Kash Doll on the album?
A) They already knew the beat they wanted to make for us. So, when they presented the beat to me and I made the song, then I was like, “Oh, I can hear Kash Doll on this. This would really be a song she would like to get on. Let’s just send it to her and see what she thinks.” I actually called her on Facetime and I’m like, “I’ve got this song I want you to get on.” She was like, “Let me hear it.” I played it for her and she was literally twerking in her session to the song.
Q) What is your songwriting process like? Do you need a beat first before you can write the lyrics?
A) I like to be in the moment with most of my songs because I feel like I can talk about more relatable things off the dome that are happening to me. I do like to hear beats first and then I like to go with my song because then I’ll get an idea of what I want the song to be about. If I already have the song, if I already made it, I can make a song accapella and then just hear a beat and be able to put it on there. If they already bring me a beat then I can write a song to it or I’ll have a song and put it to the beat.
Q) Your new album Built to Last has songs that have a lot of cadence to it and girl anthems. What were some of the other messages and themes you talk about?
A) It’s just everything that I do, basically. It’s no specific thing that I could say about each song because each one was specifically made for the radio for me to switch it up with that grown and sexy type of tip. So, everything really has its own meaning. When it comes to the ideas it took to come up with the songs, they are pretty much the same.
Q) Where does the title come from?
A) It comes from just me focusing on being versatile with my raps. I feel like I can do anything, whatever is going on in the moment. I can hop on that wave. I can hop on any wave. I can make it my own, at the end of the day. I can still keep up with the trends and what everybody else is doing. I actually had a whole other idea for it, but I ended up changing it because people saying, “I miss the old Molly,” and that type of stuff. At the end of the day, me changing the way that I rap has nothing to do with me changing as a person or anything like that. It’s all tied in together. I’m only showing how versatile I can be. I’m just a rapper. Period. I am built to last in the industry. Period. I can do whatever.
Q) What are some songs off Built to Last that you’re looking forward to performing live?
A) I’m really looking forward to performing all of them. They are very high energy, dance songs. Stuff that are really hype. I’m ready to perform everything.
Q) Who would you most like to collaborate with on a track?
A) As of right now, I really want to collaborate with Chris Brown or Meg the Stallion or Sweetie and Migos. It’s a really long list.
Q) What advice would you give to up and coming artists?
A) I would just tell them to not care about anybody else’s opinion. If it feels like you got it, you got it. You have to believe in yourself before anybody can believe in you. That’s what I always try to tell new artists. Stop worrying about trying to please other people. If it gets your situation off your chest, there will be a lot of people in this world that don’t listen to music or are at a place in their life where they’re feeling like, “She’s speaking what I’m going through.” Your music doesn’t have to be like anybody else’s, but at the same time if you’re speaking your truth, you’re confident and you believe in yourself then you will make it no matter what. You don’t ever have to be like anybody else. Don’t care about what anybody else says and think for yourself.
Q) What would you like to say to everyone who are fans and supporters of you and your music?
A) I would like to tell them thank you and they are everything to me. I want to be able to do more for my fans, like come up with festivals – just special stuff where they feel like I’m giving back. I feel like I’m not at that level yet to be able to do things like that. So, when I do get there and the simple fact that they are listening to me and understanding what I’m going through, I just really appreciate them. Just thank you for supporting me.
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