Natasha Jane Julian – Bathin’ In Your Garbage
By: MJ Asuncion
Q) Congratulations on your first single of 2019, “Bathin’ In Your Garbage!” What inspired this song?
A) Thank you! “Bathin’ in Your Garbage” was inspired from a moment in time of feeling defeated from the toll that relationships can take on you.
Q) Some songs are written in a short time and others can take months to years to finish. How was the process for this song? Was it born from an idea that just came together fairly quickly to become the finalized version we have heard or did it go through many changes before the final version?
A) This song took a couple months to finish from the moment I had the idea there. It started out very different lyrically but the chords and mood were very much established right away. It slowly morphed from saying things in a very direct way to a song filled with contradictions in my attempt to better my writing skills and make the listener wonder a bit, which makes it a bit playful and not so heavy but still captures the mood and the real meaning underneath. I love moody songs and this encompasses that all the way. When the producer sent over the first arrangement for it, I didn’t want to change a thing it was perfect!
Q) You worked with Grammy award winning producer Dom Morley in London for this song. Talk about being able to work with him on “Bathin’ In Your Garbage.”
A) Yes, working with Dom was a fantastic experience. I reached out to him after seeing him in an interview and I had a good feeling like we’d work well together. But like anything new, you’re still taking a chance because it’s new and you don’t know. Dom really works with you beforehand to get a really good idea of what sounds you like to build a sound together that fits you as an artist and fits the song. I was very impressed by what he was able to take from what I liked to build a song that is perfectly suited for me. We ended up collaborating on a whole EP because I felt the flow was just easy and being in the studio with him made a huge difference on my performance as well. He knew how to read me to get that sound that the track needed in a language that I worked well with but still staying true to myself. And that’s the biggest thing! Artists can be moldable, but It’s all in your delivery.
Q) How do you feel your sound has changed or evolved between your 2018 EP and now?
A) My sound now is more defined and has a more inspired instrumentation to it. I was involved in building the sound from the beginning. The natural evolution has taken me into some uncharted territory in the realization that you don’t always need to follow the mainstream formula to move people. I became more aware of where my sweet spot sonically and, therefore, I was writing with a more direct formula and purpose, not just writing down my feelings. Experience and knowledge can take you far and I’m still learning every day, but for the first time I’m very aware of what makes me unique and working with that, not what a pop song should sound like.
Q) If you could describe this song in three words, what would they be?
A) Moody, smooth, and heartfelt…
Q) I know some artists who release rough cuts to a select group of their fans before their album is officially released. Do you usually let other people, fans or family/friends, listen to a song for feedback before it is the final cut?
A) I definitely let family hear it first, but haven’t let fans hear it before. Feedback is always good!
Q) Who was the first person that you had listen to “Bathin’ In Your Garbage,” outside of those involved in making it?
A) Probably my husband. He is not in the music industry and, therefore, just listens as a listener. When I’m worried about very minor things, he doesn’t normally hear what I hear so goes by the overall feel. We can be too concerned about things the public doesn’t notice. And sometimes imperfect can make it have character.
Q) You are now back home in LA after living in Europe for the last three years. What did you learn or take away from your time in Europe, as it pertains to your music and sound?
A) Yes!! I had a very different experience living abroad that I thought I would have going in. The seclusion that I felt forced me to become solely focused on my music while I was away. Every day I holed myself up in my music room and I wrote and created. It’s like I felt I was wasting time if I was doing anything else. I can count on one hand the amount of times I went out or was social. Which was very unlike me as I’ve always been a social butterfly. But it’s as if I needed silence and to be away from the noise of everyday life to finally feel the space to be creative. Then, when it started flowing, it didn’t stop. I couldn’t keep up with putting together demos for the amount of ideas that were pouring out. I traveled and performed in France, Finland and the UK. But that third year was hard as I was dying to come back as I felt the need to be connected to my fans locally and have a home base again.
Q) I feel that a song can really enhance the feeling or mood of a scene in film and television. If this song was featured in a film or TV show, which one would it be and why? Or if nothing current comes to mind, could you see the song used in that sense?
A) I can see this song definitely featured in a film! Friends have always said my music is very cinematic and I think that’s the way I write. Plus, the sounds I like normally have a heavy orchestra in it and big beautiful chorus’s so this song captures that. I’d have to think about which movie though! It’d be in a very beautiful scene when the character is by themselves having a moment to reflect and their world is turning upside down and the music takes you on this dance.
Q) Do you already have ideas for a music video for “Bathin’ In Your Garbage?” If so, what type of setting or storyline do you envision for the song?
A) Yes, I would really like to have a video made as so many things come to mind. It would be dark, seductive and beautiful. Also, words that describe the song! It’d be set in a beautiful garden scene with the main character by themselves having a moment to reflect on their relationship and growing tired of having these trials. Feeling defeated at first from the fear that’s always lurking, but eventually growing the strength and wisdom to realize what was happening. The lyrics are meant to ask myself, “Come on stupid, take the punch…” It’s meant to empower you and make you think are you just going to stand there and take it? But it’d be done in a beautifully dark way,that shows the greatness we poses.
Q) This is your first single of 2019, is there already other songs in the work? And when can your fans expect another album?
A) Glad you asked! Yes, I have another single on the way and an EP finished for release in the fall. [wink]
Q) Now having this new single out, what can your fans expect from you this year in regards to your music style and direction?
A) My fans can expect my signature elements still there, such as my heartfelt expression and universal relatable lyrics, with a newfound ferocity that boldly pushes my artistic nature even more, creating a layered more compelling refined sound.
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