New Politics – Comeback Kid
By: Ellie Dolan-Yates
Q) How would you describe your sound?
A) Our sound is ever evolving based on experiences and feelings, but for the sake of simplicity it’s alternative with a topping of hip hop and rock.
Q) Who are some of your musical influences?
A) It’s changes constantly, but bands I have that extra x-factor relationship with…The Clash, RATM, Beastie Boys, Nirvana and Tribe Called Quest to name a few…
Q) Your new single “Comeback Kid” is about getting back up again when you’ve been knocked down, is this something you can all relate to?
A) I feel it reflects perfectly what we’ve been going through in recently as a band. We’ve had so many challenges and writing this song really felt real and touched a nerve.
Q) What is the writing process for your songs?
A) It changes constantly. Songs can start or come from anywhere at any time. For me it’s often based around feeling vibe and a color of something I know but can’t explain until it’s finished. And then you look back and can say, “Oh yeah! That’s it,” when listening to the song.
Q) June will mark the 10th anniversary of New Politics, congratulations! Has there been a particular highlight from the past 10 years?
A) It’s crazy to imagine that, times really flies especially when you stay busy! So many memories songs tours stories and amazing experiences together with my best friends and the greatest fans!!!!
Q) What’s been the key to staying together so long?
A) Communication, respect and empathy for each other. It also helps doing something you love especially when we all as a team are aiming for the same thing.
Q) If somebody told you 10 years ago that your songs would have millions of streams on Spotify and you’d be touring alongside some of the biggest names in music, what would you have said?
A) I always believed in what we were doing so it was aligned with the vision we were working towards. It took a lot to get there, but the first step is believing in the project and people you are working with. We’re always striving for bigger and better so we’re constantly raising the bar for what we want to achieve.
Q) You’ve toured alongside the likes of Pink and Panic! At The Disco. What did you take away from your experiences on the road with these incredible artists?
A) Besides them being some of this generation’s super stars, I realized how hard working, talented and professional they were. Perseverance is the ultimate test.
Q) You have a 6-city intimate tour of your own coming up, what can fans expect? Will there be any surprises?
A) So excited!!! We’re going to bring it back to where it all started. I want us, as a whole (band and fans), to celebrate all the “iconic” moments we had together. We want the magic of everyone singing along, letting go and being one cause that’s what these ten years have been. As far as surprises, besides playing “Comeback Kid,” you’ll have to come out or watch the clips!
Q) You are a part of social media. Why is that such an important way to connect with your fans?
A) We want to connect with our friends. They are the only reason we exist. Social Media gives us the real time ability to do so and it also allows us to get know our fans on another level. We read and comment on their posts and genuinely enjoy the interaction.
Q) What would you like to say to everyone who is a fan and supporter of you and your music?
A) I’m a fan of music so I know what’s like to be out there in a crowd, watching a concert or sitting at home listening to my favorite band. All I can say is that we are beyond thankful and appreciative to our fans that spend their hard-earned money to come see us and hours listening to our music and supporting what we do. We never take our fans for granted and are constantly amazed by their loyalty and dedication to what we do.
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