Nia Peeples – Walker, Texas Ranger
By: Lisa Steinberg
Q) What do you think it is about the “Walker, Texas Ranger” series that captivated so many viewers and made it so timeless?
A) I think it’s the very obvious differentiation between good and evil, right and wrong, good guy bad guy. And I think it’s the knowingness that good will always win over evil.
Q) You played such a strong, fierce character in Sydney. What resonated with you about her and what have you kept with you all this time from portraying this woman?
A) Sydney was fearless because her training was steeped in a commitment to honor the goodness of humanity by acknowledging and protecting it. the years of portraying her very much rooted me more deeply in my own beliefs that at the core, we are all love. She rooted me more deeply in my own commitment to move through life with this knowing and a commitment to honor the very goodness of humanity myself first by embodying it myself.
Q) Which episode of the series has been your favorite and why?
A) I think my favorite was the episode where gage lost his hearing. It gave Sydney the opportunity to be more vulnerable.
Q) What was the most challenging aspect of being a part of the series?
A) The most challenging aspect of the show was it’s quality of being a boys club in terms of production. By the very nature of it’s content with all the fight scenes, it was very masculine and required a lot of male energy. it got pretty overwhelming at times.
Q) What does celebrating the 25th anniversary of the network premiere mean to you?
A) It means somewhere I forgot I’m twenty-five years older. [laughs]
Q) What do you hope viewers have taken away from watching the series?
A) I hope viewers walk away with a sense of faith not in a particular religion or political party or even gender, but in the power of love and goodness within themselves.
Q) What is your fondest memory of being a part of the series?
A) My fondest memory was sitting with Chuck’s fight crew from is beginnings. they had the best stories.
Q) What do you think your character would be doing now?
A) Well, I think Sydney had plenty of options: Marry Gage (Judson Mills) and start a martial arts studio for underprivileged kids, run for office or move up the ranks.
Q) What did you learn about yourself from portraying Sydney?
A) With all the stunts and fighting I performed, I learned that focus is a powerful thing and that I too am fearless. I also learned that stunt fighting, although it is a challenge of its own, it is much different than really fighting. that’s a whole other skill for which I have a tremendous amount of respect.
Q) What moment for your character really are your proud of and holds a special place in your heart?
A) For my character, I think the moment I was most proud of was the moment she kissed gage. It was a moment the truth just welled up so overwhelmingly, she couldn’t control it. Her actions moved through her heart rather than her head producing a moment of truth. And isn’t that how we want to live moment by moment? By letting every action, every word first pass through the heart.
Walker, Texas Ranger is currently airing on getTV
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