Night Court – Train Court
By: Sammi Turano
The episode opens with Abby (Melissa Rauch) trying to start court despite an injury from a run in with a cap. Olivia (India de Beaufort) and Gurgs (Lacretta) tease her about it, but Neil (Kapil Talwalkar) wants to get down to business.
Dan (John Larroquette) represents a blind woman who uses a horse as a support animal. Abby is excited to see the horse and says it is big. Dan continues to defend her client, but Olivia thinks she is lying because the woman saw her. He tries to say it is the horse, but the woman incriminates herself by saying she sees Olivia and Abby on the subway every day. Dan tells them they plead guilty.
Dan is trying to get reservations at an exclusive restaurant. The topic moves to making fun of Abby, who is excited about commuting with Olivia.
Later on, Olivia deliberately spills food on a seat to keep Abby from sitting with her. However, her plan fails, so she resorts to scaring her instead. She still fails and things get worse when the subway gets stuck.
Another passenger tells them there are no updates, causing a bit of tension. Abby tries to remain positive, but a fight breaks out due to all the tension. Olivia freaks out and looks for something to make a shiv out of in Abby’s purse.
Since Abby and Olivia are not present, another judge (Gary Anthony Williams) takes Abby’s place. He has judge’s elbow, needs Wi-Fi and drinks chicken noodle soup. Dan and Gurgs think that this will work in their favor to get them out early.
The fighting continues on the subway, so Abby tries to make a mock trial with everyone. Olivia resists, but eventually realizes this can help her maintain control.
Dan gets his reservation and is excited that there is one more case. However, this one involves a disgruntled figure skater with Tara Lipinski and Johnny Weir as witnesses. Dan wants the case to go away since he has the reservation, but Gurgs wants it to go on so she can meet them. Neil is caught in the middle.
The judge tries to call the last case, despite his wife declaring an emergency. Neil isn’t there to call said case, which leads to him fighting with Gurgs. It turns out that Neil is being held hostage in the women’s holding cell. Dan tries to get him out, but Gurgs locks him in too. Both guys get hit on by a woman named Linda.
The subway case is underway, which includes measuring a sandwich, a fake pregnancy and the women being told to kiss and make up. However, the subway moves before a ‘winner’ can be announced.
Gurgs tries to get the judge on her side, but Dan is now out of the cell with Neil, causing the fight to continue. She concedes and lets him go to his dinner, but not before he reveals he has an endangered meal.
Dan gets commentary from Tara and Johnny while they wait for Abby. He apologies to Gurgs and they make up while having a bonding moment.The case continues with Tara and Johnny commentary and Dan sacrificing his dinner to make sure the case is done properly….and so Abby can meet Tara and Johnny/
Olivia and Abby end up in court and have a bonding moment of their own. Abby is thrilled to see Tara and Johnny, who are actually her friends. This makes Dan upset since he lost his reservation for this.
Tara and Johnny get the reservation and ask Abby to join, but the other judge takes it.
The episode ends with Gurgs making Dan a special meal, which Abby joins.
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