By: Kelly Kearney
Q) You play Pierce in the horror movie Dreamcatcher. How did the role come to you?
A) A dear friend of mine, Jaime Gallagher, was casting the film and asked me to audition. I had auditioned for Jacob [Johnston] (the director) once before for a different project years back. I remember him and I had such a good report, I was really excited at the potential of working with him. I went through the whole audition/callback process and eventually got the role. It was a really nice, full circle, sort of situation.
Q) What was your audition process like?
A) I first sent in a self-tape for the role. Then, I was eventually brought in to audition for Jacob and the producers, Krystal [Vayda] and Brandon [Vayda]. I imminently could tell that these were unconventional producers, but in the best way. They were so welcoming, cracking jokes and taking photos on their phones. I felt like we were friends from the start, which made for a really fun audition process. It was a lot easier to feel vulnerable in an environment that welcomed it with open arms.
Q) This movie has a few epic twists; one that is directly related to your character. What was your initial reaction when you read the script?
A) I really liked the script when I read it. I remember thinking it was incredibly unique and, yes, the epic twists were difficult to ignore. I was super excited at the prospect of playing Pierce. Even after getting the role I had to read the script a few more times to really unpack everything. Jacob did a great job of infusing it with a plethora of layers and unique character dynamics.
Q) Horror movies would be nothing without jump scares and gore and Dreamcatcher has plenty of both. What was your most memorable and fun scene to film?
A) Hah – very true! That’s tough because I genuinely had so much fun filming every single scene for this movie. I’d say my second to last scene in the movie was probably my favorite to film. I can’t say much more than that or else I’d be giving up too many good secrets.
Q) Are you typically a horror movie fan?
A) I’m not actually! I feel like I get cast in horrors a lot, but in real life I really don’t like being scared. It’s a blast to pretend to be scared in front of the camera though.
Q) Do you have a favorite horror movie?
A) I’d probably have to say The Shining, particularly for the aesthetic. I was super inspired by that movie after watching it. I was also sufficiently scared!
Q) The friendship between Jake and Pierce is very familiar to anyone who has been friend-zoned by their best friend and crush. Did you have an opportunity to work on their relationship nuances with your costar Zachary Gordon before shooting Dreamcatcher or did the two of you dive right in, and the chemistry was just naturally there?
A) Zach and I had amazing chemistry on and off screen. We actually share a birthday, so maybe that has something to do with it? He’s such a cool, special person. We just got along so well. To this day, he’s definitely one of my favorite actors to work with. He takes his craft so seriously, which I’ve always found very inspiring. To answer your question though, we hangout quite a few times before filming, which gave us a lot of time to develop our chemistry before jumping into it.
Q) Pierce has this sassy, sexy, sarcastic way about her that the viewer is immediately drawn to. Was that all on the page or did the director give you a chance to explore her in your own way?
A) I’m just naturally sassy, sexy and sarcastic. Ha-ha – kidding… Her sass was definitely very prevalent on the page, but Jacob was so great about letting me explore her independently and put my own spin on the character.
Q) Without giving too much away, we have to talk about that final scene; what I like to call, “the blood shower” with Travis Burns’ character, Dylan. What was it like for you having to spend an entire day of cold, wet, and fake blood-stained skin?
A) Ahhhh – the blood shower!! I love it, I may have to steal that one. Have you seen Travis [Burns]? It wasn’t terribly difficult.
Q) Like your role Alexis, in the show “Famous in Love” Pierce is kind of a bad girl. What is it about that type of flawed and scheming character that appeals to you, because they certainly appeal to the audience?
A) I get cast as the bad girl more often than not. I’m not sure why, but I have a theory that brunettes get cast as the bad girls way more often than blondes. I actually love playing a bad girl though. It’s kind of like you can unleash this suppressed part of you that you never let yourself explore in real life.
Q) Do you have any advice for young people starting out in the business? Maybe something you wish someone had told you before you booked your first job?
A) As difficult as it may be, you have to do your best not to constantly compare yourself and your career to the actors you surround yourself with in your day-to-day life. It’s really a lot easier said than done, but getting into that state of mind can often times be the kiss of death. You’re on your own journey and it will unfold the way it’s supposed to. Just focus on you.
Q) What is next for you, Niki? Are you working on any future projects?
A) My first feature that I directed, Night Night starring Brenna D’Amico, will be out hopefully by the end of the year. I’m pretty excited about that. As for right now, I’m currently working on directing a music video for Kyle McEvoy and in development on a couple really fun features. It’s hard to maintain career sanity during this pandemic, but I’m doing my best.
Q) What would you like to say to everyone who are fans and supporters of you and the work you do?
A) I freaking love you.
DREAMCATCHER is available On Digital and On Demand March 5th
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