Nikki SooHoo – Heathers
By: Jamie Steinberg
Q) What are the recent projects that you are working on?
A) Currently, I have been recording for a couple animated tv shows. One is Nick Jr.’s show “Shimmer and Shine” where I play Princess Samira. The other is a new Disney XD show that will be announced later this year. I’m also about to start filming an indie film called Echoes, where I get to play a badass IT maven.
Q) Please tell us the premise for the new “Heathers” and about your character Betty Finn.
A) “Heathers” is a reimagining of the dark-comedy cult classic from the 80s that starred Winona Ryder and Christian Slater. It’s about high schoolers struggling to figure out who they want to be and how to navigate the cut-throat battlefield of high school. Betty Finn is Veronica Sawyer’s best friend growing up. They used to be close, but now Veronica (Grace Victoria Cox) hangs out with the cool kids, the Heathers, and doesn’t really have time for nerdy, uncool, Betty Finn. Betty is a studious, hard working, social activist, always striving for equality and to do the right thing. She’s got a sweet exterior but can definitely get passionate and intense.
Q) What made you want to be a part of the series?
A) I loved the arch for my character. It’s cool to get to play a role that has an expansive range. It looked like it was going to be a really fun role to play just from what I got to do in the pilot. No spoilers, but I think as the series goes on you’ll see how my character gets more and more awesome.
Q) Were you a fan of the film before joining the show?
A) I actually hadn’t seen the movie until I was auditioning for it, but when I did get to see it, it reminded me a lot of Mean Girls, (which is one of my favorite movies) just a lot darker and more morbid. The unique use of lingo, boundary breaking filming style and intense plot line totally makes sense as to why it became a cult classic.
Q) How does it compare and contrast to the Heathers film of the 80’s?
A) Our TV show takes place in the present day so there’s pop culture intertwined with some of the classic parts from the film. Since we took an hour and forty-five minute movie and turned it into ten one-hour episodes, the show had to find ways to expand on things that weren’t necessarily a part of the film. It’s good for our audience to know that this is not supposed to be a replica of the film, but a reimagining based on the film. I think it’s just as dark as the film and the cinematography and directing style pushes the status quo much like the film did during it’s time.
Q) Did the cast get to spend much time together before filming to develop that on-screen chemistry/disdain?
A) This cast is definitely a family. We did plan get-togethers with each other before, during and after shooting to build chemistry with one another. We honestly all get along so well with each other. It’s been one of the best experiences I’ve had building relationships with a cast. A lot of us would come to set even if we weren’t shooting just because we loved hanging out with each other. One of my favorite moments with the cast was when we went roller skating together to try and practice because we were told that we were going to have to shoot in a roller skating rink. All of us were pretty new to this activity, but I think struggling together also helped us bond.
Q) What have been some of your most memorable moments from filming “Heathers?”
A) The Kill Bill style fight scene in Episode 4 was so kickass. It was a night shoot and we were outside having a full-on croquet mallet fight in the dark. I am trained in martial arts and thought it was so awesome for Jason [A. Micaleff], the writer/ show creator, to include my skills in the show. I remember when the pilot got picked up and we were just chatting when someone mentioned that I did Martial Arts. He saw a couple videos of me training and said, “I’m definitely writing that in the show!” I totally thought he was kidding. How was he going to justify sweet little Betty Finn doing Martial Arts in the storyline? Obviously, he figured it out and it was one of my favorite moments throughout our filming process.
Q) You are a part of social media. Are you looking forward to the instant fan feedback you’ll receive to episodes?
A) I am really looking forward to connecting with fans about the show. I’m totally down for live tweeting with fans as the episodes air. It’s fun to feel like we are all experiencing it together. Actually, that’ll be the first time I get to see the episodes, too! We don’t get previews before they air so it’ll be exciting for all of us to watch together!
Q) What do you think it is about the film Heathers that makes it the perfect time for the series?
A) It’s time to shake things up. Heathers, the movie, really inspired a lot of out-of-the-box creativity and got people thinking differently about society, relationships and who we are in the world. In our current culture, it seems as if we could use something to spark some change again, shake things up and hopefully create a positive turn in our community.
Q) Is there anything else about the show that you want to be sure our readers know?
A) You can follow our character’s Instagram accounts that will run in conjunction to the show. Betty Finn’s is @thisisbettyfinn.
Q) You started out acting very young. What advice would you give to up and coming actors and actresses?
A) Stay focused. It’s easy to get distracted in a career that doesn’t provide you the structure of a 9-5 office job, but you always have to remember why you are here and what you are trying to do and make sure that all your efforts are going towards that purpose. I see people move to LA, get a job outside the industry and end up spending most of their time and energy doing things that don’t relate to their acting career. It’s ok to have a job to make money so you can pursue your career, but make sure that side job isn’t stealing the spotlight. I usually try to recommend getting a job within the industry because at least you are making connections and learning about the industry you want to work in. Also, you never know! A lot of people have gotten random opportunities just because they were at the right place at the right time, so just put yourself in the best position you be in the right place and the right time.
Q) What would you like to say to everyone who is a fan and supporter of you and your work?
A) Thank you so much for all of the love and support. It’s honestly for people like you that I continue to do what I do. I would not have made it this far without you and I am only as impactful as the people who stand beside me. Thank you for giving me the encouragement to continue to do what I am passionate about. I send you my greatest amounts of gratitude. And I hope you enjoy the show!
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