Olivia Stuck – The Outfield
By: Jamie Steinberg
Q) What are the recent projects you are working on?
A) I worked on The Outfield in January and I’m currently working on Kirby Buckets.
Q) Please tell us the premise for The Outfield and about your character.
A) The Outfield is about two boys finding themselves and figuring out who they want to be. My character, Kelsey Meola, is Cameron’s [Dallas] love interest. She’s very much like a modern day Audrey Hepburn.
Q) What made you want to be a part of the film?
A) I really connected with the message of the movie. I felt my character was so different from my character in “Kirby Buckets.: I really enjoyed that.
Q) You worked alongside some incredible and comedic actors like Joey Bragg, Caroline Sunshine & Cameron Dallas on the film. What did you take away from working on the movie?
A) We all had such a great time. The boys were all wonderful and Caroline is such a sweetheart!
Q) What were some of your most memorable moments from filming The Outfield?
A) There were so many. Any moment with Joey Bragg was hilarious. He’s the funniest guy, seriously.
Q) You also start on the show “Kirby Buckets.” What makes the show a good fit for Disney XD?
A) I think it’s cool because it’s different from any show on the channel. It has a mix of live action and animation that stands out.
Q) Was there anything you added to Dawn that wasn’t originally scripted for you?
A) I’m not sure if I added anything. The writers had such a great vision for Dawn so I tried to portray her in a likable way.
Q) You have great comedic timing. Is it something you have studied or is it a natural ability?
A) Thank you! [Laughs] My dad is a really funny guy and I grew up around some really funny people. I took some acting classes and there are so many great coaches. I just love to make people laugh.
Q) You are a part of social media. Have you enjoyed getting the instant fan feedback from people who have seen the movie & love “Kirby Buckets?”
A) Yeah, I think it’s great that people watch the show and the movie! I love hearing what people have to say about it. I appreciate the love and the feedback so, so much.
Q) What would you like to say to everyone who is a fan and supporter of you and your work?
A) I want to say thank you! For everything. I can’t wait to give you guys more and I hope I make you proud.
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