Paul James – The Path
By: Lisa Steinberg
Q) How was the series “The Path” and role of Sean originally described to you and did either evolve or change at all into what we see now?
A) Well, he was described as having the looks of a mid-western quarterback. [laughs] I pray to God the world doesn’t ever have to see my spiral, it’s not pretty. Besides that, it mentioned that I do fall for Mary (Emma Greenwell) and help her get acclimated. I think all characters evolve from the pilot, but even more than that they just fill out as the writers come up with more ideas. We’ll see what ideas they come up with for Season 2, but seriously I hope it has nothing to do with throwing a football. Or catching. I am a big watcher of football so I’d be down for Sean to do some of that, but I think it would be labeled a “distraction” by the Meyerists.
Q) You have played many strong compelling characters like on “Greek” and now on “The Path.” What about these characters really draws you to the roles? What do you love about playing them?
A) This feels like a Brad Pitt question. What draws me to the roles are the fact that they are jobs. I haven’t been at the level to really pick what I get to work on. I just try not to audition for the shit and even then sometimes you must pay the bills. I just work my ass of and trust that I will find good opportunities to work and so far I have on great projects so I am thankful.
Q) Is there anything you can tease or share about how dynamics shift as the season progresses?
A) We will meet my parents at the end of the season and they are played by fantastic actors. That’s all I will say though.
Q) Is there a certain scene or moment that you are excited or nervous to find out fans reactions on?
A) No, that game can be dangerous. I hope people enjoy all the hard work we put into the show, but I try to just focus on the experience of filming because it’s all I can control. If I allow myself to be impressed by the guy who says, “Paul James’s acting is like manna from heaven and should win a gold medal in the Olympics of drama!” Then I would also need to listen to the guy who says, “What the fuck is he doing with his face? He should quit acting and make vegetarian meatballs in Nashville.” I have learned to treasure the experience I have while working and try not to let any opinions after affect me. Maybe if I ever do any full frontal I would be nervous for the fans reaction. Er… no, I would be EXCITED for the fans reaction. Yeah, that’s it.
Q) Is there anything you added to the role that might not have originally been scripted?
A) This is a good question, but I don’t really have an answer. It’s been a few months now and I can’t really remember, sorry.
Q) What has been the most challenging aspect of your role?
A) I think just relaxing and allowing myself the freedom to play and have fun and not have the pressure of being perfect. That’s always the struggle for me on something new and nothing good comes out of that energy. Also, moving my cat to NYC has been a bit of a challenge. There was one particular flight that I think we both are still trying to forget.
Q) Being a part of social media, how has it been getting that instant fan feedback from episodes?
A) I got asked this question a lot on “Greek,” too and the answer is the same, I haven’t gotten any feedback on social media except from a few buddies. I also don’t have Facebook, I’m not a huge fan of the Twitter and don’t get me started on snapchat. Like why the hell do I need to watch you singing a song in your car? And why do you want to see me play with my cat? Though, my cat is hilarious. Actually, I am gonna snap a vid of him right now, but only because Keith is an exceptional cat!
Q) What have you taken away from your experiences being a part of “The Path?”
A) We’re just getting started, ask me again when it’s over.
Q) Fans loved your character Calvin on “Greek.” Where do you think Calvin is today?
A) I think Calvin and Ashleigh have a “cleaning” service like Winston Wolfe in Pulp Fiction. They clean up dead bodies, but while they are doing it they are talking about all kinds of stuff. And Ashleigh (played by Amber Stevens West) is still wearing crazy clothes and Calvin is like sleeping around with lots of dudes, but trying to work things out with Heath. I am going to go email Sean Smith right now and see if we can pitch that around. Maybe we’ll get it made at Showtime and all the fans can see my junk and then tweet me how excited they are about it.
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