Paytra – Motherfuckin’ Misfit American Anthem
By: Jamie Steinberg
Q) How would you describe your sound?
A) I would describe it as alt-pop/hip hop — with a rock influence. It’s like Doja Cat, Lizzo, and Rage Against The Machine. But always empowering and fun!
Q) Who are some of your musical influences?
Alicia Keys, Eminem, Beyonce, TLC, Rihanna, and all early 2000s pop/hip hop. Plus, basically any classic rock song. My dad was in a rock band, so I always sang along in my garage as a little girl and wanted to be a rock star.
Q) You sing in both English and Spanish. Why is that so important for you to include both in the music you make?
A) My mom is Mexican, but adopted so that was part of my heritage I never really knew. I didn’t get to experience the culture or language growing up. So, once I learned Spanish myself, I always wanted to include it in my songs. Plus, it’s a language I speak on a regular basis, and I think the mixing of language/culture in music is the coolest thing!! — It makes everything more inclusive.
Q) Talk about the story behind “MotherFuckin’ Misfit American Anthem.” This is a badass track. What makes it perfect for Summer playlists?
A) It’s such a rally cry. A rebellious anthem. A song to scream in the car and feel good about yourself. But it’s all coming from a place of positivity and love… it allows you to turn anger into hope and community— and this song alone has introduced me to so many new people (especially on my TikTok.) I feel like that’s exactly what this song is about, feeling good and finding YOUR community. Which is perfect for summer playlists in my opinion. [winks]
Q) What do you think it is about the song that fans connect to?
A) There’s a place for everyone. A lyric for everyone. It’s not just for one demographic… it’s saying that there is space for us all, and I think that’s something we all can connect on. Everyone wants to feel like they’re enough and they are loved and wanted just the way they are. And the community around this song is about just that…come as you are and let’s be friends! Be weird, be crazy, get loud— because we are all MotherF**kin misfits at the end of the day.
Q) How does the video for the track play into the message behind it?
A) I told all my friends to dress like they are coming to pride…but we are going to a protest afterward. [laughs] There’s a lot of change that needs to happen in America for the laws and policies to equally represent the very people who make America what it is. And while we all must demand change and take action, it’s also okay to find joy in the community and the process of change. I think that’s what this video represents. Rage and rebellion, but also finding peace and joy.
Q) What is your songwriting process? Do you need music before you can create lyrics?
A) Generally, I really love building lyrics/ideas off of music. Music usually tells me what the lyrics want to be and that’s where all my songs come from. In this song I was challenged by my producer to build the music off the lyrical idea. It honestly was such a challenge for me, but I think it allowed for an entire new creative process. And it forced me to be intentional about Every. Single. Lyric.
Q) How much of a hand do you have in the production of your music?
A) It really depends on the song, but I’ve come to realize that production is just as much a part of songwriting as finding the melody and lyrics. My producer, Eric, and I really worked together on this song, and he redid the production over and over again until it was PERFECT.
Q) You have another song releasing shortly, but will there be a full album or EP coming in the near future as well?
A) YES! There is so much new music coming this year. My album is called Tiny But Mighty, and I cannot wait to release it.
Q) Where are some of your favorite places to perform and what makes those locations so significant to you?
A) I love performing at Bowery Electric. Some of my very first shows were in that venue, and I’ll never forget. I also love performing at pretty much any pride… the energy is unmatched at pride festivals. [smiles]
Q) Who would you most like to collaborate with on a song in the future?
A) Dream collaborations are Eminem, Kim Petras, and GASHI. (And obviously, RIRI and Queen B)
Q) What album/band are you currently listening to and why do you dig them?
A) Elevators by Gashi — Huge fan of his style and pure emotion behind the music. He colors outside every single line, and I love every second.
All things RAYE. She is on fire, and her lyricism is so intricate. I’m a huge fan. My 2000s Spotify playlist has been on repeat. Mary J. Eminem. Jay Z. I’m going to be one of those people who always say, “In my day, we had REAL music.” [laughs]
Q) You are a part of social media. Why is that such an important way for you to connect with your fans?
A) Sometimes I think it’s the only way I can connect to fans. We live in such a digital age. And literally some of my closest friends and supporters have come from social media. I am so grateful.
Q) What would you like to say to everyone who is a fan and supporter of you and your work?
A) I honestly love you guys. I love how unapologetically YOU that you are. You’re so kind and supportive and make me want to wake up every day and make more music. My hope is that you never stop being yourself and chasing your dreams in this lifetime.
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