Rick Cosnett – The Flash
Q) What drew you to wanting to take on the role as Eddie Thawne?
A) I really wanted the role badly. I knew what I could do with it, but I also knew I had to go in hard to convince them that I was the one they wanted. I pushed more than I had with roles before during the audition process. I loved how seemingly together Eddie is; how golden, perfect and “all-American” he seems and I have never really played a role like this before. And one with a potentially massive arc.
Q) Is there anything that you have added to the role that wasn’t originally scripted?
A) I think a lot of unexpected comedy has come from the situations Eddie ends up in, at least in the beginning. The producers were surprised, but welcomed it and added to it.
Q) Has the chemistry with the cast come naturally or did that take time to develop?
A) It is was something that was inherent from the very beginning and it’s why we are so lucky with this show. It’s that magical spark that is hard to explain and almost impossible to fabricate. We all have a very special connection.
Q) What kind of training did you have to go through with regards to stunt work?
A) Can I just say we have the most incredible stunt team, they never cease to amaze me. And they have been very patient with me and helped me no end with all sorts of not only stunts, but fight training. Trust me, I need it.
Q) What have been some of your favorite scenes to film so far?
A) I always find scenes with Barry to be quite delicious, given the history of the characters and the dynamic between them. I love the spark between Eddie and Iris, those scenes are always really fun and a bit sexy. There is always so much going on between them and, of course, working with Jesse Martin is a complete dream. The times between “action” and “cut” on set are an absolute gas. So, I have honestly landed in a very lucky spot!
Q) What are some of your favorite aspects of your character?
A) His charm and his heart. He is selfless and extremely able. He believes in himself and loves himself, but only a healthy amount. So, he is very self confident in that sense. I really love this about him. He seems like he has the perfect balance.
Q) Who are some of the guest stars and villains you can tease that we will see this season?
A) I think most of them you know. The newest addition being Victor Garber, who we’re all freaking out about working with. We also have Wentworth Miller, Dominic Purcell and Robbie Amell. Brilliant! And all of them may be some kind of hazard, what kind I can’t say or confirm.
Q) Who is someone you haven’t had many scenes with that you would love to work more with?
A) I have actually worked with everyone now. We are shooting episode ten. And let’s just say it’s all happening in Central City right now.
Q) You’re a part of social media, why is it important for you connect with fans this way?
A) When I started on The Vampire Diaries it was recommended to me, but I think what I like most about it is the potential to reach people eventually in a positive way and effect good change. Obviously, now there are so many incredible fans of “The Flash” and that is really exciting to be able to share my passion of the show with them and vice versa. That’s neat.
Q) Is there anything else about the show that you’d like to share or say to fans?
A) Yes. We were so happy that so many people have tuned into the show and to see how much it is blowing up already, but the best thing about this is that the show gets so much better!
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