
RiTcH – Big Dream

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By: Lisa Steinberg



Q) How would you describe your sound?


A) Before I probably would have given some long-winded explanation describing it, that no one has time for, but recently I’ve been calling it “pop but not” and I think that pretty much sums it up right now.


Q) Who are some of your musical influences?


A) I’m glad it’s only some because I could be here all day! I grew up completely in awe of Odd Future and everything that they were doing. I couldn’t get my head around a bunch of mates, like mine, were all causing trouble but also being super creative and making music. In my head, and still to this day, they were living the dream. The collaboration and rawness really inspired me, they were just in their own bag not giving a f*ck. I take massive inspo from bands like The Chilis – they were so fresh for their time not really abiding to any genre. David Bowie is a massive importation to me mainly for the worlds he built around the music. I’m going to say it now, Ziggy Stardust had to have inspired slim shady. I could write a book on this question for real.


Q) Talk about the story behind your new song “Big Dream.”


A) I was at this party in Liverpool at my mates gaff chatting to this girl and she wasn’t interested. To cut a long story short, she got off. One of my mates then told her that I make music and have a few tunes out and she came back over, all interested. I started throwing around voice memos the next day on shift when I worked at a bar. There was this little back room I’d go to in between serving and mumble ideas into my phone. I sent these over to my guy Lee, who’s my main collaborator I do everything with, and he was into them, so we brought it to life.  To start, the song had a different title. “Big Dream” came up as the title pretty last min and it felt more fitting. The first version we did of it was also more US feeling, like it had a trappy sound to it. It lived like that for a while and when we were searching for a tune with a bit more pace, we pulled it back out of the archives, double timed and of course changed the title and it and it took the shape of how it is now.


Q) This song has become such a bop. What do you think it is about the song that fans connect to?


A) If you can keep up with the lyrics, I’d love to say those! [laughs] Nah, I’m not too sure. I’m just super grateful that some do.


Q) How does the video for the track play into the message behind it?


A) With the lyrics ‘She come back for the big dream’ is pretty much about someone not being there for the right reasons and being able to see beneath the surface and unveiling the truth. My guy, Lee, had the idea to shoot the video as an infinite zoom alluding to that. Shout out Stef with an F for absolutely bossing the execution. She nailed it. We knocked around the idea and then I’d muck about in front of a green screen. We always try to link the creative to the music in some way shape or form, I’m undecided too if spilling this ruins it…I love when people come up with their own interpretations of art and music. That’s what it is all about for me. But, yea, that’s the tea right there.


Q) What is your song writing process? Do you need music before you can create lyrics?


A) The song writing process for me can differ. I don’t really have a routine. It can come from a beat, music, a lyric – I’m not fussy. As much as I’d love to say every song falls out of the sky and it’s super easy, most of the time it isn’t. I think it’s important to show up every day, sit down and try, otherwise I’d probably be waiting a lifetime. It’s a collaborative process though and I love that.


Q) How much of a hand do you have in the production of your music?


A) I get involved to the point of throwing out there what I’m into and reacting to the production that I hear but there are people out there that are way better at the production stuff than I am. I get excited when an update of a song we are working on drops in my inbox.


Q) With “Big Dream” out now, is this a teaser to an EP or a full album?


A) It’s not! With music being chewed and spat out so quickly nowadays I’m all about just dropping the singles. Tryna give every song its moment. There are some long-form ideas coming but for now it’s singles.


Q) Where are some of your favorite places to perform and what makes those locations so significant to you?


A) I love playing in and around my hometown, for obvious reasons. I’m from Warrington in the UK. It’s a small town in the North West of England, right in the middle of Liverpool and Manchester. It’s wicked when I can get my boys down to a show and we can chill after. Saying that though, I love playing absolutely anywhere. Glasgow from my experience has been the rowdiest.


Q) Who would you most like to collaborate with on a song in the future?


A) I’ve said this a bunch of times now and I’d just like to make it clear that I’m never expecting this, and I’m not cool enough, but shooting for the moon and all that… Frank Ocean. In a realistic world though, I’m down for whatever. I like to be open to anything. If we get along and the song is tough, then that’s really it. But you won’t ever find that out unless you put yourself in situations and uncomfortable situations excite me the most when it comes to creating.


Q) What artist/musician are you currently listening to and why do you dig them?


A) Right now, I’m loving Teezo Touchdown. His creativity and approach are super inspiring.


Q) You are a part of social media. Why is that such an important way for you to connect with your fans?


A) I am a part of social media. It’s important right now because without that no one would have a clue I was putting out music, playing or creating anything! And, of course, through my social media I can chat and see real time what people are saying. So far, so good, thankfully!


Q) What would you like to say to everyone who is a fan and supporter of you and your work?


A) Just a massive thank you and a lotta love. This is what I love and what I do so for anyone to get value from it and enjoy it is more than I could ever ask for.


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