Riverdale – Chapter One Hundred Thirty-Three: Stag
By: Jennifer Vintzileos
With the arrival of Mrs. Grundy (Sarah Habel), a Writer’s Workshop takes place in Riverdale High with Archie (KJ Apa), Betty (Lili Reinhart) and Clay (Karl Walcott) as its only members. As Archie learns more about the beat poets and their sexual fluidity during discussion, the topic begins to make him a little uncomfortable while Betty and Clay engage further in the discussion. For additional reading Mrs. Grundy presents the group with copies of beat poetry to read up on.
In the locker room Julian (Nicholas Barasch) announces to the guys that he has secured a stag film and wants to hold a watch party. Reggie (Charles Melton), Archie and Fangs (Drew Ray Tanner) are in for the watch party. When Julian mentions that they need a projector, Kevin and Clay offer one from the Babylonium for use…provided they are also able to come to the party.
In the world of comics Jughead (Cole Sprouse) is greeted by a very grim-faced Mr. Fieldstone (Garry Chalk) at Pep Comics. As Werthers (Malcolm Stewart) and Featherhead (William MacDonald) continue their crusade against comics, Fieldstone is forced to go before a board and adhere to a new code for comic books. Furthermore, he enlists Jughead’s help going before the board as he has stood against Werthers and Featherhead…and lived to tell the tale. Jughead is more than happy to join the fight.
After Toni (Vanessa Morgan) and Cheryl (Madelaine Petsch) fawn over a lesbian magazine provided courtesy of Lizzo (Alyssa Wapanatâhk), Toni suggests that her and Cheryl create a photoshoot of their own. Cheryl is on board and proposes they do their sexy photoshoot on the Thornhill premises. Toni agrees and a plan is formed. The pictures initially start off tame, becoming even wilder as the girls begin to take their clothes off and pose scantily clad.
While trying to sneak the projector out of the Babylonium for Julian’s stag film, Veronica (Camila Mendes) catches Kevin and Clay. They explain the situation to Veronica and immediately she proposes that the film screening take place at the theater. In exchange, Veronica and a friend of her choosing are able to join the boys for their screening. That night, Veronica invites Betty to the screening of the film “The Wedding Night”. While the boys continue to watch, Betty immediately recognizes the girl in the film as her sister Polly (Tiera Skovbye) and Veronica cuts the film short. After everyone heads home, Veronica and Betty head upstairs in the Babylonium to discuss what they saw. Veronica convinces Betty to call Polly for some answers. Later that night, Betty gets Polly’s number from Alice’s (Mädchen Amick) address book…telling them they need to talk.
The next day at school Julian walks into the locker room quite annoyed that Betty stopped the stag film the night before. However, Julian tells Archie and Reggie that he has gotten his hands on another film that blows the other one out of the water. In exchange, he asks for two dollars for Archie and Reggie to rent the projector and the film for the privacy of their own home.
Betty explains to Veronica that after talking with Polly her sister is now on her way to Riverdale to talk. Polly no longer does those films, but that’s not all. Instead of performing on Broadway, Polly has become a burlesque dancer that performs under the name Polly Amorous. The name rings a bell to Veronica and she is now excited that Polly is coming to Riverdale. She proposes having Polly perform a show at the Babylonium.
As Cheryl and Toni look over their photos, Toni proposes that they submit their photos to a magazine. While Cheryl is not quite ready to be that open with their relationship, she proposes turning one of the photos into a painting. Toni is more than happy with the compromise.
Looking for help with his comic book issue, Jughead goes to Veronica for help. After looking over the code, Veronica notes that this is worse than the Hays Code that went through Hollywood. As a counter, Veronica advises Jughead that he and Fieldstone should give a counter-offer to these new guidelines.
Meeting with Polly at Pop’s Diner Betty hands over the copy of The Wedding Night to Polly and asks her how she got into burlesque dancing. Inspired by Gypsy Rose Lee, Polly found her calling in dancing and makes a great living in New York from it. When Betty asks if their parents know, Polly explains that while they are not aware of “The Wedding Night” film….but she did invite them to one of her burlesque shows. Unfortunately, they did not attend and Polly has made it a point to not stay with the Coopers while in Riverdale. When Polly suggests having some sister bonding time, Betty explains about Veronica being eager to meet Polly Amorous. Never saying no to a fan, Polly is more than happy to meet Veronica.
That night at the Pembrook, Veronica invites Betty and Polly over for drinks. Polly tells the girls a little more about her life in the city. Not only is she thriving as a dancer and going on tour soon, she is also engaged. Betty is excited for the news but wonders whether Polly would have told her about the engagement if she hadn’t come to Riverdale. Fortunately, Polly says she would not only have told her, but asks Betty to be her maid of honor. As the girls celebrate, Veronica proposes that Polly perform a “one night only” show at the Babylonium….Polly is more than agreeable to the request.
With their rented projector and film in Archie’s garage, Archie and Reggie are ready to watch the film Julian loaned them. Unfortunately for the boys, Julian switched the film on them and gave them a wrestling video instead. While at first Archie seems grossed out by the video, him and Reggie can’t stop watching. Later, Archie explains to Reggie about Mrs. Grundy’s workshop and discussing sexual fluidity. Both boys try to shirk off the conversation and confront Julian the next morning for a refund. Julian agrees, but then provides them with another sexy film for free.
In the girls locker room, Veronica invites the ladies to Polly’s show. Even though Veronica knows Polly’s stage name, the rest of the girls are clueless….except for Cheryl who makes a snarky comment about Polly. However, all the girls in the locker room appear to be in for a night of burlesque.
Ready for their meeting, Jughead and Fieldstone meet with Werthers, Featherhead, Mayor Blossom (Barclay Hope), and Sister Woodhouse (Beverly Breuer). They begin to attack the current code proposal for its vagueness. They propose a rating system, but are quickly shut down by the board. Werthers further states that the meeting was a courtesy and that all comic competitors have agreed to adhere to the new code…except for Pep Comics. And if Pep Comics does not follow the rules, they will not be able to sell their comics anywhere.
At the next Writer’s Workship, Mrs. Grundy begins to discuss the reading assigned from last time….“Howl” by Allen Ginsberg. Archie feels that he will never be able write the way that Ginsberg wrote, but Grundy and Clay encourage him to keep an open mind. There is hope for the redhead just yet. When Betty begins to talk about how “Howl” has affected her, Grundy’s discussion about talking about the hard topics prompts her to confront Alice about Polly and invite her to Polly’s show. As Alice remains firm on not attending the show, Betty tells Alice about Polly’s life and wonders if Alice will ever want to be a part of her daughter’s life ever again.
That night, Archie and Reggie start to watch the film that Julian provided them. Unfortunately, the film catches fire a few minutes later and the boys are without entertainment. In order to provide the entertainment that they are seeking, Archie has an idea that he would like to run by Reggie. To get the entertainment they are both seeking, Archie takes Reggie to meet Twyla Twyst (Alaina Huffman).
With Ladies Night in full swing, Veronica announces Polly Amorous to the stage. During Polly’s performance, Betty envisions herself in Polly’s place on the stage. At the Cooper residence, Alice looks through a box of Polly’s flyers for her shows….along with tickets for Polly’s shows. And at Thornhill, Penelope (Nathalie Boltt) stumbles upon Cheryl’s painting of her and Toni. After the show, Betty shares that she is sad that Alice did not come to the show, but Polly is not upset. Instead, she encourages Betty to pursue her own dreams.
The next morning at Riverdale High, Archie and Reggie are there to watch the sunrise after not sleeping all night. While the boys take in the moment, Archie shares that he loves Reggie. In return, Reggie returns the sentiment.
In Thornhill, Cheryl has found that her painting and photos have been destroyed by Penelope. Angered by Penelope’s goading to pray more in the chapel, Cheryl decides to find Toni at Pop’s Diner. There, she shares that she is ready to take down her parents once and for all.
In the Cooper residence, Betty walks into the kitchen to a rather antagonistic Alice. Betty explains that her mother no longer has any power over her and she plans to follow in Polly’s footsteps as soon as she can. However, Betty suggests that maybe she will be more scandalous than Polly and that discussion prompts Alice to slap Betty. As a retort, Betty tells her mother that she expected her to hit her sooner.
After losing the fight with the board, Jughead goes to see Veronica at the Pembrook. He explains that Pep Comics either needs to follow the rules or lose the ability to publish. Veronica reminds him that he is fighting for what’s right. When she proposes working together with Jughead for a solution, Jughead is intrigued by her involvement in the fight. In sharing the moment, they also share a kiss.
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