Roxanne Heibloem – Ayahuasca – Source For the Soul
By: Lisa Steinberg
Q) Please tell us the idea behind your documentary Ayahuasca – Source For the Soul.
A) We wanted to help share our healing experience with the plant medicine Ayahuasca. The intention is to help people learn about the medicine in a gentle way so they can understand the healing benefits to help their soul be free, help them feel better in day-to-day life and become the best version of themselves.
Q) Many people simply know Ayahuasca for its psychedelic principles. What inspired you to explore its medicinal purposes for film?
A) We went to a place called Rythmia Life Advancement Center to sit in a well-organized ceremony. At Rythmia they help bridge the Amazon with the West, so all guests are well educated on the process of the medicine, with wonderful and elevating intentions.
The medicine is not only for a psychedelic visual experience. It’s for deep healing within the soul frequency. Some of the intentions that we love that helped us were heal my heart, merge me back with my soul and show me who I have become.
The growth that we had from these intentions skyrocketed our journey.
We experienced the medicine through beautiful visuals, consultant (ask any question and receive the answer) and body purge: throwing up, body shakes, yawning, crying…
Q) How did you and your co-director/husband map out the areas you wanted to be sure to feature in the film?
A) We wanted the viewers to learn while it was fun to hear the stories of our experiences. We feel that if learning is fun, many people can relax and the education sinks in more deeply.
Our intention was to ensure the viewers felt loved by us and help them have the courage to open their hearts to more in their own life.
Q) As a consciousness coach, what is it about this medicine that more people should know?
A) People who want to achieve great success need to realize consciousness is the new currency. We know that energy does not lie, and by their own pros you shall know them.
So, when we look at a person’s law of attraction we can see the unhealed parts of them or the elevation of their frequency… the medicine is a modality that will help transform you and there is no doubt about that.
Q) Is there something you and Peter learned (or were surprised to learn) about the medication yourselves while filming?
A) We learned that 3D drugs that are manufactured stop vibration moving through a person’s body, mind and spirit. The medicines many people take around the world from the pharmacy actually blocks elevation of consciousness.
When we take plant medicines from the earth there is a conscious-to-conscious connection to a soul from the earth which helps the person heal, grow and elevate their consciousness.
Q) In what ways can Ayahuasca help process trauma and help individuals overcome negative life patterns in a way that therapy can’t?
A) The medicine is a journey that is deep and helps your mind surrender to deeper feelings within the heart. A lot of individuals are in their head without any heart that is energetically open.
The medicine helps us surrender to love and forgiveness, which helps the ego subside gently through the ceremony. We become sweet and kind again after drinking the medicine.
They say one night of the Ayahuasca medicine is ten years of therapy!
Q) Aaron Rodgers and Prince Harry have been outspoken about their experiences. For those curious about exploring taking it for themselves, what would you advise?
A) We are all for Ayahuasca. It saved us and we will always be so grateful for the plant medicine crossing our path. We believe all people should sit with Ayahuasca, as it will change the world in so many positive ways.
I am so proud of Prince Harry for doing Ayahuasca. He is a true light warrior and I believe his mother Princess Diana was also.
Aaron Rodgers is also another bright light, here to help the planet evolve, and I feel so proud to walk with these Amazon light leaders.
Q) What do you hope viewers of Ayahuasca – Source For the Soul take to heart when they watch this documentary?
A) To open their minds to more consciousness and magic from life. They can move into more love and happiness when they feel from their hearts and not think in their mind. It’s a beautiful journey in life and the medicine has allowed us to heal and transform our life in so many beautiful ways!
Q) What are some of the other projects that you have been busy working on lately?
A) We will continue to be in service to humanity and create TV shows to help others feel supported on the great awakening that is happening right now.
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