
Sandro Malandro – Tantas

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By: Jamie Steinberg



Q) How would you describe your sound?

A) I would describe my sound as eclectic with beats that go from rap to melodic funk, to electronic and to even regional. I’m very creative and love exploring different sounds and coming up with my own personal style and I hope to create music unlike anything we’ve heard before. I never want to put a limit on my creativity.

Q) Who are some of your musical influences?

A) One of my biggest musical inspirations who I feel has influenced my music the most has to be Michael Jackson. I listened to him a lot growing up and always admired his dance style and I think his music helped me realize I wanted to pursue a career in music. I like to think that our music is very similar but distinct at the same time. I hope my fans are able to feel pieces of him through me and my music, and I hope I am making him proud.

Q) Talk about the story behind your new song “Tantas.” What do you think it is about the song that fans connect to?

A) “Tantas” is a song I recorded with my close friend and fellow artist EMJAY. It’s based on a story of a girl and guy that both know they can’t be together but are still feeling some type of way for each other. They feel each other’s absence but never stop wanting each other anyways, knowing they shouldn’t. Relationships are never easy, so I think fans can connect to the personal approach of the song while also relating to its upbeat party vibe.

Q) How did you and EMJAY come to connect to work on the track together?

A) Me and EMJAY met through mutual connections, and we started playing around with our own personal styles and we just clicked. We began the writing process, and the song came very naturally to us.

Q) How does the video for the track play into the message behind it?

A) Throughout most of the video, both mine and EMJAY’s characters spend most of their time apart but are constantly being tormented by the thought of each other. When they do end up coming together, they never face each other, playing into the idea that they know they shouldn’t be together. This was so much fun to film. I loved working with EMJAY and I hope our fans enjoy it.

Q) What is your song writing process? Do you need music before you can create lyrics?

A) My songwriting process typically starts with music as a foundation for creating lyrics, although there are moments when inspiration strikes independently of any musical backdrop. It depends on when and where my creativity is sparked.

Q) How much of a hand do you have in the production of your music?

A) I’m super hands-on in the production of my music. While I collaborate with a producer, I handle the writing of lyrics, flows and overall conceptualization of each track. It’s always really rewarding to witness the journey of my music, seeing it evolve from ideas in my head to a reality that my friends, family and fans can enjoy with me.

Q) With “Tantas,” “Mami Bombona” and “YNTQ” out is there a full album or EP coming in the near future or are you more focused on sharing singles for the time being?

A) Yes, I am currently working on an album that will hopefully be coming out very soon. It’s been an exciting and experimental creative process, and I think audiences will be able to connect with the new sounds in a fresh way. Leading up to it; however, fans can expect me to release more and more singles. I have a lot of new music on the way that I can’t wait to share with my followers.

Q) Where are some of your favorite places to perform and what makes those locations so significant to you?

A) Performing in my beautiful homeland of Mexico holds a special place in my heart. It’s where I’m from, so performing here is always so important and meaningful to me. The love I receive here is always so special and makes each show unforgettable. Looking ahead, I hope to share my music on an international scale and perform at world-renowned festivals like Coachella and other stages of that magnitude.

Q) You’ve worked with Jonaz, EMJAY, Nuco and some other great artists. Who would you most like to collaborate with on a song in the future?

A) In the future, I would like to take my music to new heights and challenge myself through collaborations with iconic artists who inspire me like Drake, Rihanna and Bruno Mars. I’ve always looked up to them. I love their style, and I feel like it’s very similar to mine and we’d be able to empower each other to create pretty iconic hits together.

Q) What artist/musician are you currently listening to and why do you dig them?

A) Lately I’ve been listening to a lot of Michael Jackson. I used to listen to his music because his dance moves would inspire me, and I loved the creative freedom I could take with his music, dance-wise. Now that I’ve delved deeper into his work and also understand English, I’ve become even more interested in his vocals and the lyrics themselves and have developed a newfound appreciation for the masterful variation of tones and instrumentation.

Q) You are a part of social media. Why is that such an important way for you to connect with your fans?

A) As a musician, social media is the best way to engage with my fans. It’s where I express my passion for music and share that connection with them. I see how much they love seeing a more personal side to me and I want to continue building that relationship with my audience. I wouldn’t be where I am without them.

Q) What would you like to say to everyone who is a fan and supporter of you and your work?

A) I want to thank all of my fans for all of their support. I love expressing my gratitude to all my listeners through my music and, at the end of the day, music is all we need. I can’t imagine a world without it and without them.



Young Mexican rapper Sandro Malandro reveals the tracklist and release date for his upcoming album “SANDRO,” which is expected to drop on Thursday, July 4. The 13-track LP will see Sandro embark on a new musical journey, pushing the boundaries to showcase his versatility as a trailblazing artist and signal a fresh chapter in his career. With hard-hitting collaborations with contemporary luminaries Emjay, Robot95, Samantha Barrón and Jonaz, fans can anticipate a unique and innovative sound on “SANDRO.”


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