Sayeed Shahidi – Uncle Buck
By: Stacy Miller
Q) What can you tell us about your character Miles on “Uncle Buck?”
A) Well, Miles is a mischievous character who always has a plan for better or worse and he always knows how to get into trouble. He likes to have fun and he’s a very intelligent little kid, but unfortunately he tends to get in trouble with his siblings.
Q) Are you anything like Miles in real life?
A) Somewhat, I have a little brother. He’s like my little mini-me and we tend to get in trouble together. [laughs] We have a lot of fun and I really think like Miles, I can be mischievous sometimes.
Q) Let’s talk a little about your comic timing for “Uncle Buck.” Do you find your comic timing is something that comes naturally, or did you have to study to learn to hone in on it more?
A) When I was growing up in acting and all that, I was actually called “The Kid Comedian” by my family. That was my nickname in the house. [laughs] So, it sort of came naturally. But also it is working with such iconic comedic actors like Mike Epps because he really showed me and I took by example just watching him act. I really saw how precise it is. He really helped me a lot. But I do feel like it came sort of naturally to me.
Q) How do you think “Uncle Buck” is doing at showing a realistic family dynamic?
A) I feel that it does a really good job because it doesn’t just show the good and all the fun things that they do together. It shows all the craziness that happens with a family with two working parents and it really shows a sense of family in that no matter what happens we’ll all come back together and we all have each other’s back.
Q) Are you looking forward to the social media response to “Uncle Buck” once it airs?
A) I am looking forward to it. I already have an example of it because my older sister Yara is on “Black-ish.” She gets a lot from “Black-ish” and I get to see how she handles it. And if it’s something bad she really handles it great. But I’m excited for all the great things.
Q) Social media can be tough. I think you’ll get some favorable response based on what I’ve seen of the show. But if you don’t, don’t like it get you down because you can’t control how some people express their opinion. Hang your head high and be proud of your work.
A) Thank you, I really appreciate that.
Q) I know you can’t give away spoilers, but what has been your favorite episode that you’ve filmed so far?
A) Alright, well my favorite episode so far that I’ve shot is when a window breaks and all the kids act clueless about it and they all tell this story about how they see it happening. And I just had a lot of fun with all the little imagination sequences and all the crazy things we imagine ourselves as. [laughs]
Q) What do you like best about your character Miles?
A) What I like best about Miles is that he’s an intelligent kid, but he knows how to have fun.
Q) Miles seems to be very mature for his age, even though he’s younger than Tia. Do you think he feels he could take care of Maizy better than Tia could?
A) As Miles, of course that’s what he thinks. He’s so confident in himself that he’s sure he could do a better job than Tia (Iman Benson). He feels like there’s always a competition between them, but I think Miles would get into something crazy with his siblings.
Q) Do you think that as we see “Uncle Buck” goes on that Tia, Miles and Maizy will make things a little easier on Buck?
A) Definitely. But they’re still going to be kids and get into trouble. They’re going to warm up to Uncle Buck because they see what type of guy he is. They know that he’s really trying to get his act together but he’s also a fun uncle and they enjoy that about him.
Q) If you weren’t starring in “Uncle Buck” and were just a viewer looking for a show to watch, why do you think people should watch the show?”
A) I think people should watch “Uncle Buck” because it’s a family show that the whole family can sit down together and watch. It’s not just for a certain audience.
Q) Who are your favorite actors?
A) I really enjoy Robert Downey, Jr. He’s one of my favorites because of his crazy variety in all the things he can do. I really like his range.
Q) I know that you’ve done drama and comedy, between the two what do you enjoy more?
A) I really like comedy the best. I feel that it suits me more.
Q) Outside of acting, what do you have fun doing?
A) I really love basketball. I actually had my high school tryouts today.
Q) What would you like to say to the future fans of “Uncle Buck?”
A) I want them to know that they’re really going to have a lot of fun watching it. There’s going to be a lot of craziness and a lot of laughs. And I really think they’re going to fall in love with it. I’m really excited about it.
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