Scarlet Pleasure – SOS
By: Pankhuri Bhutani
Q) If you could describe your music in one word, what might it be?
A) I guess it’s always hard to describe your music in one word but we would like to think “colorful.”
Q) Talk about the experience creating the song “SOS” in the Bali jungle.
A) We were isolated in a house in the jungle at the time. Everything was very warm and humid and everything felt like moving in slow-motion. Kind of like a fever dream but a good one. Being outside of our comfort zone made the title of the song seem super relevant.
Q) How did you all decide to write, record and produce the song in this location?
A) We often travel to new places when writing new songs. We don’t have a firm studio in Copenhagen and we like to change the scene for new inspiration. It always ignites the process.
Q) What was the inspiration behind the song?
A) We listened a lot to Charles Aznavour’s “La Bohème” at the time and in Bali they played Bob Marley everywhere. Both inspirations can be heard in “SOS” we believe.
Q) What is the concept for the music video and how does it play into the message of the song?
A) One is certainly a feeling of isolation while looking for answers. Visually, there’s also reference to Teletubbies and early ’00 rock band videos. What we did not know was how relevant the isolation part would become during these times.
Q) What do you think it is about “SOS” that fans are connecting with?
A) We hope that fans a connecting with the lyrics and the message herein. Also, the up-tempo energy of a song that has a melancholic feeling to it. Something you want to drive towards the sunset while listening to.
Q) What is your process for songwriting? Do you need a beat before you can come up with lyrics?
A) We don’t have one way to do this. The idea to a song can come from anywhere. Usually, when working together we create a beat before we write melodies and lyrics and all of us takes part in the whole process.
Q) With the new LP being released, what are some themes you explore on it?
A) When listening to the album you will hear that the narrative starts in isolation and doubt and lightens up through the album. “Lost,” “SOS,” “Hello,” “Anyway,” “Flying, “Better,” “True Romance.”
Q) You’ve worked together for fifteen years! How have you grown as artists over the years?
A) Yeah, we started the band in 8th grade, so we’ve grown up together. We like to believe that we creatively keep challenging each other and keep growing together as both friends and artists. In the beginning our music was a lot about “energy” while now it’s more about “emotion.”
Q) Out of all of your songs which one continues to hold a special place in your heart and why?
A) Fortunately, many of them have a special meaning to us in different ways. If we should mention one “Déjà Vu” is certainly one of them. It still feels very pure and inspired to perform that song.
Q) What would you like to say to everyone who are fans and supporters of you and your music?
A) We really love and appreciate all of you. The energy we get from you at our shows and your connection with our music is our greatest inspiration.
All Questions Answered By Lead Singer Emil Goll
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