Silas Weir Mitchell – Grimm – Comic Con 2014
Interview By: Lynsey Tamborello
Q) So, the Monroe-Rosalee wedding ended up being this major catastrophe. But at the same time the wedding did happen. So they’re now happily married?
A) Yeah I think it’s [air quotes] “happily” married. Yeah. It’s intense. I mean it was a total wipeout. And the fear is that lesser things have happened in the world of “Grimm” that have alerted the authorities to the fact that a Grimm and a Wesen are friends, let alone Best Man. And two Wesen of different [backgrounds]. I think this total wipeout of the wedding is going to lead to ugliness. I mean I don’t know, but I think so.
Q) There was some debate as to whether or not any of those other Wesen recognized Nick as a Grimm since he lost his powers.
A) Well, he had lost his powers and he was wearing glasses, which I guess is unnecessary because he’d lost his powers, though he didn’t know it. I don’t think Nick is “out.” Trubel is “out,” but no one knows who she is anyways. He is a public figure. He’s a cop and he’s been living in Portland for a long time. We’re at risk [Monroe & Rosalee], because, like I said, lesser things have happened that people know about. So, I feel like we’re in trouble.
Q) So, the spotlight’s on them. Could they be on the run?
A) I feel like something like that could happen, where it turns a little dark. It was so easy for Monroe and Rosalee last year. I mean the parent thing was a little weird and there was wedding trauma, yeah. But it’s all run of the mill daily stuff that we all deal with. I feel like [now] it’s gonna get a little heavier. I don’t know, but I can’t imagine it wouldn’t.
Q) If you could have chosen any kind of mythical creature, would you have chosen [your Wesen]?
A) Well, I’m very…”canine oriented.” Yeah, I’m really a dog person. I feel like it’s the right thing for me, yeah. It’s a good fit. I have anger issues. Not really, but like, I can get hot quick, so I can relate.
Q) So it was an easy fit?
A) Yeah, I fit right in. I fit right into being a rapacious…cannibal.
Q) Do you ever see you and Rosalee getting a spin-off?
A) Oh gosh, I’d do it in a second. Yet, I highly doubt it. I think we’re too integral to this world. I think spin-offs tend to be more ancillary characters. We’d be cannibalizing ourselves (to use that [phrase] again) to take away to try to make something new. It’s like splitting a tree in two to make two trees. You kill both.
Q) Where do they [Monroe & Rosalee] turn to, now that Nick’s not their source of protection?
A) Well, we’ve got Trubel. But she’s a child. Brand new to this. I think we’ll be on our own. And we’ll have to probably go to the council. And she’s [Rosalee] much closer to the council than I am. I think that the fact that he is not able to do that is a big threat. And I mean I’m nervous enough as it is, I don’t need this. I finally calmed down. I found a partner and now I guess it’s all screwed up again.
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