Movie Reviews

Soldiers of Song

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By: Jennifer Vintzileos



With the current conflict in the Ukraine, many of its residents have put down their daily life and picked up the gauntlet to protect their beloved country. For those known for their musical talents, they serve their country while using the gift of song to bring forth a more important message during a time of war. Written and directed by Ryan Smith, documentary Soldiers of Song features those very artists that have used their musical talents to bring a spotlight to the injustice faced by the residents of Ukraine in their fight against Russia.

In February 2022, Ukraine began to face a scary reality as Russian troops began bombing and trying to infiltrate their country. As musicians like Salva Vakarchuk (Singer/Musician – Okean Elzy) and Svitlana Taraborova (Singer/Songwriter) recalled their experience of having bombs go off around them, their music platform transformed into something else entirely. Rather than just speaking about light-hearted topics in their songs, the music shifted to speak of a desire for freedom and rising above. Through interviews with fellow musicians and clips of the art they are creating in a time of war, it is proof that the world around them may crumble….yet the music will never end.

But Ryan Smith’s Soldiers of Song is more than just about music—it spotlights the harsh realities for those still residing in Ukraine and what inspires a country to continue fighting. Throughout the documentary there are stories of loss and grief that are enough to wrench at your very soul. From children dying in the arms of their parents to those seeking shelter in venues that once brought them joy….each recollection paints a picture of desire and desperation for a better future. Yet those who shared their stories refuse to shrink into the shadows. Rather than cry and lament of the lives they have lost, they find solace in melodies and lyrics that mirror their own inner thoughts. That there must be more to life than this and that they are willing to fight for that right, no matter the cost.

One of the most inspiring stories of Soldiers of Song came from Sergiy Ivanchuk (Opera Singer). When war struck the country, Ivanchuk sprang to action in helping others around him get to safety and almost lost his life. After being struck by five bullets and losing a part of his hand, Ivanchuk eventually began to recover and found his voice again. During his recovery in Germany, he found that singing for fellow patients gave him a desire to live again. Another inspiring story was that of Vasyl Kryachok (Mariupol Philharmonic Conductor). As Russians killed hundreds of civilians hiding in the basement of the Philharmonic, they also presented Kryachok the opportunity to continue working as a conductor and composing music for Russia. Instead, Kryachok refused and after initially fleeing his home country…returned to Kyiv and continued his work with the orchestra.

Music is a universal language, one that cannot be snuffed by the atrocities of war. Just like everyone else, Ukraine’s words speak of one desire: to be independent. And no matter what, they will fight to the very end…whether it be with their bare hands or their instruments.


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