
Sone – Happy

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By: Karen Steinberg



Q) How would you describe your sound?

A) “Popera” with some Jazz and Funk influence. Popera meaning that it is a pop sound with some sneaky opera references and sounds.

Q) Who are some of your musical influences?

A) I love Noga Erez, Amy Winehouse, Tom Misch, Masego, Lady Gaga, Aaron Taylor, Willow… this list can go for a while.

Q) You went to Hochschule für Musik und Theatre Hamburg. What lessons did you learn there that you have carried with you into the music you make today?

A) I learned so much about vocal technique and the body. I had classes for acting, dancing, language, music theory…I felt that I walked away from that University as a better musician and that I had a fuller understanding of music. I was exposed to many different styles of music, and I learned a new way to listen to music, which has influenced my songs very much.

Q) Talk about the story behind your new song “Happy.”

A) “Happy” is about trying to let go of insecurities and whatever negative moments that can overwhelm someone in the moment. It’s about letting go even if it’s just for a second and letting yourself be free. I wrote this song when I was mentally really low, and everything that usually excited me felt dull. Originally when I wrote the song, when I said “I let myself be happy” was more ironic, because I couldn’t let myself be happy…But throughout the process of the song it became more true and less ironic. Through writing the song I was actually able to be more connected to life and be happier.

Q) What makes “Happy” the perfect follow up to your single “Here to Stay?”

A) “Happy” is, in a way, an extension of here to stay. “Here to Stay” is basically the statement that while people may come and go, I am the only constant in my life. And “Happy” is about how I am the only person who can let myself be happy. Both songs are about depending on yourself for finding inner peace and stability, which, by the way, I am not saying that I have found completely – every day is a process.

Q) What do you think it is about the song that fans connect to?

A) I am not sure. It could be numerous things – the text, the melody, the beat. As a writer it’s impossible to know exactly what is going on in the listener’s mind, but I hope that they connect to the honesty of it and that if they are trying to heal, that it can help them.

Q) How will the video for the track play into the message behind it?

A) I had a lot of ideas, but ultimately decided that the songs that are coming later will have videos.

Q) What is your song writing process? Do you need music before you can create lyrics?

A) Usually, the text comes into my mind first, and then the melody. Then, I sing the song acapella to a click track and the music comes after the fact.

Q) How much of a hand do you have in the production of your music?

A) I like to be as hands on as possible. I am not a producer by any means, but I have a picture in my head as to what direction I want the song to go and ideas with what instrumentation I’d like. The producer I worked on “Happy” with had a lot of fun ideas.

Q) With “Happy” out, will there be a full album or EP coming in the near future?

A) I am in the middle of working on an EP that should come out soon.

Q) Where are some of your favorite places to perform and what makes those locations so significant to you?

A) I have performed in The Bitter End in NYC before…I am a huge fan of Jim Croce and I know that is where he started his career and where he performed, so it feels really cool to perform where he has.

Q) Who would you most like to collaborate with on a song in the future?

A) Noga Erez!! Or Melanie Martinez…would be so cool!

Q) What artist/musician are you currently listening to and why do you dig them?

A) I have been listening to this band called The Lazy Eyes. Somebody showed me a song by them called “Imaginary Girl” and I kind of got obsessed with them for a bit. I just love the ’70s vibe of their music, you can really get lost in it.

Q) You are a part of social media. Why is that such an important way for you to connect with your fans?

A) Social media is a lot of fun! I love making videos and putting things on my story, it is a really fast/immediate way of connecting with my followers. Without connecting with them, I think I would be a bit lost. It’s fun to interact with people and it’s really cool when someone likes my content. I appreciate every follower I have.

Q) What would you like to say to everyone who is a fan and supporter of you and your work?

A) Thank you for being here. [smiles] I feel really lucky, every single person who enjoys my music makes me happy. When I come out with a song, it is nerve-wracking in a way because I’m sharing a piece of me, but if someone connects with my music, that means that they may feel the same way I do and the world is just a little easier to live in.


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