Special Forces: World’s Toughest Test – Season 3, Episode 5
By: Sammi Turano
The season finale of “Special Forces: World’s Toughest Test” is upon us. Only Brody Jenner, Kayla Nicole, Cam Newton, Golden Tate and Alana Blanchard remain. We are about to find out who will make it to the end.
Everyone reflects on their journey and prepare for the final 24 hours. They will be sent on the run, where they will be chased by dogs and face other scary events.
The staff give the pros and cons of each remaining recruits before calling each one of them in to put them in a heightened emotional state….by giving them videos from their loved ones. It is so sweet to see!
Alana is very shaken up and begins to cry after seeing her video.
Brody’s family sends their love, which makes him more determined to do well.
Golden is thrilled to see his family.
Cam gets a video from a colleague, which catches him in his emotions.
Kayla’s mom gives her words of wisdom.
Everyone gathers to talk about the video. Cam is sad his family didn’t reach out.
Foxy shares a story about his past and not being there for his daughter and then asks to speak to Cam privately. Cam claims to be okay and then opens up about having a child outside his long term relationship. It caused a strain in his relationship with his oldest, which he also shares with the recruits.
The recruits are taken to the manhunt, which will determine if they have what it takes to win. Kayla is up first with the fight and WOW, girl can hold her own. Foxy asks if she is okay and after she says yes and then tells everyone how it was hard to turn her emotions on and off.
Brody is the next to fight, along with Cam, Golden and finally Alana. The whole time, the staff tells them how far to take it and how to fight.
Brody talks about how he imagined something happening to his daughter while he fought, while Golden and Cam admit to going to a dark place.
Alana also imagines someone hurting her kids.
After the fight, the staff tells them about the captivity and manhunt ahead of them, which will prepare them for the win. They show the recruits how to prepare and give them roles to play.
They are divided up into teams and are given until midnight to reach their destination.
The teams begin the journey and find ways to work together while on high alert. There are bad guys, attack dogs and more that they must watch for while finding their way.
Kayla and Brody get lost. They bicker over where to go, but find a way to get back on track.
Cam, Golden and Alana hear the dogs and enemies approaching.
Brody and Kayla ask for directions, which probably wasn’t a good idea.
Following Golden, Cam and Alana is so confusing. Did one of them steal a donut? Why are they leaving lights? What in the world is happening right now?
Now they are writing letters apologizing for stealing donuts and leaving lights?
Brody and Kayla manage to get things under control and get a good game plan while the others hear the attack dogs and see enemies approaching.
The dogs attack and everyone scatters. However, Cam, Golden and Alana seem to be caught by the enemies and held captive.
Katla and Brody manage to escape, but might not make it to extraction in time. They must go on a boat and travel across in five minutes. They manage to work together well enough to cross to the other side but must rush to make it in time….all the while being chased by enemies and attack dogs.
They are also captured and held captive. They will now face interrogation, which will determine how far they can be pushed. They must not reveal their identities, so they must use the roles they were given before.
Kayla is forced to strip, which seems to be taken things a bit too far. Everyone else is forces to strip too.
Cam is in wild boxers, which gives everyone a laugh. The interrogator questioning him is a tiny lady and he is at least six feet tall, so it looks kind of adorable.
Brody’s interrogator questions his tattoos. He handles it well due to his life in the spotlight. He also admits that he got most of his ink while drinking. He plays dumb, which impresses the staff.
Alana is questioned by the same interrogator as Cam. She seems to be handling things well and uses her experience with being interrogated by Australian customs to get her through. She also has a story about collecting seashells as her cover story, which the interrogator uses against her since she knows Alana is a mom. She keeps badgering her about being a bad mom.
After interrogation, the recruits must listen to crying babies and be in restrictive positions in order to break them.
Alana struggles with the crying babies and finally voluntarily withdraws from the competition.
Kayla is questioned and talks about hair, skin and nails as her cover story. She digs in deep and uses the anger from her online hate to get through. She kind of plays dumb and talks too much, which worries the staff.
Brody keeps shaking and talks about collecting seaweed. He tries to tell the story, but Erine, the female interrogator keeps screaming at him. She hits a sore spot and keeps calling him a liar.
Golden struggles with looking at the interrogator and seems confused. He also uses the seaweed story.
Kayla is caught when she has no seaweed for her hair, skin and nails story, while Golden is called a liar.
Where the heck is Cam?
Everyone is questioned and close to breaking, especially when the interrogators find the maps.
Oh, there is Cam! They didn’t show much, but he seems to be holding his own. However, the interrogator is not impressed and decides to torture him. This causes him to break and get disqualified from the competition.
The final three recruits are tortured as well. Brody confesses as well, but since he was told it was his last chance, he succeeds.
Now it is all up to Golden and Kayla to succeed the torture. Golden refuses to talk and is pushed into the water, causing him to fail. The staff tell him he should be proud.
Kayla digs deep inside her and manages to confess, giving her a pass.
Brody and Kayla win the season! We get a montage of their time on the show as the season comes to a close.
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