Stephen Moyer & Natalie Alyn Lind – The Gifted – Comic Con 2018
By: Heather Tollis
Q) Was it cool to see your character go from kind of, sort of hating mutants to now having to basically accept having mutant kids where he has to help them?
Stephen: Yeah. Not that I would draw any lines about the politics that he might have had by being a prosecutor of mutants, but he has had to go on this sort of about turn and think about inclusivity in a way he possibly hadn’t before. Then, midway through the season he finds out he was stopped by his own destiny by his father through genetic engineering and that’s also kind of made him question everything that he was or he might have been – what he could have possibly done with his life, whether it be destructive or positive. There has been a lot of sort of emotional turmoil for him. We will see him questioning that.
Q) What is the dynamic like with the family as we start Season 2?
Stephen: We’ve been separated from Andy (Percy Hynes White). Andy has chosen this path. We are sort of fighting with the idea that he was made to do it, forced to do it. And some of us might think that he wasn’t and that it was a chosen path. Other family members might think otherwise. The conflict is about who we now are as a family, what we now represent as a family. But he is only fifteen years old, so we have to go on the road and look for him. Obviously, Polaris is on the run as well so the mutant underground are searching and using their powers to try to find where they are. We have sort of centered it down to one city, which is where we are trying to work out what their next big plans are.
Q) Will Andy choosing a different way damage your bond as a brother and sister? Do you think it’s not reparable?
Natalie: When you go back last season and figure out that we are descendants of the Von Strucker twins (which is something I had last year at Comic Con in my notes not to say)…If you read the comics that you know the Von Struckers are very bad people and that they have this darkness that they are born with I think that’s something that both of us have inside of us. I think that Andy wants to embrace it. I think that Lauren wants to go down a different path. But what I think is cool about this season is when you look at the groups, last season you had these feelings towards the Hell Fire group that they were just bad, but that’s not necessarily true. We just all have different views. But I also think that families have a very big bond and I think that she’s always going to love her brother even if she may not necessarily agree with him. Who knows? Maybe she’ll slowly start to agree with him this season when she starts unlocking her darkness.
Q) What are you guys looking forward to most this season?
Stephen: I think one of the things that they’re doing which is really interesting is that they’re telling the story as if we had to tell everybody’s drama in an hour. Something dramas do is that they try to give every single person three or four minutes per episode. I think that what we’re doing this year, which I really like, is focusing in on one story. And they’ll be satellites coming around that storyline, but it might then be a story that filters into your story because you go over there. Feeling like we don’t have to tell all the stories all the time, which a lot of shows (I’ve been in a couple) get to the point where they have so many people to honor. That might mean that we get to focus in on a story and then lift up and go back over here and be objective. I, personally as a viewer, find it less frenetic. So, I’m really excited about that.
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