Steven Weber – Helix
By: Lisa Steinberg
Q) What was it about “Helix” that made you want to be a part of the show?
A) Just the fact hat I have been a fan of the genre. It’s a very well respected show and the role that they offered was really interesting and layered and rich. It was a good opportunity for me.
Q) How was your character originally described to you?
A) He’s originally described as the highly charismatic leader of a cult and they clearly hired the right guy.
Q) You have great comedic skills as well as dramatic abilities. Was getting into a drama an interest of yours?
A) I don’t have that much control over where I end up or what path I tread. Really the majority of the roles I have had for many years now have been darker or more serious. So, while it would be fun to do something lighter they have not come my way for a long time.
Q) Was there instant chemistry when you began working with the cast?
A) That’s not for me to say. We all got along well and everybody is doing their job. Whether there is chemistry is up to the observer. I think it’s only palpable from the observer.
Q) Is there anything you really want fans to know about your role on the show?
A) The fans are incredibly loyal. They are very observant and incredibly involved with the show. Anybody who is a part of the show is lucky. Maybe they should know how lucky I feel to be a part of it!
Q) Was there anything you added to the role that wasn’t originally scripted for you?
A) There is an emotional component, but it was written in the script. It was a really fleshed out character. There wasn’t too much mystery when I was reading it. I didn’t have to say, “What if we tried this,” or “This is missing.” It was really all there. It is not the type of role that I have had to do for many years. Maybe just the length of it makes it a fact. It’s a very kind of rich, interesting role. It’s not just a villain or a hero. It’s all over the place. It’s all in the writing.
Q) What were some of your most memorable moments from filming “Helix?”
A) Just being on that set because it was a real abbey. It’s a real abandoned abbey and that was enough to make every moment on set memorable. We had to do big, involved group scenes in which the dynamic was real master and slave and cult leader and followers. That was really interesting. it was quite a few of those scenes. We had to do some period scenes which were fascinating in fun. There was very little that was dull.
Q) What do you think it is about the show that has made it a fast fan favorite?
A) I think it kind of builds on fans expectations. They have been inundated with vampires, zombies and space stuff. You name it! Everything, but teenage blobs! I think “Helix” is a smarter show. It understands it has to hit certain notes to keep people involved, but it goes deeper. It actually takes its audience seriously. It doesn’t think that they are a bunch of dummies. They actually throw in deep stuff that requires thought. Maybe it is the fact that people are forced to become involved intellectually to a certain degree is what is hooking them.
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