Suzzanne Douglas – Whitney
By: Jamie Steinberg
Q) What are the recent projects that you are working on?
A) I am in the process of completing a Master’s Degree in music from the Manhattan School of Music. I will be appearing at Stage 72 on March 22nd at 5pm and the Carla-Bossi Hall on April 11th at 7:30pm. Until then, my time will be spent writing music and completing charts for performance. I am also being honored by CANY in New York on March 30th. I’m doing personal appearances and worships for underserved communities as well.
Q) What made you want to be a part of the film Whitney?
A) Working with Angela [Bassett] and working on a project that allows us to reimagine our perspective about one of the world’s most iconic individuals can be challenging. I wanted to be a part of this journey and shared experience.
Q) Was there something you added to your role as Cissy Houston that wasn’t originally scripted for you?
A) I hummed a bit in several takes in the film. This moment had not been scripted, but it added an element of Cissy’s musicality to the character. It was not included though on the final edit of the film.
Q) What advice did director Angela Bassett provide you that you took to heart during filming?
A) I loved working with Angela. She is clear and concise with telling you what she needs from the scene. Her intelligence as an actor/director made it a joy to go to work!
Q) Was there instant chemistry when you began working with costar Yaya DaCosta or did it take some time to bond to strengthen your onscreen relationship?
A) Being a mother, myself, allowed to immediately create the very chemistry needed to work with Yaya.
Q) What were some of your most memorable moments from filming Whitney?
A) The entire experience shooting the film was amazing. The tone on a set is set by the director. And Angela, understanding the process that an actor goes through made the set a “theatrical temple;” one where we could create and honor our legends.
Q) You are a part of social media. Are you looking forward to the instant fan feedback you will receive when the film premieres?
A) I look forward to fans watching in order to create dialogue with their children and loved ones as it pertains to life choices. The decisions and choices we make effects who and “who’s” we become. Art should allow us to look inside of ourselves and question our purpose. Definite our gifts, talents, strengths, weaknesses and existence to look for ways to empower families, communities and our nation.
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