Syleena Johnson & Kiwane Garris – Marriage Boot Camp: Reality Stars
By: Jamie Steinberg
Q) What are the recent projects that you are working on?
Syleena: I just my album Chapter 6: Couples Therapy and I am working on my book called The Wait Is Over and it’s about to go to print. My workout DVD series is coming out this year. I’m working on my yoga and fitness website. I’m going back to school to finish working on my degree. My husband is working on his organization Future Superstars.
Kiwane: I’m working on my organization Future Superstars. I’m working on doing a 2nd and 3rd grade AIU basketball team for the summertime. I’m thinking about doing a inspirational book for kids.
Q) What made you as a couple decide to take part in “Marriage Boot Camp?”
Kiwane: We were in therapy before “Marriage Boot Camp” came along. We took a couple looks at the show before and thought this was something we should do because of the program they have. Also, it’s always good to get more therapy, even if you’re doing good or bad. It was the perfect opportunity for us.
Q) Were there any aspects of your life that were off-limits to the camera?
Syleena: My husband’s previous wife and her son. Our blended family. I did not want to put them on television because I didn’t want them to be subject to any criticism or anything negative because it was not their choice. So, I decided to keep that part of our lives outside of the public. He is thirteen years old and kids are impressionable. I didn’t want anyone bothering him at school or talking bad about his mom.
Q) Who did you bond with the most while filming?
Syleena: Personally, I bonded with everyone pretty much equally. I’d have to say Heidi, Rachel and Natalie. We still talk to this day. I didn’t bond as much with Aviva as I thought I would, but I’m not on bad terms with her. I just think she has a different concept of their life. Natalie and Heidi are close in age so they kind of clicked. Rachel and I are kind of close in age, but I drew closer to Aviva because she has children. But I related to each person there. I don’t think we had a set couple.
Kiwane: We got along with everybody.
Q) Was there something in particular that you learned from your time at Boot Camp?
Syleena: I learned about “the light bulb.” If something bad goes on during the day, it can turn all your lights off for the day. If something stressful happens to me in the morning, I could be possibly irritated for the rest of the day and not want to be intimate. I’ll be on the wrong foot with my husband over something that basically has nothing to do with him. It can effect my sex drive and everything.
Kiwane: I learned so much! I think that was one of the things that I learned also. Even on our bad days, most of the time it’s not about me or me getting on her nerves. Her job probably got on her nerves and she won’t want to talk about it. I always thought it was my fault when she was upset or something was going wrong.
Q) You both a part of social media. Are you looking forward to receiving the fan feedback when “Marriage Boot Camp” premieres?
Kiwane: I am not looking forward to it! It’s my first go round and I thought I was trying to stay low…But they are going to kill us!
Syleena: They’re going to turn up on him! I’m used to it because not only do they do that on “L.A. Hair” or whatever I’m on. I’m on stage all the time. So, I’ve been subject to criticism ever since I joined the music business. Ever since the Internet was alive, I’ve been subject to criticism. So, that doesn’t scare me. All you have to do is not look at it.
Kiwane: Now I’m worried I can’t even wear my same jogging suit every day!
Syleena: They’re going to have three different pictures of him wearing the same tracksuit and think, “Dang! He ain’t got no other clothes?!”
Q) What were some of your most memorable moments from filming the show?
Syleena: The time we got drunk. We got drunk in the house one time. Kiwane and I don’t really drink like that so we thought we were twenty-five years old again and I had maybe three drinks and I was finished. He had maybe three or four drinks and he was finished. And it made it worse because I had just been coming off of some strenuous training. I had just come off of running a marathon so I hadn’t been drinking right then. So, I came in the house trying to turn up and we both are in the bathroom at the same time throwing up. The next day it was absolutely ridiculous! We’d walk in the door and e would drink all night and chill. It was nothing short of memorable!
Q) Would you recommend others to participate in “Marriage Boot Camp” in the future?
Syleena: Absolutely!
Kiwane: Just therapy, period!
Syleena: But not on television! They host this camp in real life twice a year in Texas for real people. We did drills that you won’t even see on television. We went through the actual program and it was tough! I see why we had alcohol because there was no way we could have gotten through the amount of tears and anxiety of the stress without sometimes a relaxing outlet.
Q) Is there anything else you would like to share with fans about your time on boot camp?
Kiwane: Don’t drink and drive! And don’t think just because you are going to therapy that there is a problem.
Syleena: Just because you are going to therapy doesn’t mean you’re crazy.
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