All posts tagged "Stevie Wonder"
starrymag | November 1, 2022
Hunter – Hello: My Name is HUNTER
By: Jamie Steinberg Q) How would you describe your sound? A) Pop Soul. Real instrumentation...
starrymag | October 17, 2022
Juliet Callahan – Venom
By: Maggie Stankiewicz Q) How would you describe your sound? A) I would describe my vocal...
starrymag | October 3, 2022
Lily Lane – Queen of Hearts
By: Jamie Steinberg Q) How would you describe your sound? A) I would describe my sound as...
starrymag | September 29, 2022
Tony Luke, Jr. – One More Night
By: Jamie Steinberg Q) How would you describe your sound? A) I don’t know if I...
starrymag | May 25, 2022
Brenzy – brunch
By: Jamie Steinberg Q) How would you describe your sound? A) I’d describe my music as...
starrymag | March 17, 2022
Adrian Daniel – Crimson
By: Jamie Steinberg
starrymag | February 18, 2022
MIREI – Sell Me Your Love
By: Jamie Steinberg Q) How would you describe your sound? A) It’s a mixture of...
starrymag | February 1, 2022
Dot Cromwell – Vanity Tape
By: Jamie Steinberg Q) How would you describe your sound? A) I believe my sound is...
starrymag | January 6, 2022
Julian King – Gone Do
By: Jamie Steinberg Q) How would you describe your sound? A) Next-Gen R&B, with...
starrymag | September 2, 2021
Chrissi Poland – Destination Home
By: Jamie Steinberg Q) How would you describe your sound? A) My sound tends to be...