Teressa Liane – The Vampire Diaries
By: Lisa Steinberg
Q) What is new this season on “The Vampire Diaries” and what can you tease about your character Mary Louise?
A) She is kind of coming into this new world. As we have seen from the previous season, she has been kept in this prison world with the other heretics, as well as Lily (Annie Wersching). It picks up with this entire family having to adapt to this new place called Mystic Falls and really it starts to introduce these characters. It’s an introduction of how they are going to relate with the current and the series regulars that are already well known.
Q) What does Mary Louise think of the Mystic Falls gang and how will they interact?
A) She definitely doesn’t think much of them. I think what you will see with a lot of the characters, particularly with Mary Louise, she is very opinionated and doesn’t have time for people aren’t necessarily on her intellectual level. So, she plays around with a lot of them and treats them as her toys. She definitely is out for herself.
Q) Was there anything you added to the role that wasn’t originally scripted for you?
A) Originally, the way she was written and I auditioned was that she was very girly (which she still definitely is) and opinionated. She’s madly in love with her girlfriend almost to the point of being smothering and clingy. That was kept as well, but the more I’ve gotten to inhabit the role she has become a little more conservative than what was originally written. She has also become more intense, which is something naturally happened once us actors were working amongst each other. She kind of found her place and has this unpredictability where she can shift from one mood to another, which adds to her potential of being extremely dangerous.
Q) Which characters will we get to see Mary Louse interact with the most?
A) In the beginning it is very much the heretic family. They come in as a group and that is something they feel safe with. So, that’s definitely who she is mostly interacting with, but it doesn’t take long for them to venture out. Basically no one is safe, all of the regulars and a lot of people who are generally in the area. She definitely ventures out and meets a lot of people and causes quite a bit of havoc.
Q) Are there any scenes you are anxious for fans to see?
A) Oh my gosh, so many! I think that is something that has happened with my real life. It’s that kind of season where they are bringing in so much new stuff and there is this new energy with all of these new characters. I think the particular things that I am looking forward for people to see, which I believe was in a section of the promo, that is the first scene we shot with the whole family of heretics. It’s us sitting there and drinking the small blood rations that Lily has given us in these little tiny teacups. That day was the funniest because we kind of had everyone really meet and interact and it is actually a really funny scene. It highlights each character and it really heightens things for Mary Louise. It shows how strong she is and she really asserts herself within the family. So, that’s one I am really excited to see.
Q) We have seen the cast posting lots of photos from on set. What are some of your favorite behind the scenes moments you are willing to share?
A) I think a lot of it is maybe small things. There has been a lot to do with Mary Louise and her costume or what she wears generally. There are some moments where she really misses the mark as to what is appropriate for certain occasions or even general wear. She does get called out on it. I think with her girlfriend Nora (Scarlett Byrne) she is very much trying to really integrate in this new world. Mary Louise is the one a little slow to pick that up. So, a lot of behind the scenes moments where I have been walking out in something and everyone just turns and stares. That’s Mary Louise. There have been a few of them and I think it makes her so much more interesting because I think she is trying so hard to fit in and she has this seriousness to her, but she has those moments with vulnerability, which are hilarious.
Q) Is there anyone you didn’t have any scenes with that you wish you had gotten to work with or anyone you wish you had more scenes with?
A) Not really. Actually, it’s been pretty even. They have done a really good job of seeing how everyone reacts to these heretics. So, I’ve actually been able to work with pretty much everybody. At the moment it’s gone pretty well. She’s definitely gotten to meet everyone I think.
Q) Are you looking forward to the fan feedback you are going to be receiving through social media?
A) Oh yes! Absolutely! There has been a bit of that already and it’s been great. I’ve seen the show. I watched it earlier as well so I know how into the show the fans are, but I think seeing how excited they are about these characters…Some of them are a little reluctant as well, but I’m hoping that we can win them over with this awesome new season. I’m absolutely excited to see how they take it. I think they are going to be very, very surprised. There is a lot of really cool stuff so I’m really excited to see what they think.
Q) Can you tease how long Mary Louise will be sticking around Mystic Falls?
A) I wish I could. I don’t even know that yet. At the moment she is there for a while. We find out as it comes along as well so we’re all kind of seeing where the storyline goes. At the moment she is doing well and she is sticking around for now as far as I know.
Q) Is there anything else you want to be sure that fans know about this season of “The Vampire Diaries?”
A) I think it’s going to be something where she is really impulsive and she will act out of emotion. She is basically a hopeless romantic so I think all of these emotions and insecurities are going to be coming out to play. It’s going to play out with a lot of new friends and enemies in town. There are also going to be a lot of new twists this season that are being sparked by these new characters.
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