
The Amazing Race – Season 36, Episode 7

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By: Sammi Turano


This week, our final seven Amazing Race teams head to Montevideo, Uruguay. The first stop is at Logistico Punta de Sayago. The teams head out in the order they arrived at the Pit Stop to get their first clue.

Poor Juan has food poisoning, so Shane does the roadblock. He must weld two pieces of metal together and they must stay together when hit with a hammer. Cesar does it for his team.

Angie and Danny decide to work on their own rather than with their alliance. (Rod and Leticia and Amber and Vinny)

Vinny and Rod do the roadblock for their respective teams. Amber quips that Vinny doing this will impress her dad, who is a welder.

Yvonne and Melissa and Sunny and Bizzy get lost.

Danny does the roadblock for his team.

Rod and Vinny finish first, while Shane and Cesar struggle.

Once the roadblock is completed, the teams must head to Ciudad Vieja and do a detour. Candombe has them do a drum routine, while Murga has them sing a murga song.

Amber and Vinny fight as they try to find their way to the detours.

Cesar, Shane and Danny all complete the roadblock and head to the detours.

Yvonne and Sunny do the roadblock for their teams and despite struggling, finish quickly.

Juan and Shane and Rod and Leticia get lost, allowing Angie and Danny to pull ahead.

Amber and Vinny continue to fight. Once they arrive, the choose the candombe detour.

Ricky and Cesar choose the murga detour.

Sunny and Bizzy get lost again and end up at a plaza and then a port.

Yvonne and Melissa do the murga detour. The other teams do the candombe detour.

After a few false starts, Ricky and Cesar finish the detour and head to the pit stop: Playa Malvin. They are the first to arrive and win a trip to Paris, France. Angie and Danny are hot on their heels and are the second team to arrive.

Meanwhile, Amber and Vinny struggle and consider switching detours. However, they are finally able to finish it and head to the pit stop. However, they get lost on the way to the car and fight some more.

Juan and Shane and Rod and Leticia finish their detours and head to the pit stop.

Yvonne and Melissa continue to struggle.

Sunny and Bizzy finally arrive to the detour and choose the candombe one.

After right attempts, Yvonne and Melissa complete their detour.

Sunny and Bizzy complete their detour.

Shane and Juan get lost.

Rod and Leticia become the third team to check in.

Amber and Vinny are team # 4.

Yvonne and Melissa spot Juan and Shane as they head to the pit stop. They become the fifth and sixth teams to check in, respectively.

Sunny and Bizzy are the last team to check in and are eliminated.


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