The Bold Type – Trippin’
By: Jessica Wolff
Sutton Brady (Meghann Fahy) practices packing her suitcase for Paris with the help of Kat Edison (Aisha Dee) and Jane Sloan (Katie Stevens), and then takes her passport photo. The three admire their work, and Sutton can’t believe she’s going to Paris. Jane notices the nude photos women are sending Kat, and she is in awe of Kat’s ability to attract women before mentioning her own issues.
Kat gets an alert to a magazine article suggesting that Jacqueline Carlyle (Melora Hardin) is declining as an editor. Jacqueline sees that everyone is reading the article in the meeting but assures everyone that she’s not worried about it before discussing the Scarlet website’s approaching relaunch. Kat reports that everything is on track, but Jacqueline announces that she wants to remove comments from the website to eliminate trolls. Kat tries to argue in favor of the comments, but Jacqueline shuts her down.
Kat approaches Richard Hunter (Sam Page) and tells him she believes the removal of comments are a big mistake. Richard tells her that he trusts Jacqueline’s judgment, but Kat asks him to try and convince Jacqueline to keep them the comments. Jane meets up with Ben Chau (Luca James Lee), and they agree that their previous conversation was awkward. Ben tells her he wants to help, handing over pages of research to help her make her decision.
Jacqueline asks Jane if she wants to help create some lighter content for the website, and Jane is on board. Jane suggests an article of fun things to do when you just can’t anymore, and Jacqueline approves it. Leslie (Nicole Jones) tells Sutton that she needs her actual birth certificate to get her passport instead of a copy. Sutton tells her that she doesn’t have it, but Leslie tells her that she needs to give it to her by tomorrow morning unless she isn’t going to Paris.
Sutton has no luck getting the certificate, and Kat reminds her that her mother, Babs Brady (Rya Kihlstedt), probably has it. However, Sutton refuses to believe that Babs will be able to get out of her drunken stupor long enough to find and send the certificate. Jacqueline calls Kat in, and confronts her about going to Richard, asking Kat not to second-guess her judgment. Jane runs into Ryan Decker (Dan Jeannotte) in the elevator and asks what he’s doing there. After he explains he had a meeting in the building. Ryan tells her he’s going to a bar. She asks to join him as she texts Ben that she’ll be in a meeting all day.
Kat tells Adena El Amin (Nikohl Boosheri) that she feels removing the comments are a mistake and expresses her concern that she will be blamed for it. Adena advises her to be more strategic, and Adena comments that she plans to return to the art museum. Kat is surprised she went without her but realizes that she was out on a date the first time Adena went. Ryan gives Jane suggestions for her article as Jane stuffs olives in her mouth. He asks what that has to do with her article, and Jane asks why she needs a reason to do anything. Jane orders another drink, and Ryan is concerned about her. She is surprised that he’s addressing her by her first name and tells him that he doesn’t need to be concerned.
The countdown to the webside launch begins, and Sutton tells Richard that she’s going to Paris. He is excited for her, and she asks if he can use his connections at the State Department to help with the passport. Richard tells her there’s nothing he can do, and Sutton tells him that her last resort is to go to Harrisburg and get the certificate from her house. Jacqueline asks Richard about the real estate agent she recommended, and Richard tells Sutton that he and Jessica are thinking about moving.
After the website relaunches, Sutton and Kat tell Jane that they’re going on a road trip. Jane argues with Kat over who gets shotgun, and Sutton tells Jane she’s sitting in the back upon realizing she’s drunk. Sutton drives Kat’s car, and tells Jane they’re not stopping again when Jane announces she has to pee. Jane argues that she also needs to throw up due to Sutton’s driving, and Sutton reminds her that she’s drunk. Kat is annoyed by the lack of cell reception, and Sutton tells them it’s just a three-hour road trip.
As Kat fills up the car at the gas station, Jane declares that this is what living in your 20’s is about. Sutton tells her that Ben means well, but Jane suggests that Ben doesn’t know what she actually needs. Kat questions if that means getting day-drunk with her, and Jane suggests that Ryan understands her better. Sutton and Kat question Ryan’s motives, and Jane takes over shotgun for the rest of the trip. Sutton tells them about Richard and Jessica moving in together, and Jane comments that people make decisions when they get older based on logistics. Jane turns on music, and the three sing along. Jane finds a vaping pen in the glove department and decides to use it.
Jane, Kat, and Sutton arrive at Sutton’s house, and Jane questions how they’re going to get inside without seeing Babs. Sutton explains that she’ll be at a local bar but finds that the spare key is no longer under the mat. Jane suggests they break in, arguing that she can’t get arrested for stealing something her own property. Sutton stops her from picking up a rock, and Jane asks if she has a better idea.
The three go to the local bar and Sutton asks Michelle (Sarah Booth) if she knows Babs. Michelle tells her she’ll be coming in soon, and Sutton suggests that they come back later. However, Jane wants to drink and orders them tequila shots. Sutton reminds her she’s driving, and Jane orders water for her. The three clink glasses, and Billy Jeffries (Billy Magnussen) approaches them.
Billy and Sutton embrace, and he asks why she’s doing there. He asks if she’s there to see his band perform and introduces himself to Kat and Jane. Billy asks Sutton to perform with the band, but Jane jumps on the opportunity. Kat and Sutton watch as Jane performs a cover of Natalie Imbruglia’s “Torn.” Michelle comes over and comments on Jane’s voice before flirting with Kat.
Jane finishes her performance and the bar applauds. Michelle tells Sutton that Babs has arrived, and Sutton approaches her. Babs is surprised to see Sutton, and Sutton asks for her birth certificate. Sutton then asks if she’s working there to get free drinks, but Babs embraces her and tells her she’s glad to see her. Babs addresses Jane and Kat by name, and admits they probably know her as the terrible mother in Sutton’s stories.
Jane asks how she knows who they are, and Babs asks them to stay so they can talk during her shift. Sutton tells her she needs to get the certificate and leave, but Babs asks them to stay and have chicken fingers on her. Jane interrupts Sutton’s attempt to refuse, declaring that she wants chicken fingers. Kat comments that Babs seems to be trying, but Sutton refuses to fall for it
Michelle approaches Kat as she plays pool and shows her how to hold the cue properly. Kat comments on the obvious flirting technique, but Michelle points out it worked as Kat kisses her. Michelle asks if she wants to get out of there, but Kat sees that twitter is complaining about the new website’s lack of comments upon checking her phone. Kat listens to a voice message from Adena asking if she’s okay and tells Michelle that she has work stuff before apologizing. Kat is unable to reach Adena when she calls back and tells Jane that she’s not in the mood when she asks about her not leaving with Michelle.
Babs joins Sutton when she has a chance and Sutton tells Babs she needs the birth certificate for her trip to Paris. Babs is excited for her, mentioning that she knew Sutton always wanted to go there. Sutton is surprised she remembers that, and Babs tells her she’s sober now. However, Sutton doesn’t believe her and demands the house key. Babs asks Sutton to stay and see how she’s changed, but Sutton refuses.
Sutton is unable to find her certificate in the house, and Kat suggests calling Babs. Kat asks if it’s so hard to believe Babs has changed, and Sutton replies that it is, explaining that she’s seen her mother relapse enough times. Sutton answers her phone, and Babs tells her where the birth certificate is. She finds it, and Kat asks if she wants to return to the bar to hear what Babs has to say. Jane blurts out when Sutton refuses that she at least has a mom, telling her that chances aren’t things she should take for granted. Sutton admits that she can’t get her hopes up again, but Kat assures her that things are different now, as she has them.
Babs is happy Sutton came back as they return to the bar. Sutton sits down with her and asks Babs what she wants to say. Babs tells her that seven months ago, she was inspired to get sober after seeing an Instagram photo of Sutton, Jane, and Kat smiling and drinking margaritas together. She admits that she wanted to know why she was happy, and that she would never find out the answer unless she pulled her life together.
Babs tells her that she wants to be a part of her life again, assuring her she’s changed. Sutton tells her that she needed a mom growing up, and that she decided to try and be one after she left. Babs comments that timing was never her thing and apologizes. Sutton admits it’s hard, but Babs asks her to check in once in a while to make sure she is being true to her word. Sutton agrees, and Babs tells her she’s glad she came back.
Kat asks Jane to slow-dance with her and Jane admits that she’s trying to pretend that everything’s normal as they dance, admitting she needs to stop feeling sorry for herself. Kat tells her she’s proud of her, and Kat leaves to take a call from Jacqueline. Jacqueline admits Kat was right and asks how she should address the readers upset by the change. Kat tells her to acknowledge the connection between Scarlet and the readers that the comments provided, and Jacqueline thanks her.
Kat and Jane resume their slow dance, and Kat tells Jane that she’s done with the open relationship. She admits that she misses Adena, and that she underestimated how the open relationship affected their communication. Sutton calls them cute but tells them it’s time to leave. Billy says goodbye, and Sutton is surprised to hear that he’s married. She tells him she’s happy for him, and he tells her that Babs seems better.
Jane reads Ben’s research as Sutton drives them back to New York. Kat asks Sutton how she is, and Sutton admits that she’s glad she went home. Jane admits that she needed to get out of the city, and Sutton gives Nicole her birth certificate the next morning. However, the photo is missing, and Nicole offers to take the picture for her. After Nicole takes the picture, Sutton is surprised that Kat is also going to Paris. Kat explains that that she was always going, and Jane texts Ben asking to meet.
Jane tells Ben about the road trip and about her article. Ben realizes she was avoiding reading his research, but Jane denies that her need to get away was directly caused by that. Jane apologizes her lack of appreciation for his help, and that she has to confront the issue. She tells him that she’s decided to freeze her eggs, and he suggests a quickie in the coffee shop’s bathroom before they leave. Kat tells Adena that she wants to be with only her, and that she didn’t like the distance between them. Adena admits she missed her as well, and they kiss. Kat asks if Adena wants to get breakfast, but Adena tells her she’s going back to work.
Richard visits Jacqueline and compliments her handling of the situation. However, he warns her that the board is concerned about whether she should stay in charge of Scarlet. Richard assures her he has her back and promises to let her know when he hears anything else. Jane fails to catch a cab, and Ryan approaches her. He tells her that his book is going to be published, and she is excited for him. Ryan tells her that she pushed him to write it and that he thought she knew he was capable of being more than a drinking buddy. She tells him that using her first name makes her think he’s serious about her, and he replies that he might be.
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