The Creep Tapes – Mom (and Albert)
By: Jennifer Vintzileos
As “Wolfie” (Mark Duplass) is en route in his car to visit his mom (Krisha Fairchild), he begins to talk about her. Unfortunately for whomever is in the trunk and making noise to interrupt his filming, Wolfie decides to stop the car and end their life. The camera then cuts and starts back up again, this time outside of a cabin in the woods. Wolfie heads up to the house and starts to film what’s going on inside, an older woman walking around in the kitchen. But when Wolfie goes to open the door, he is startled by his mother jumping out and spooking him. Apparently, the apple does not fall far from the tree. With the camera now commandeered by Wolfie’s mother, she becomes the narrator and tries to console her son…offering to bring him inside to his old room.
Inside of his room, Wolfie begins to relax and starts to lament at how everything looks very similar. However, Wolfie also notices a few touches that are not his own and starts to get agitated with his mother, lashing out and throwing himself on the ground. Expecting this behavior, his mom then consoles Wolfie the way she knows best: by making him his favorite “Silence of the Lamb” chops. Looking up, Wolfie is eager to have some of his mother’s cooking. As Wolfie is next seen scarfing down his mother’s cooking and they talk about their mother-son bonding time, a gentleman by the name of Albert (John Craven) enters the house….the man that his mother has been seeing while Wolfie has been out doing his own thing. Upset at the idea of his mother bringing another man into the house, Wolfie storms out and his mother goes to find him. She spots him naked with his head in the hot tub and urges him to come back inside. Ultimately, Wolfie complies but not without giving his mother a scare of his own.
Later, Wolfie gets dressed and comes to spend time with Albert and his mother….eager to learn more about how they started dating. Albert admits that it started with his mother needing things to be fixed around the house and how it progressed from there. In his inquiry, Wolfie shares with Albert that he is a filmmaker and talks about paying people money for their time to work on film projects. But it is clear that Wolfie wants to talk about his mother’s relationship with Albert more than anything else, getting to the bottom of what they are doing. Slightly oblivious to Wolfie’s motive, Albert then shares that he has been sleeping in Wolfie’s room at the house….his mother supplying the sordid details of their intimate relationship. Wolfie’s behavior becomes slightly erratic as he begins to recall events that never occurred, his mother trying to dispel the lies. In an effort to diffuse the situation, Albert notices that Wolfie has an issue with the rear of his car and offers to fix it for him.
Heading out to the car, Albert goes to open the trunk to get the jack out. Wolfie quickly realizes that he still has a dead body in there but complies with giving Albert the keys and letting him see the gruesome aftermath of his latest victim. Upon opening the trunk, Albert is in shock by what he is seeing. Even though Wolfie attempts to tell Albert to keep his mouth shut, the shock has still not worn off. Mother comes out to see how things are going and Wolfie assures her everything is fine. When mother takes the camera and Wolfie walks off, Albert seizes the opportunity to head back in with Mother and explain what he saw in her son’s trunk. Unfortunately for Albert, he then becomes Wolfie’s newest victim when he is killed with an ax to the head. Rather than following suit with Albert’s shock, Wolfie’s mother advises him that he had better clean up his mess….showing that she is familiar with her son’s activities.
As Wolfie carries Albert’s body out to the hole he dug and buries him, his mother films before the camera is then placed facing mother and son. Mother goes to pay her respects to Albert and sits at the freshly made grave, Wolfie coming to sit next to her. While Wolfie still misremembers moments in his life and mixes them up with movie references, he also wonders if things could have been different. In the final scene, his mother bares an open chest for Wolfie to lay his head on and she covers him with their robe…the two of them singing together.
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