
The Five Impossible Tasks of Eden Smith

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By: Jamie Steinberg



Eden Smith has not had an easy life. When she was seven years old, her parents died in a meteor crash. Ever since then she has been in and out of foster care homes without hope until she learns her grandfather is alive and living in the area. With this news she finds herself on the doorstep of The Guildhall of the Smiths. There she finds a world of elderly metalworkers who change Eden’s life completely. Author Tom Llewellyn weaves a wonderful tale of metal work, friendship and the meaning of “family” with his fascinating and fun tale The Five Impossible Tasks of Eden Smith.

Thirteen-year-old Eden finds herself immersed in a new life. She is the newest resident of The Guildhall of the Smiths – much to the dismay of some of its residents. Her grandfather Vulcan Smith, whom she has come to live with, has just received a severe punishment for not participating in mandatory activities so he is less than welcoming upon Eden’s arrival. Rather than putting Eden out on the street, she is taken in by two sisters, Nellie and Irma, who teach her about the talents of her grandfather. With Vulcan now stripped of his smithing rights and his residence, there is only one way to get him back on his feet and reclaim his legacy – The Five Impossible Tasks. These are a series of, well, tasks that have been deemed impossible that will take a lot of grit, determination, strength, smithing skills and problem solving to accomplish or else Eden and her grandfather face banishment or even death.

Eden is determined to save her grandfather and find the home she desperately needs. With the help of Nellie, Irma, Eden’s new pal Nathaniel and the other residents of The Guildhall (sans mean old Mr. Pewter smith) she sets out to learn more about the various forms of smithing and even a bit of Jonesing (you’ll need to read the book to figure that one out) that will help her achieve her goal. While it may be “impossible” to complete these tasks, Eden learns so much along the way – including the power of friendship and that blood does not a “family” make.

Author Llewellyn knows how to write a sweet and fascinating story. Page by page turns quickly hoping that Eden can survive these assignments and keep a roof over the head of her and her father. Llewellyn also knows a thing about metal and metalwork. The man must know his way around a forge or put in some serious hours of research to make the various smithing skills sound accurate. My one qualm is that there was not a harsher punishment for someone who seeks to sabotage Eden’s ambitions.

The Five Impossible Tasks of Eden Smith is a sweet read that will keep readers entertained and certainly fill their hearts. Each task will confound, fascinate and impress as you desperately want Eden (and Vulcan) to solve and survive them. Just make sure you bring enough mahguj for Bones.

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