
The Loyal Pin – Episode 1

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By: Lisa Steinberg



The highly anticipated Thai GL series “The Loyal Pin (PinPak)” premiered on Workpoint Channel 23 on Sunday, August 4th! Based on the acclaimed book series with the same title by Monmaw, Idol Factory in conjunction with Workpoint and the Thai Ministry of Commerce, brings to life this series that takes your heart through a beautiful and bittersweet dramatic love story between Lady Pin (played by Sarocha Chankimha) and Princess Anilaphat (played by Rebecca Patricia Armstrong).

The series begins by providing the audience with a bit of backstory and plenty of introductions as a setup. We first see from the outside the Grand Sawettawarit Palace with its beauty and splendor. We next see a vehicle approaching and a gorgeous stylish woman emerges along with a young lady in tow with her. It is in the entryway here we meet two characters, Princess Padmika (Charm Osthanond) and young Pilantitha in a sweet pink dress. We find out that Pilantitha has come to live with Princess Padmika at the Lotus Palace after losing both of her parents. Princess Padmika reassures and comforts the melancholy Pilantitha by telling her that she will be her mother and her father.

Flashing forward we see a carefree young Princess Anil playing with a pinwheel as she skips along the palace grounds. She comes across a crying Pilantitha who is still struggling with her emotions at her new home. Young Anil sweetly sits down and comforts Pin cutely and offers her the pinwheel in her hand to cheer her up. Anil tells Pilantitha that she doesn’t have to use royal terms with her and that she will call her “Pin.” The two become fast friends.

We segue next through narration by an older Pin who states that it’s been many years since she was brought to the Palace by Princess Padmika. Pin talks about how Padmika may be strict, but she loves her and appreciates how she has taken her under her wing and has educated her. We also learn about kindness being extended to Pin through his Highness and his wife Princess Alisa. Princess Alisa (Alicia Hiranprueck) sees Pin as another daughter and dotes on her telling she is as pretty as a doll. 

The royal pair actually have three children – the oldest Anantawut (Kanin Stanley), Arnon (Danny Luciano), and Anil. Princess Anil may be the youngest, but she is also the most clever and mischievous! She and her trusty servant Prik (Orntara Poonsak) are known partners in bad behavior together around the palace for activities such as pretending to be ghosts and scaring servants or climbing her father’s favorite trees. Pin does her best to try and be a source of discipline to curb their naughty nature. Often catching these two in their playful ways and scolding them, something the two palace pals try to avoid.

During the episode we are given several looks into the dynamic of the relationship between Anil and Pin. We see Pin tending to Anil’s scraped up knee from climbing and falling from trees and reminding her they have to get ready for a party celebrating the return of Anil’s brother. 

At the party Anil asks Pin to dance with her. Pin is cautious because such an act is seen as improper. But Anil ever the charmer is able to get the apprehensive Pin to give in. With a flashback we see young Anil sweetly comforting young Pin again in a moment of sadness missing her parents. Anil gives Pin a stuffed rabbit and tells her that from there on forward, she would be anything Pin wanted her to be.

We also see Pin protecting Anil from a snake attack and being punished by Princess Padmika for putting Anil in a dangerous situation. Anil; however, comes to her rescue to defend Pin and tells the Padmika that it was her responsibility for the act of mischief and that Pin saved her from the snake. She says that if Princess Padmika punishes Pin, she should be punished as well. Princess Padmika threatens that in order to stop the naughty behavior, she will send Pin off to boarding school. Pin pleads for her not to do so and Anil says if Pin goes, she goes too.

Switching back to present back at the party, Princess Anil and Pin are still dancing. Anil affirms to Pin that she will never leave her and that she doesn’t wish to marry anyone. She wants to always just stay in the palace and be with Pin. Unbeknownst to the two, the Prince (Apinan Prasertwattanakul) and Princess Alisa are watching them from afar. The Prince mentions that he is thinking of sending Anin to study in Europe like her brothers, as she is very smart and he doesn’t want her to feel inferior to them. A shocked Princess Alisa doesn’t think it’s a good idea and feels Anil is still too young and wants him to wait until she is older. He tells her that he will give it more thought.

We next see Pin delicately carving delicious fruit into the most beautiful shapes – watermelon into roses and mango into leaves. She talks about how Princess Pad taught her to carve and she makes a special syrup to go with the cooling dessert. Princess Alisa discusses with Anil that her father is planning for her to study in Europe like her brothers. Anil is left with an important matter to think over.

However she doesn’t think about it for too long as she sees Princess Padmika leaving the palace. When she finds out that Princess Padmika is off to a funeral on the outskirts, Anil has one of her sneaky ideas. She and Prik plead with Pin to come with them to a temple fair after dark. At first she resists and declines, but then Pin gives in to Anil. At the fair the two play fun games and enjoy some cotton candy without a care, but when Princess Padmika comes home and learns that her niece has left the palace at night without permission she is furious. Upon their arrival back at the palace, Padmika is set to punish Pin. However, a savvy Anil argues that it was her fault convincing Pin and that the only thing they really did wrong was they failed to get her permission. She goes on to say a child shouldn’t be couped up in a palace, but should be accompanied by an adult to see what’s beyond the walls. Although Anil’s astute argument strikes a cord with Padmika, she still has to punish Pin by making her copy textbooks and grounding her for a week. Once again Anil says that if Pin is to be punished, she should join her and should stay with Prik at the Lotus Palace for seven days and nights. Padmika agrees to having Anil join Pin copying texts, but not staying over.

Post punishment, Anil asks The Prince for permission to stay at the Lotus Palace under the pretext of wanting her to help her study. She says she has exams coming up and that Pin can help her become prepared. With Padmika’s permission and agreement by the Prince to share proper accommodations, Anil is allowed to stay over. However, when she comes to see Pin at her bedroom, Anil hasn’t brought any books with her.  She takes a tour around Pin’s room and comes across several items she recognizes – the pinwheel she had given Pin when she first arrived, then a hair ribbon Anil had dropped when being driven to school with Pin and even under Pin’s pillow she finds the handkerchief she had given Pin. Pin is bashful and says that she was going to give back the ribbon; however, she washed it and then forgot to do so. The same with the handkerchief. Anil seems like she is tickled by this. As the episode closes out, Padmika tells Pin that the Prince has decided that Anil will be leaving in two months to study in Europe.

Be sure to follow along to @TheLoyalPin2024 for updates, information, links, and more about the series! Also, watch new episodes every Sunday on Workpoint, and then following after watch again on Youtube through IdolFactory for the uncut version!

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