
The Loyal Pin – Episode 10

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By: Lisa Steinberg


We pick up the episode where the group has returned to the Pine Palace from their vacation at Hua Hin. Pia (Sutthatip Wutichaipradit) comments it’s a shame that they had to return early, she wishes they could have stayed there for a month. Anil (Rebecca Patricia Armstrong) teases Pia that she could have her brother send Pia there to work at that palace. Pia declines by saying that it’s a lovely place, but it wouldn’t be the same without the Princess there. Pin calls Pia a sweet talker and Prik teases that’s exactly how Anil is with Pin! Anil tells both Pia and Prik they can leave as she wants to be alone with Pin. 

Once alone, Pin (Sarocha Chankimha) says she at first thought the trip would be like a honeymoon for them, but so many things happened. Anil says that she promises Pin that she will plan another trip and this time it will be just the two of them. Pin asks how that would be possible, as they would require a driver. Anil thinks about it and then seems to have a bright idea how to solve this…

The next day Anil meets up with Prince Anan (Kanin Stanley) on the palace grounds and asks him if he will teach her to drive. After considering it, Prince Anan says he can…but then asks why she wants to learn to drive by herself when there are so many drivers. She answers that it doesn’t hurt to know how. After further adorable pleading by Anil, Anan gives in and agrees to teach her. A happy Anil climbs on Anan’s back and says they should start with a piggyback ride first. Anan jokes that Anil is not so little anymore. He starts running around with her back and forth and spinning, even playfully teases that he might toss her in the pond.

Khun Kuea (Chatchawit Techarukpong) sits in his office thinking back about his last interaction with Lady Pin in Hua Hin. Flashback to Lady Pin saying goodbye and him catching the large ring on her left ring finger. He is confused and concerned and wonders out loud if she already has a lover. He’s so stirred by his thoughts that he gets up from his office and goes to see Prince Arnon. In Arnon’s office Khun Kuea sits down and says he came to see him to thank him for all of his help with Lady Pin. Arnon (Danny Luciano) asks if there has been any development of feelings from Pin and Kuea says no. He suggests that maybe perhaps Pin has a lover or is already engaged as she refuses to give him a chance. Arnon says that he doesn’t know if Lady Pin has a lover, but she is definitely not engaged to anyone. He says he would know if she was, though it’s possible Princess Padmika might have someone she already agreed to for Pin’s engagement and hasn’t told his mother. If that’s the case, he wouldn’t know about it.

Princess Padmika (Charm Osthanond) sits carving fruit and instructing several students. Koi (Anna Benedic) comes to see her and tells her that Khun Kuea has arrived and would like to speak with her. A surprised Padmika questions whether Koi means her, or Lady Pin. Koi tells her she asked him twice and he insists to see Padmika. 

Khun Kuea sits waiting in the parlor and greets Padmika upon her entry. She tells him that she hasn’t seen him for a while as lately he has visited when she was away. He tells her it wasn’t his intention, and he apologizes. She tells him she was just teasing him. He hands her a large basket that he says has souvenirs from Hua Hin. She questions him coming to see her during the hours when he should be working, that it must mean he has something urgent to discuss with her. He tells her he is there to see her about Lady Pin, and asks if she is engaged. She tells him no, and wonders what would make him think that. He says that he saw a ring on her ring finger. She says if that’s true, she has never seen it before, and he replies neither has he, not until they left Hua Hin. Padmika says she didn’t see any ring before Pin left for Hua Hin. He says that’s why he wants to be certain Pin is not engaged and Padmika advises that she is not. She goes on to say if Pin is engaged, she would know, and for him to not take it seriously yet. She comments that it could be a favorite accessory of Pin’s and she likes to wear it on her ring finger. 

At the dining room table sits Padmika and Lady Pin joins her for a meal. Padmika asks her if she enjoyed her time in Hua Hin and Pin tells her that she did. She goes on to say she walked on the beach, rode a horse, and ate a lot of seafood. Padmika chastises Pin for riding the horse saying Pin could have gotten hurt through her reckless behavior. Pin apologizes and says she will be more careful next time. Padmika asks Lady Pin if she got the ring she is wearing in Hua Hin. Pin hesitates and stutters. Begrudgingly, she admits that the ring was given to her by Princess Anil. Padmika asks why. Pin explains not for any special occasion, she just wanted her to have it, like when Princess Alisa gave her the ruby and diamond accessories. Padmika argues back that gift was given to Pin because it was almost her birthday, not without any special occasion. She further angrily asks if Pin thinks that Anil would give her such a valuable gift without specific reason. Padmika says she could tell the ring was very valuable from far away, and questions Pin more about why she would accept a gift without asking for a reason. Pin tells her she was afraid to refuse the gift as Padmika used to tell Pin that Anil is Pin’s youngest aunt and is an elder. Padmika questions Pin more why she is wearing the ring on her ring finger and if she knows the meaning. Pin says she does. Padmika rages and asks why Pin would wear the ring like that and demands that Pin give it to her. Pin is visually upset and clutches tightly to her silverware.

Now in Padmika’s bedroom she opens up a drawer and takes out a ring box. She looks at it sullenly. As she walks and sits down on a bench, she begins to cry. She opens the box and a beautiful ornate ring is inside. 

Flashback as we see a beautiful woman present on screen. An unknown voice speaks and says her Highness is quite delicate and frail. They instruct if she coughs, let her sip syrup and she will feel better. We are introduced to Her Royal Highness Princess Im. 

Padmika kneels down bowing to Princess Im. A woman instructs her to go closer to the Princess. Padmika moves closer and bows down low to the Princess. Princess Im (Katreeya English) asks Padmika her name and gives her a compliment. She then tells Padmika to look up at her and address her properly; not her feet. Padmika slowly lifts her head and looks at the Princess who smiles at her. The Princess tells her that from now on, Padmika will be her attendant and she will arrange for whatever the Princess wishes, always be with her, read her books, and after the Princess falls asleep Padmika may return to her room or she may sleep by the Princess’ side. 

Another day Padmika sits and reads from a book to the Princess who sits nearby fanning herself. Padmika stops reading and the Princess asks her what her thoughts are on the poem. Padmika says she is wondering if love is as strong and ferocious as the poem states. The Princess comments that if Padmika had experienced love, she would not have made that remark. Padmika looks at the Princess with astonishment. The Princess tells her that love is so ferocious that it imprisons you with emptiness. It will always remain uncertain throughout your life. Padmika responds that love is surely dangerous. The Princess tells her she should come closer to her and she will tell her about it. When Padmika scoots closer, the Princess asks her for her hand. When Padmika extends her hand, the Princess takes off the beautiful ornate ring and tries to give it to Padmika. Padmika pulls her hand back and asks the Princess why she would give her such a valuable gift. The Princess goes on to finish her remarks on what makes love dangerous. She says is that love is dangerous as it often happens without rhyme or reason. She asks Padmika who stares at her smiling if she understands what the Princess is trying to say. The Princess takes Padmika’s hand again and places the ring on Padmika’s left ring finger. Padmika beams. The Princess rubs Padmika’s hand and then Padmika rests her head softly on the Princess’s other hand. The Princess sweetly touches Padmika’s head as Padmika cries.

Next we see the Princess resting quietly in her bed. She seems asleep. Padmika comes in with some food for her and attempts to wake her. She touches the Princess’s hand, she touches her face, she shakes her body. Nothing works. She yells for the Princess but there is no response. Padmika has grown concerned and climbs into the bed with the Princess. Padmika cries and cradles the Princess in her arms. 

Present day Padmika takes the ring box and holds it to her chest as she cries. 

Princess Anil sits on the couch in the Pine Palace reading a book as Lady Pin lays lost in thought across her lap. Anil tries to get her attention but Pin doesn’t respond. Finally Pin shakes from her mind. Anil asks her if anything is bothering her. Pin is hesitant. She looks at the ring on her hand and tells Anil that Princess Padmika is suspicious of the ring Anil gave her. Anil tells her if the ring causes Pin to be in a difficult situation that Pin can remove it and put it on her right hand. Pin tells her no, Anil gave her the ring. Whether dead or alive, she will never remove the ring from her finger. Anil tells her then don’t. She will help Pin find a way with this problem. 

Khun Kuea has come again to see Padmika. She asks him about what his intentions are with Lady Pin. He tells her that he wishes to tie the knot with her. She asks him how Pin feels about him and he tells her that Pin doesn’t seem to like him at all. She tells him that Lady Pin is stubborn, and that he surely is a fine man, but she doesn’t want to force Pin to do anything. However, she will help him as much as she can. 

Princess Anil sits on her bed as Prik looks over a box full of rings. Prik (Orntara Poonsak) asks if Anil will give her one and Anil says yes. Prik chooses a ring and Anil smiles. Prik tells her that surely Anil isn’t giving her the ring for free without needing something. Anil tells her she has something important for her to do. 

Lady Pin sits working and Anil approaches her with a big smile. She tells Pin that she doesn’t have to worry about Padmika’s suspicions anymore. A concerned Pin asks what Anil has done. Anil tells her that she had Prik take care of things. She goes on to say that Prik is very clever and has probably already carried out her plan. Pin asks her what was the plan….

On the palace grounds Prik walks up to Padmika with a tray of food as Padmika is serving various dishes. She makes sure that Padmika takes notice of the ring that she is wearing. Padmika asks why Prik is wearing such an extravagant ring. Prik tells her that Princess Anil gave it to her. Padmika wants to know why Prik wears it on her ring finger, and if Prik knows the meaning of it. She says she does, and Princess Anil insisted she wear the ring on that finger so no man tries to pursue her and she can stay with Anil until she is old. Padmika asks if that’s true. Prik tells her it is, and Lady Pin got one too. Padmika shoots back that she never saw Prik wear the ring before Hua Hin, and wants to know when Anil gave her the ring. Prik struggles to answer her. Suddenly Prince Anan walks up and tells Padmika that it is not uncommon. He says Anil has probably feels possessive of people, and she has always been unpredictable since she was a kid. He says Anil is afraid her favorite lackey would get married. Padmika laughs as she says Anil is afraid of losing her favorite maid. 

As Anil goes to enter the Pine Palace, Prik runs up to catch her. Anil wants to know how it went with Padmika, and if she believed her. Prik says Anil can always count on her! Anil asks if Padmika was suspicious, and Prik tells her at first she was, but then Prince Anan came to her rescue and Padmika finally believed her. Anil is puzzled by her brother’s actions.

Prince Anan sits in his home office working. A sneaky Anil peaks in at him. He lets her have her fun but calls her out knowing she is there. She comes into his office and he asks her if there is anything that she wants to talk with him about. She asks if he already knew about her and Lady Pin. He pretends he doesn’t know what she means. She says Prik told her that he saved her with Padmika about the ring. He admits he knew. She asks him why he didn’t say anything or try to stop her. He says that he could never stop her. He tells her, “It’s love. How can you stop it?” He tells her that he understands and truly doesn’t wish to stop her, but he is worried. There are others who would not accept their relationship. Anil cries and says she knows not everyone will be as open minded as her brother, and she will try her best to handle it. Arnan comforts her. He tells her she should focus on her masters degree and stop seeing Lady Pin for a little bit so Padmika would be less suspicious. 

Lady Pin is in her bedroom getting ready for bed when suddenly a paper airplane flies into her bedroom window and startles her. She goes to her window and sees Princess Anil. Down below Anil silently instructs Pin to look at her note. Pin opens the note and reads the message with a sad faced drawing of Anil at the bottom. The message states that Anil may not be able to see Pin for a little as she will be studying for her masters degree. It will also help Padmika be less suspicious of them. She hopes that Pin understands and asks her to wait for her. As Anil stands outside she makes a sad crying gesture at Pin. She then uses her hand and sweetly makes the ASL sign for “I love you.” She blows Lady Pin a kiss who mimes receiving it to her cheek. The two smile and laugh with one another. A sad Anil waves goodbye to Pin and Pin waves back at her.

Many weeks later, Lady Pin sits at the Lotus Palace working. Padmika approaches Mae Koi and asks if it has been a while since Pin saw Anil. Koi confirms and says that Pin has delivered food to the Princess, but she hasn’t seen her in a long time. Padmika comments that Anil must be studying for her masters degree. Koi says she yes, Anil is, but she doesn’t understand why as Princess Anil must eventually get married. Padmika says that it’s a modern world, and be it a lady or a man, one must put an importance on their education so that no one can take advantage of you. 

At the Pine Palace Lady Pin brings food on a tray to Princess Anil. She finds Prik there and asks if Anil is going to be late again. Prik says yes. Pin is annoyed. Prik says she would be happy to eat the food and Pin says that’s fine, at least the dumplings she made won’t go to waste. Pin says she and Anil live under the same roof but they haven’t seen each other for weeks. Pin says when Anil came to say goodbye, she didn’t think it would be for this long and that Anil would be this busy. Prik tries to tell her that absence makes the heart grow fonder. She also says that Padmika is less suspicious of the two now. An aggravated Lady Pin tells her never mind, as Prik is sure to take Anil’s side. Lady Pin decides to leave. Not long after Anil shows up and catches Prik eating her dinner and she gets mad. She takes the food from Prik and begins to eat it saying she is also hungry. Anil says the dumplings are to her liking and she is sure Lady Pin made them. Prik says Anil has been coming home late a lot lately and she has been fortunate to eat Anil’s food in her absence. Anil asks if Lady Pin is angry and Prik says yes, Pin is upset that Anil has been coming home so late and not able to eat together. Anil says now she knows why she would go to bed hungry, Prik ate all her food! Anil tells Prik she needs her to do something for her. 

Lady Pin sits in her room reading when she hears a knock on the door. She opens the door and it’s Prik with a note from Princess Anil. Pin reads the note and gives one in turn to Prik who teases that she guesses she will be walking back and forth from both palaces all night long. Prik delivers the letter to Anil and Anil writes a letter back to Pin. Prik delivers the note to Pin who is annoyed. She says Anil is acting childish. Pin reads the note and smiles. She tells Prik to go back and does not give her any more notes. Prik returns to Anil who is confused why there is no other notes from Pin. Then, she gets a clever idea. She tells Prik that if she strictly follows her instructions, she is sure that she will receive more than a note from Pin. 

Alone in her bedroom Anil still in her daily clothes, Anil hears a knock on her door and finds an upset Lady Pin in her pajamas. Anil is happy to see Pin and tells her she missed her as she hasn’t seen Pin for many days. She tells Pin to come in, but Pin responds that she is mad at Anil. Anil asks if Pin is mad because she comes home late and she says yes, but that’s not all.

Flash to Lady Pin’s bedroom where Prik has come to see her. Pin is annoyed and wonders why Prik has come again to see her. She asks Prik for the note and Prik says she doesn’t have one. But Princess Anil has asked her to deliver something else. A trembling and nervous Prik leans in and gives a kiss to Pin’s cheek!! A shocked Lady Pin just stands there as Prik runs away.

Back in the present, Pin tells Anil she is angry because she had Prik kiss her cheek. Anil laughs and says she didn’t ask Prik to kiss her, she asked Prik to kiss her for Anil! That doesn’t soothe an annoyed Pin who yells that is unacceptable as her cheeks are reserved for Anil only. Pin says she is really mad that Anil asked Prik to do that to her. An amused Anil asks Lady Pin what she can do to make it up to her. She pulls Lady Pin close to her. Anil teases Pin asking if she wants Prik to kiss Anil on the cheek then so it would be even. Pin doesn’t appreciate Anil’s cheekiness. Pin demands that apart from her, Anil must never let anyone touch her cheeks!  Anil kisses Pin all over her face, and says if she kisses everywhere that Prik did, would Pin forgive her then? Pin tells her if Anil keeps kissing her she might forgive her…but if she does something more than just kissing…she might forgive Anil sooner… 

Anil pulls Pin into her room and lays her on the bed. The two begin kissing on the lips, neck, and nose. They roll around on the bed switching positions continuing to kiss and caress each other. They make love.

The next day Anil sits in the entryway at the Pine Palace as she draws on an easel. Prik comes to see the Princess and tells her she is quite reckless. That if Padmika found out Anil had Lady Pin stay all night with her and not sleep at the Lotus Palace, she would be suspicious. Anil says it’s fine, her brother already talked to Padmika last time. Prik explains it’s fortunate that someone so understanding and open minded like Prince Anan found out. But, if someone with an ill wish found out, Anil would surely be in trouble. Anil promises to be more careful next time. Just then Pia comes and tells Anil that Miss Aon has requested an audience with the Princess.

Anil goes and meets with Miss Aon. Miss Aon (Neilinyah Taweearayapat) says that Anil probably knows since high school that she has had feelings for her. Anil says they talked about this already. Miss Aon says she tried to forget her and move on, but after the Hua Hin trip, she could never remove Anil from her mind even for a minute. Anil says she already told Aon they could never love each other like that. Aon says if her relationship with Anil is a taboo, then so is Anil’s relationship with Lady Pin! Miss Aon cries. Anil is shocked that Aon knew about her and Pin. 

Flashback to Anil and Pin on the beach happily kissing and cuddling after Anil gave Pin the ring. Aon is looking at them from afar through some trees. 

The episode ends with Miss Aon saying that if Anil doesn’t end things with Pin, she will expose their relationship.

Be sure to follow along to @TheLoyalPin2024 for updates, information, links, and more about the series! Watch new episodes every Sunday at 10:15 PM BKK/11:15 AM EST on Workpoint Channel 23, and see the uncut version following on Idol Factory’s Youtube channel.




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