
The Loyal Pin – Episode 11

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By: Lisa Steinberg



We pick up the episode as Miss Aon (Neilinyah Taweearayapat) has told Anil (Rebecca Patricia Armstrong) in private that if she doesn’t break up with Lady Pin, she will expose their relationship. 

A crying Aon tells Anil that her father would never agree with this. Anil seethes. Anil tells Aon to do as she likes, as she will not be able to stop her. She goes on to tell her that whatever she does, even if Aon tells the world about her and Pin, and they tear them apart, she will never love Aon.  As Anil turns to walk away, Aon sobs and falls to her knees yelling out, “Why can’t it be me? After all of this, can’t you love me even a little?”  Anil turns and walks back to the crying Miss Aon kneeling on the ground and grabs her by the arms. Anil asks her to please not to do it. Anil helps Aon stand up. She tells Aon that she is sorry, and she does love and care for her, but only as a friend. She goes on to say that the love she has for Lady Pin is much deeper and longer than Aon can imagine. Miss Aon just stands there crying profusely. Anil tells her that even the end of the world could never destroy the love she has for Pin. She says she knows that she can’t stop Aon from telling everyone, but she asks her to please not destroy the love between her and PIn. She begs her. As Miss Aon stands crying, Anil walks away from her.

Anil, Prince Anan, and Prince Arnon all sit eating together at the dining room table. Anil asks if they are going to the Chao Fah Palace and Prince Anan (Kanin Stanley) tells her that they must all attend Lord Muang-Rahm’s welcome ceremony on behalf of their father. Prince Arnon (Danny Luciano) says that Lord Muang-Rahm has returned from being in the United States after his Masters graduation. Anil asks who Lord Muang-Rahm is. 

Cut to Lady Pin sitting on a couch in the living area while talking with Princess Padmika. Padmika (Charm Osthanond) says M.R. Muang-Rahm Sirirumoar is the son of his Serene Highness Prince Manfah. He is the nephew of His Highness Prince and the daughter of Prince Rangsri, the Prince from Lanna. Pin (Sarocha Chankimha) says that she has only heard from Prince Manfah, she has never heard of Lord Muang-Rahm.  She said that’s perhaps because he has always been studying abroad. Padmika tells Pin that after the graduation, Prince Manfah is immediately preparing for the engagement of Lord Muang-Rahm and Lady Uangfah. She says there will surely be a wedding soon. Pin asks if Lady Uangfah will agree to the sudden marriage.

Flash to Lady Uangfah speaking with her mother. Lady Uangfah (Sarochinee Petampai) says that she does not like Lord Muang-Rahm in a romantic way, and asks why she has to marry him. Her Serene Highness Princess Dararai (Rudklao Amratisha) tells Lady Uangfah that he is a perfect match for her. If she is to marry a royal heir from Siam, Lady Uangfah must leave the palace and be away from her mother. She goes on to say that even though Lord Muang-Rahm is partially a descendant from Siam’s royal family, his homeland is still Lanna. Lady Uangfah expresses that  she has no interest in whatever his homeland is. Her Serene Highness says never mind, but Lady Uangfah must perform a welcome dance for the Duke of Rahm at the banquet they are having. She tells Lady Uangfah to go prepare.  She also says that the Sawettawarit family will be attending the banquet as well. Lady Uangfah asks if Princess Anil will be coming with them and Her Serene Highness says yes. 

Back with Lady Pin and Princess Padmika, Padmika tells Pin that she wants Pin to accompany her to the banquet at Chao Fah Palace.  Pin asks if she has to go and Padmika tells her yes. Padmika says that the Princes and Princess will be going as well. Pin asks if she can stay home and not go to the banquet. Padmika tells her that she should go and see the world outside and meet new people. She says that maybe Pin will meet someone she likes and want to marry him. 

In a restaurant sits Miss Orn (Tanida Bavornkaisri) and her sister Miss Orn and they are having ice cream. Miss Aon is asking if her sister really wants her to accompany her to Phrae.  Miss Orn says that Prince Arnon has asked her to come with him to the banquet, and she is afraid it won’t look appropriate if she goes alone with him. Miss Aon asks who else is going and Orn tells her everyone, from what she has heard.  Orn begs her to go with her to the banquet and says that if she refuses, she is sure their mother won’t let her attend. Orn pleads and pleads with her sister who finally relents and agrees to go with her. 

Now in Anil’s bedroom at Pine Palace, Pia (Sutthatip Wutichaipradit) helps Anil pack for their impending trip.  Pia is shocked that Miss Aon is going to come to the banquet. She says Lady Uangfah will also be there, wouldn’t it be chaos? She goes on to say that surely Lady Pin will be displeased. An annoyed Anil sits in her bed and tells Pia that she heard Lady Pin will also attend. Pia asks if she should give Anil some medicine for the headache she is sure to have from all of this. Anil tells her she is making her feel more stressed. Pia says to Anil to not forget that Miss Aon has already found out about her and Lady Pin. Anil says that’s why Pia must help keep Lady Uangfah and Miss Aon away from her so that Pin won’t be jealous. Pia asks if it would be easier to keep Lady Pin away instead? Anil snaps back at her, “No. Lady Pin must stay with me.” Anil tells her that no matter what, Pia must help her. Pia says she will do her best to keep them away from Anil. But she cannot promise whether she will succeed or not. Anil writes in a notebook and stews annoyed.

We next see rolling beautiful lush green hills of scenery and then a roaring train passing through.  A large pan shows us gorgeous landscape and a title pops up to say that this is Phrae. From above we next see a high view of a temple and a statue nestled within the green trees and lush landscape. We then push into a large palace hidden within miles of trees. 

As all of the guests sit in the living area, Princess Dararai tells the group thank you for visiting her at the palace. Prince Anan says that is them who should be thanking her for letting them trouble her. She tells them to have some refreshments first. She goes on to say that she has had her servants prepare the guest rooms for everyone.  One servant comments that they only have five guest rooms available. The Princess says she thought she told them that Miss Aon and Miss Orn were coming, they should go and prepare the other rooms as soon as possible. Princess Anil says that she can stay in the same room as Lady PIn. Princess Padmika, Lady Pin, and Prince Anan give some uneasy eyes.  Padmika says that Pin can stay with her as not to bother her. Anil tells her it’s not a bother, and that she is not that familiar with this palace, and she doesn’t want to sleep alone. Prince Anan jumps in to say that Anil is probably scared of ghosts, she gets like that when she has to sleep some place unfamiliar.  Princess Dararai says there are no ghosts there, but if Anil is afraid, then Lady Pin can stay with her. Princes Arnon jokes that he is suddenly scared of ghosts, and ask if Miss Orn can stay with him tonight. Princess Dararai snaps at him absolutely not! How could he say something so inappropriate?!  Prince Arnon teases that Princess Dararai is unfair. Princess Anil looks over sweetly at Lady Pin and smiles.

Princess Anil and Lady Pin are shown to their shared room. As Pin walks and looks around the room, Anil closes the doors to the bedroom. Lady Pin asks her what she is doing, and says not to forget that it’s still daytime. Anil teases her asking what is she thinking, and why must it always be about that? Insinuating that Pin thinks that Anil is up to something privately romantic. Anil says she was only feeling a little cold. Pin tells her that’s fine, then don’t try to hug or kiss her…Pin goes to walk away when Anil grabs her arm and pulls her back to her. Pin tells her not to try and act innocent, and that she couldn’t believe when Anil asked her aunt if Pin could stay with her tonight. Anil tells her that if you ever wish for something, you must act upon it, so that you’d have what you wish for. Pin holds both of Anil’s hands in her own. She tells her that she truly respects Anil for never hesitating to act upon her own feelings. Unlike her. Anil now takes Pin’s hands in hers, and tells her that all she has been doing is being honest with her own feelings. She tells Pin to please remember that if there is anything that Anil can do for the both of them, she will always do it. The two smile at one another. Anil picks up Lady Pin’s hands and kisses her across the knuckles. 

In the living room area again, everyone gathers and Prince Arnon comes in to tell them that Princess Dararai has arranged cars to take them around the town. Prince Anan asks if anyone would like to come with them. Miss Aon quickly agrees and asks if her sister will join, to which she says yes. Prince Anan asks if Pin and Anil would like to join them but Anil declines. She says she doesn’t feel well, and may end up taking a walk around the palace with Pin. Uangfah offers to give them a tour of the palace, and Anil declines saying that she would rather not bother her. Anil looks over at Pin as if to get her to help or make the decision. Pin tells Uangfah to please kindly give them a tour of the palace. Anil looks disappointed. Pia pipes in and asks Uangfah if she can join them on the palace tour and she agrees. It’s settled then. Prince Anan, Prince Arnon, Parawatee, Miss Orn, and Miss Aon will go look around the city. Prince Arnon tells Anil to behave while everyone is away. Anil then turns and smiles tightly at Lady Pin. 

We next see a beautiful Tin Jok Sarong and a woman intricately weaving the fabric to construct the clothing. Lady Uangfah, Lady Pin, Princess Anil, and Pia all walk out and Lady Uangfah explains about the Tin Jok Sarong.  She says that the Tin Jok Sarong is the famous one from Lanna’s Royal Court. It’s specially threaded with gold silk and is considered as one of the finest Sarong. She says both the pattern and the fabric of the Sarong are laced with expensive gold and silver purl which can only be acquired by Lanna ladies of high rank.  Princess Anil asks if she can try the weaving machine. Pia immediately is skeptical and asks Anil if she is sure. Lady Pin is also skeptical and asks what if Anil breaks the machine. A playfully annoyed Anil asks Lady Uangfah again if she can try weaving. Pia signals that Lady Uangfah should say no. But Lady Uangfah ignores her and tells Anil yes. 

We then have a montage of first Anil working the waving machine, and then Lady PIn. Next we see them constructing and designing a lantern. When they are done they hold up the gorgeous ornate lantern that they have constructed.  They next help Lady Uangfah hang up shimmering golden and white banners. 

Cut to Phra That Cho Hae Temple as Lady Pin and Princes Anil hold lanterns as they walk up the steps. They make their way to the temple and smile at one another.

Back at the palace, Lady Pin and Anil sit down as Lady Uangfah brings them some snacks to enjoy.  She tells them that she has to practice the traditional Peacock Dance to perform at the ceremony the next day. She says that they are both welcome to stay if they would like. They both agree that they would love to watch after enjoying their snacks.

Lady Uangfah and other dancers sway and move around the dance floor elegant and gracefully with peacock feathers in their hands. Lady Uang finishes her dance and comes to talk to Pin and Anil. Anil comments that she remembers that Pin used to do that dance in school. Lady Uangfah asks Pin if she would like to join them. Pia cheers her that she would like to see Pin dancing and Anil encourages her too. Pin agrees to join, but says she hasn’t done it in some time and barely remembers. Lady Uangfah says not to worry as she will teach her. Anil and Pia both giddily cheer! 

Lord Muang-Rahm (Asavarid Pinitkanchanapan) sits in the parlor with his aide and enjoys a refreshment. Princess Dararai comes into the room and greets him. She asks if he is there to see Lady Uangfah. She says Uangfah is probably giving the Princess from Bangkok a tour around the palace. She tells him she will have a servant get her. He tells her not to bother, he will go find her himself. Lord Muang-Rahm then find Lady Uangfah practicing dancing with everyone. He notices Anil and asks his aide Nanmuang who she is. He comments on her beauty. He then looks over and sees Lady Pin and asks his aide who she is, and he comments that he does not know. He says she is probably one of the other dancers. Lord Muang-Rahm says she looks so sweet, different from the others. His aide tells him to be careful as his father has already arranged his engagement to Lady Uangfah. He assures Nanmuang that he knows, his heart belongs only to Lady Uangfah. He just appreciates the beauty of lovely ladies at times like other gentlemen do.

After practice Lord Muang-Rahm approaches Lady Pin alone and surprises her. He asks her if she is new as he hasn’t seen her before. He calls her lovely and asks her name. She goes to walk away and he grabs her by the wrist. He holds her wrist tightly and she looks scared. He asks her where she is from and if she would like to perform at his palace that night. She can name any amount. She tells him no and then struggles to get her arm away from him. She goes to walk away and he grabs her arm again. He says why not, I told you I would pay any amount. She yells at him to let go of her. He continues to grab her wrist and block her from leaving. Just then Lady Uangfah enters and asks if something is wrong. He finally lets go of Lady Pin’s arm. A concerned Anil approaches an upset Lady Pin and asks if she is okay. Lord Muang-Rahm is confused. Lady Uangfah explains that Lady Pin is Princess Padmika’s niece and about Princess Anil. Princess Anil stares at him angrily. Lady Pin tells them nothing happened, it’s just he mistook her for one of the dancers and was trying to court her. He says that’s not true, it was just a misunderstanding. He tells them he must excuse himself and leave for home. After he exits a perturbed Lady Uangfah says she thinks they should tell her family what transpired. They should not ignore it. Pia chimes in to say she agrees, he should not get away with it. Pin says not to, it would only create a misunderstanding between Lady Uangfah’s family and his. Anil asks if she is sure. Lady Pin says yes, she is more worried about Uangfah who has to be engaged to a man like that. 

As the ladies walk into the parlor, they find Princess Padmika waiting for them. She tells Pin she has been waiting for her. She is going to spend the night at her friend’s palace, and she wants Lady Pin to join her. She asks Pin if she is busy and she tells her no.

Later as the moon shines brightly, Princess Anil stands contemplating. Lady Uangfah comes to see her. Lady Uangfah tells Anil that she said that morning that she did not want to sleep alone, and so she was afraid that Princess Anil might not be able to sleep since Lady Pin is away. Uangfah asks if Anil would like her to stay with her tonight. Anil tells her not to worry and that Pia would stay with her. As Anil goes to walk away, Lady Uangfah asks if she has done anything to upset her lately. Anil asks why she thinks that. Uangfah says she couldn’t help noticing that Anil has been avoiding her since the Hua Hin trip. She asks if she was being too obvious. Anil questions her. Uangfah says that she is deeply enamoured with Anil. She says she knows she was being obvious but she couldn’t restrain herself. The feelings she has for Anil are impossible for her to keep inside. 

The next day as Lady Uangfah sits in the palace grounds making flower arrangements, Pia comes to see her. She tells Uangfah that Lord Muang-Rahm is there to see her. Uangfah questions why Pia was the one to come inform her, and where were the servants of the palace. Pia says that she happened to be at the front gate when he came and that’s why. Uangfah says to another servant to show Lord Muang-Rahm in. She then asks Pia if she is free and could come with her. Pia asks if she is sure because Lord Muang-Rahm wants to speak with her privately. She says after what he did yesterday, she doesn’t want to be alone with him. Pia says he probably has a guilty conscience over what happened.

Lady Uangfah and Pia meet with Lord Muang-Rahm. Pia serves him tea and he comments hoe good it is. He says he never knew that Princess Darari was so close with the Sawettawarit family. He says from his short encounter the day before, Princess Anil’s beauty is mesmorizing. He says but Anil’s beauty could never compare to Uangfah’s. She tells him that he is a sweet talker, and he probably had many Western girls lining up for him. He says no, Western girls cannot compare to Uangfah, in his eyes she is much more beautiful. He asks her if she will be ready to get married soon and she says no, she is still not ready. Uangfah excuses herself to go and prepare for the ceremony that evening.

Anil walks the palace grounds by herself. She looks around and sees Miss Aon sitting by herself and calls to her. Miss Aon hears her and gets up starting to walk away. Anil calls to her to stop. When Anil reaches her she asks why Miss Aon is walking away and if Aon is still mad at her from earlier. Aon says no, and tells Anil that if she did anything to make her feel uncomfortable, to please accept her apology. Anil says actually she would like to apologise too, for not being able to accept her feelings. Aon says Anil didn’t do anything wrong. She says it’s her who doesn’t know her own place. She tells Anil not to worry, she is doing her best to get over her. Anil replies that she should know no matter what happens, she will always be a dear friend. Aon tells her about her threat to expose Anil and Pin’s relationship, she will keep it a secret. An excited Anil thanks her and grabs Aon by the hands. As they are smiling at each other, Lady Pin sees them from afar and scowls. Anil notices and Lady Pin walks away. Anil chases after her calling her name. Lady Pin keeps walking all of the way back to the Palace despite Anil yelling after her. When they get back to the Palace, Anil tells her that she was just holding hands with Miss Aon as friends. Anil asks a stoney faced Pin if she is upset. She stands there for a moment blank, and then slowly a smile forms and she tells Anil she isn’t upset. Pin says she heard the whole conversation from the beginning. Anil is relieved. Pin says it’s fortunate she heard the full conversation because if she came up when they were holding hands, she would have been jealous! Just then Lady Uangfah comes in and says that she has brought Lady Pin and Anil traditional costumes to wear to the ceremony, as her mother would like it. Her mother has prepared the costumes ahead of time.

Now in their bedroom, Anil and Pin are wearing the beautiful Lanna costumes given to them. Pin comments that seeing Anil in her costume almost takes her breath away. Pin says to please let her put a hairpin in for Anil and she agrees. Anil sits at a vanity and Lady Pin opens the box containing the special silver hairpin that Princess Darari had previously given to Anil. Pin places the hairpin in Anil’s lovely top bun. Anil offers to do the same for Pin, and she places the special golden hairpin in Pin’s beautiful top bun. Anil tells Pin that she looks so captivating that her heart almost skips a beat. Anil nuzzles into Pin’s cheek and runs her hands down Pin’s arms. Pin tells Anil she didn’t stay with her last night, she wants to know if Anil was a good girl. She says Pia told her that she saw Uangfah came to see Anil in the night. Anil questions if Pia saw, why didn’t she come save her? Anil assures her that she is always a good girl, but Lady Uangfah may be different.

Flashback to Anil’s conversation the night before with Uangfah. Uangfah tells Anil ever since Prince Anan’s wedding, all of her thoughts, whether at night or awake, have all been of Anil. She knows nothing can happen because not only are they close relatives, but they are both women. Uangfah begins to cry. She says not to mention she is already engaged to Lord Muang-Rahm. She goes on to say through flowing tears that from now on, however her life will change, or whoever will take possession of her body, her heart will always be Anil’s. 

Back in the present Pin says she cannot hear anymore. Anil asks if she is mad at her. Pin says she can’t be mad when she was the one who insisted that Anil tell her. Pin asks what Anil responded to Uangfah. She says she didn’t say anything because she didn’t ask for a response. Pin says at least Anil should have told her that she doesn’t feel the same. Anil replies that Lady Uangfah was crying so much she didn’t dare say a word. Anil admits though that she did console Uangfah a little bit. Pin is mad and says she is going to punish Anil. Anil gets down on her kneed and looks Pin in the eyes. She smiles sweetly and asks why would she be punished. Pin tells her for not being clear to her about how she feels. Anil takes Pin’s hand and kisses it. Smugly Anil asks her what would her punishment be, would it be the same as the night of when it was her welcome party. She goes on that if it is, Pin should go on and do it. Anil playfully attempts to kiss Pin who teasingly moves away. 

In the parlor everyone is gathered before the ceremony begins. Pin and Anil enter in their costumes and Princess Dararai compliments Anil on how beautiful she looks. She notices the hairpin as the one she gave Anil the prior time she visited. The Princess also notices the golden hairpin in Pin’s hair as the other gift she gave Anil. Anil looks to Pin nervously. Anil tells her that is, and she let Pin borrow it as it would match her Lanna costume. Princess Padmika looks at them suspiciously. Suddenly a servant rushes in and tells Uangfah that one of the dancers has fallen sick and cannot perform. Lady Uangfah looks over at Pin appealing to her silently.

At the ceremony all of the dancers are dressed in their costumes and Lady Pin has changed to match. They perform their dance as practiced, and are so captivating with their intricate and lovely movements and hand gestures. After the ceremony, Lady Pin meets up with Anil. Anil approaches her and says that Pia told her she wanted to see her. Pin asks Anil to see her hand, and she slowly lovingly puts a silver band on her right ring finger. Pin asks Anil to please where her charm. Anil asks why she put the ring on her right hand. Pin says she doesn’t want Anil to be put in an awkward situation when someone asks her about it. But she still wants to show her possession of Anil. Pin gives Anil’s knuckles a tender kiss. She tells Anil she wishes that she could tell the world about them. That Anil belongs to her and only her. Anil asks what if she wishes to wear the ring on her left hand. Pin tells her to please wait until she can save up enough money for a ring that is worthy of Anil’s ring finger. Anil tells her she will be waiting. No matter how long, she will always be waiting. 

Anil joins the banquet and sits down and begins to use her hands when it comes to the food around her. Not long after, Pin joins as well seated next to Anil. Princess Padmika looks over at the two suspiciously. She then sees the ring on Anil’s finger and the lipstick mark that remains on Anil’s hand from Pin’s kiss. She then notices that the color of the lipstick marks looks like the color that Lady Pin is wearing…

Be sure to follow along to @TheLoyalPin2024 for updates, information, links, and more about the series! Watch new episodes every Sunday at 10:15 PM BKK/11:15 AM EST on Workpoint Channel 23, and see the uncut version following on Idol Factory’s Youtube channel.



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