
The Loyal Pin – Episode 2

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By: Lisa Steinberg



“The Loyal Pin” episode 2 aired on August 11, 2024 on Workpoint Channel 23, followed by the uncut version on IdolFactory’s YouTube channel.  The series stars Sarocha Chankimha as Lady Pin and Rebecca Patricia Armstrong as Princess Anilaphat.  It is a Thai GL series that is a dramatic love story based on the book series of the same title by Monmaw.

In episode 2 we pick up with Princess Padmika (Charm Osthanond) confirming to Lady Pin (Sarocha Chankimha) that Princess Anilaphat (Rebecca Patricia Armstrong) will be leaving to study abroad.  Princess Padmika expresses that Pin is probably feeling neglected because she isn’t being offered the same opportunity as the Princess, and she assures her that she will support her until she graduates.  Pin tells her that isn’t the reason she is upset, it’s the fact that she and Princess Anil will be apart for so long.

Meanwhile, Princess Anil and Prince Anantawut (Kanin Stanley) are discussing her trip and she tells him she feels she is too young to be sent off to study abroad.  He tells her that studying abroad would give her an advantage.  He goes on advising that she should never let an opportunity pass her by.  The ever inquisitive Anil asks him why she can’t just study in her home country. He tells her that studying abroad offers her the ability to learn more about and see more of the world.  

Princess Anil and Prik (Orntara Poonsak) discuss her impending trip.  Prik is upset that the Princess is leaving for so long.  The Princess tells her that she has asked her father to have Prik stay with Pin, so that Pin won’t feel so lonely, and so Pin can look after Prik in turn too.  Anil tells Prik she must promise to take good care of Pin while she is gone. Aniil advises Prik that she has a lot of preparation to do coming up, so she probably isn’t going to have time to spend with Pin before leaving or even go to school with her, and Pin will most likely be lonely.  Prik tells her that Pin has been crying a lot and nonstop carving mangoes (an activity that Pin does when she is upset or sad). Anil asks Prik to inform Lady Pin that she will come and see her as soon as she can once her preparations are done. As Princess Anil is busy with her tasks she needs to complete for her impending departure, we see how much Lady Pin misses Anil’s presence.

Princess Alisa (Alicia Hiranprueck) sits forlornly with Padmika, she is in distress over how Anil will be leaving the palace soon.  Padmika tries to console the Princess, but she only frets more as her days together with Anil are growing shorter. Padmika reminds her that this will be for the Princess’ good.

Lady Pin is out on the palace grounds crying softly.  Prik approaches her and attempts to try and get her to stop by saying that although she herself is upset about Anil leaving, she doesn’t cry, and they should feel happy for Anil.  Prik tells Pin that she will feel lonely while Anil is gone, but her Highness will come back soon.  Pin lets Prik know that Anil isn’t leaving for a year, it’s SEVEN years. Prik breaks down and starts to sob and it’s Pin’s turn to give her comfort now that Prik realizes that gravity of Princess Anil leaving.  

Later, Princess Anil returns to the palace. She talks with Prik who has been hiding and crying in Anil’s room.  Anil inquires how Pin is doing and Prik spills about how miserable Pin has been and that she hardly has spoken to anyone since finding out that Anil is leaving. Pin has even finished carving every mango there is in the palace, and has graduated to papayas!  Cut to Pin at night in her bedroom crying her heart out as she lays on her bed caressing the handkerchief that Anil had previously given to her. Anil resolves that it is her responsibility to console Pin.

The next day Pin is strolling the palace grounds and she looks up and sees a kite flying above.  There is an adorable drawing of Pin on it and written on it says “Khun Pin please smile.”  Anil tells Pin that during her remaining days she is going to be clinging to her and spending as much time as possible together.  The two share a meal but Pin refuses to eat due to her sorrow.  Anil asks her why she is so struck with sadness. Pin confesses that previously Anil asked her if she went away would she be lonely, and she has just realized, that yes she would be. She admits to Anil, “I never want you to stay far away from me.”

Lady Pin constructs a lovely intricate Krathong while Anil and Prik play together.  Pin chastises Anil and tells her to stop fooling around and come help her finish up.  Anil tells her that she wants to keep hearing Pin’s voice as she won’t be hearing it for some time.  Pin tells her that she would miss arguing with Anil. Anil picks up a cork flower and tucks it behind Pin’s ear and tells her she looks beautiful. She then takes a different type of flower and puts it behind her ear, and asks Pin if she thinks she is pretty. Pin doesn’t respond.  

In the evening the two sneak out of the palace with the decorated Krathong and attend the Loy Krathong festival.  As they approach the celebration Pin stops abruptly and holds Anil back citing that she thinks she sees an acquaintance of Princess Padmika. They head off and find a secluded spot and float their Krathong.  Anil tells Pin that the reason they snuck out of the palace to float the Krathong together instead of doing it there is because she wants to cherish every moment that they have together before they have to part ways. She goes on to tell her that from now on while she is gone, she wants Pin to only find good things in life. Anil says that she will study hard and try to come back soon. She also promises Pin to write her every day.

There is a sorrowful goodbye in front of the palace as Anil and her brother set off on their trip. Later we see an arrival of letters that Anil has sent to both Prik and Pin.  Princess Anil details the weather and her experiences abroad. But most of all, she talks about how she misses her life at home, and how she longs for Pin so much that it makes her cry.  Pin writes back that she misses Anil so much at night that she can barely sleep.  She tells her how each day she crosses off her calendar as it gets closer to Anil’s return home.  Years pass, but the letters they exchange with each other continue to connect the two as they detail their lives at their universities.

As we reach the end of the episode, we see Prince Arnon’s friend Khun Kuea (Chatchawit Techarukpong) has come to visit Lady Pin. He visits her so much that Lady Pin comments he must not have much government work to do if he can come see her so often.  Khun Kuea asks Lady Pin out to dinner and Prik declines on her behalf.  He tries again but Prik shuts him down again.  Meanwhile, Anil is visited in England by her mother and brother. She is about to graduate and her mother advises that her father would like to know what she wants as a gift.  There is a flashback to younger Princess Anil who drew a beautiful place to live in on the palace grounds, because she always wants to be able to see Pin. She states to Pin that she wants her to stay there with her. They share a pinky promise over it. 

Later we see Anil in bed reading a letter from Prik who tells her that many men are coming to see Lady Pin. Princess Anil vows to come home and reclaim what is hers. Back at the palace they are preparing for Prince Anand’s engagement party.  As the palace is in full event mode, we see adult Princess Anil arrive and the episode ends.


Be sure to follow along to @TheLoyalPin2024 for updates, information, links, and more about the series! Watch new episodes every Sunday at 10:15 PM on Workpoint Channel 23, and see the uncut version following on Idol Factory’s Youtube channel.


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