
The Loyal Pin – Episode 4

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By: Lisa Steinberg


We pick up with Khun Pin (Sarocha Chankimha) walking down a hallway and then she abruptly stops and pauses hiding behind one of the open doorways.  Her heart is beating rapidly as she thinks back to the kiss Anil placed on her cheek. As she smiles lingering thinking about how happy the kiss made her, she is caught by Mae Koi who surprises her. A shocked Pin asks Mae Koi to bring her some mangos to carve.

Princess Anil (Rebecca Patricia Armstrong) sits at night within the Pine Palace reading a book as Prik approaches her with some tea.  Prik (Orntara Poonsak) inquires as to how Anil teased Pin today, as she says that she saw her bewildered rushing back to the Lotus Palace.  Anil spills that she just gave Pin a kiss on the cheek and asks Prik if she thinks Pin was that effected by it.  Prik tells her that Pin surely must feel something for Anil.  Anil asks what Prik thinks she should do in order to find out how Pin really feels about her.  Prik suggests that Anil make Pin jealous! If Pin is jealous, that definitely means that she has feelings for Anil.

The next day Anil spends time with Lady Uangfah (Sarochinee Petampai) on palace grounds and they have some tea together.  Anil encourages Uangfah to try some of the desserts and she begins to pile up her plate with goodies.  While walking by Mae Koi (Anna Maria Benedic) mentions to Lady Pin that she sees Anil and Uangfah together. Pin looks over at the two and starts to steam inside.  Princess Anil spots Pin and she plucks a flower from a pot on the table and tucks it behind Uangfah’s ear.  An upset Pin watches the interaction and walks away.  We then see her sitting and carving mangos. Mae Koi sits beside her and starts to comment to Pin on how pretty Uangfah is.  Mae Koi realizes that her comments aren’t going over well with Pin, and so she starts to compliment Pin as well. She goes on to say that Princess Anil is also beautiful and that Anil and Pin look dazzling together like a painting. Pin starts to smile and feel more at ease; that is until she looks over and notices that Uangfah and Anil are walking together towards Lady Pin.  The two greet Pin and Anil asks if there are any snacks that they could enjoy. Pin asks Koi to bring the snacks and Anil tells Pin how much she has talked up how good the food is from the Lotus Palace.

Anil, Uangfah and Pin sit inside the Pine Palace and the snacks are brought out by Koi and Prik. Uangfah feeds the snack of flower shaped dumplings called Chop Muang to Anil. Anil and Uangfah enjoy the snacks and Pin remarks that she only made a small amount as she didn’t know that the Princess and her guest would be there.  Uangfah suggests that they all make more together so that she can learn how to make the dish too. In the kitchen Pin teaches the two how to make the dish and after it is cooked Anil goes to feed Uangfah one of the hot dumplings and she notices a wound to Uangfah’s hand. Pin asks Prik to fetch some aloe vera and Anil touches Uangfah by the waist and leads her to sit down.

As Anil tends to Uangfah, Mae Koi brings a basket which Pin explains in some of the Chop Muang that they made earlier so she can take some home. Pin then excuses herself saying she has matters to tend to in the kitchen, but then we cut and see Pin actually throwing rocks into a pond. Anil approaches Pin from behind and asks if something is bothering her. Pin denies anything is wrong, but then comments how Anil was quite concerned about Uangfah earlier. Anil asks if Pin was upset seeing her with Uangfah and Pin denies it. Anil teases Pin that if she wasn’t upset about Uangfah, maybe she is jealous. Pin tries to walk away but Anil grabs her arm and pulls Pin in to her closely by the waist. Anil challenges Pin to look her in the eyes and tell her again that she wasn’t jealous. Anil says she can tell when Pin is lying. She asks if Pin is sure and inches herself closer to Pin’s face. Pin states she isn’t lying and as Anil inches her face even closer, Pin looks at her with fluttering eyes and labored breathing. Just as it appears as if the two will kiss, they are interrupted by Mae Koi who announces that Khun Kuea is there to see Lady Pin. Pin excuses herself and after Pin has left Anil picks up a rock and angrily chucks it into the pond.

Anil walks along the palace grounds with Prik who is chattering that it seemed like Pin was quite jealous, but she isn’t sure if it was in a platonic or romantic way. She goes on to say that Khun Kuea seems to come to visit the Palace constantly at the wrong time. Anil asks Prik if she thinks Pin has feelings for Khun Kuea and Prik quickly answers that is impossible! Anil vows to teach Khun Kuea a lesson for daring to try and take Pin from her.

Anil meets with her brothers Prince Anan (Kanin Stanley) and Prince Arnon (Danny Luciano) and proposes to them a tennis match on the Palace grounds as their court has been neglected for some time. She tells them she is thinking of setting up a match and inviting both Lady Pin and Lady Uangfah and the brothers can invite their friends. She suggests to Prince Arnon that he invite Khun Kuea, as he is a frequent visitor to the Palace. Arnon says Khun Kuea will surely come if Lady Pin is there.

The camera pans to Lady Pin and Prik walking and talking together inside the Lotus Palace. Pin states that she isn’t good at playing tennis and Prik tells her that Anil insists Pin attend the tennis match as there may be someone without a partner. They enter a room where Princess Padmika (Charm Osthanond) is knitting and Pin asks who else will be attending the tennis match. Prik lists the two princes, Lady Uangfah, Lady Parawatee, and a friend of one of the Prince’s. Padmika encourages Lady Pin to go to the tennis match and says she needs to get out sometimes or else some people may think Padmika wishes her to only stay in the Palace.

The following day Princess Anil sits on her couch in a pristine white tennis outfit. She beckons for Prik to come in the room and show her the outfit she has selected for her. Prik is trepidatious and walks slowly into the room in a pristine white shirt and pair of shorts. Anil compliments Prik on her outfit and says she was right to bring it back from England for her. Prik tells Anil that she doesn’t know how to play tennis. Anil says she doesn’t intend for Prik to play, Prik is going to be the ball girl for the day. Prik looks sad, but Princess Anil assures her that she promises to teach her to play next time.

At the tennis court Prince Arnon introduces Khun Kuea to Anil. Anil says that she has heard a lot about him. Suddenly someone pops up behind Anil, it’s Pranot! Anil introduces Pranot (Nuttapart Tuntistianchai) to Lady Pin as her brother’s friend from university. She goes on to say that Pranot is her best friend back in England. Pranot greets Lady Pin and says he has heard a lot about her from the Princess. Arnon tells Pranot to behave as Anil is his sister. Parawatee (Lalichat Warawirojpol) comments that Arnon might be more possessive of Anil than Anan is. Anan says that Arnon is just pretending to be possessive as he knows that Pranot only thinks of Anil as a big boss and that Pranot will never try to be anything else. Pranot confirms that is correct, and he only wishes to be a sidekick to Anil. 

The group decides for the matches they will pair one woman and man together. Anan will play with Parawatee, Anil will play with Pranot, and Lady Pin will play with Khun Kuea while Arnon will play with Lady Uangfah. There will be two rounds and in the first round all four teams will play against their opponents and then the winners from the first round will play each other in the second. They all agree to let Prik choose as to who plays first and she decides that Princess Anil’s team will play against Lady Pin’s.

Anil and Pin’s teams meet at the net and shake hands before the match. Anil tells Khun Kuea not to take it easy on her. Anin spends the entire match lobbing balls directly at Khun Kuea where it either literally hits him or he misses whether it’s aimed at him or in Lady Pin’s reach. Anan comments to Parawatee that it seems like Anil is treating the tennis match as if it were a championship. Parawatee comments that Lady Pin hasn’t been given the opportunity to hit the ball once. The game concludes as Princess Anil’s team is deemed the winner of the match. The next match is brother versus brother and Prince Arnon’s team wins. The final match ends with Princess Anil and Pranot winning! 

Princess Anil approaches Khun Kuea sitting next to and talking with Pin on the sidelines. She asks him to move seats as she wants to sit there and he obliges. The servants bring out a platter of Som Choon that has been made. The two Princes comment that they have heard Lady Pin’s desserts of fruit in syrup are second to none. Khun Kuea says that he would like to try Lady Pin’s dessert some time himself. Pin tells him not to waste his time or get his hopes up as she rarely makes the dish. Anil tells Khun Kuea it’s a shame because she would also like Lady Pin’s fruits in syrup as it’s been some time since she had it. Lady Pin says if Anil wants it, then she will make it for her the next day. 

That evening in the Pine Palace Prik tells Anil that she observed Lady Pin the last few days and she is certain that Pin has feelings for Anil. She says at the match Lady Pin was definitely jealous of both Pranot and Lady Uangfah, but is probably too stubborn to admit it. Anil asks if she should confront Pin and tell her how she feels. Prik tells her she isn’t sure if Anil should wait and see how Pin reacts further, or perhaps she should try and get some alone time together with Pin. Prik says that Princess Padmika is going to be attending a friend’s wedding and will be away for a few nights. 

The next day Princess Anil asks Padmika if Prik can accompany Padmika to her friend’s wedding. Padmika wonders who will take care of Princess Anil if Prik comes with her to the wedding and Anil tells her she can take care of herself. She says that Prik is the most available person and she would like Prik to see the world outside of the Palace walls. 

Lady Pin comes to see Princess Anil to confirm that she asked Princess Padmika to take Prik with her to the wedding and she tells her that Anil cannot do that. With an eye from Anil, Prik begins to melodramatically cry and say she has always wanted to see the world outside of the palace and that Lady Pin is so cruel to deny her. Prik runs away from the two in tears. Pin asks if Prik goes with Padmika, who will take care of Anil? Anil says she will take care of herself as she is a student abroad with no maids or anyone to look after her. She tells Pin that she doesn’t wish for anyone to wait on her hand and foot, all she wants is for Pin to care for her. Pin says she isn’t with Anil usually day and night, and Anil retorts that the solution is easy, Pin should stay the night with her.

Princess Padmika and Prik leave for the wedding. That night Lady Pin brings some fruits in syrup for Princess Anil to eat. Rain begins to fall profusely and Anil tells Pin that she doesn’t want her returning to the Lotus Palace in that weather. As Lady Pin begins to object that she has to go back and prepare dinner for Anil, a giant strike of thunder strikes and scares Lady Pin. Lady Pin cowers in Princess Anil’s arms and Anil strokes her back and comforts Pin. She says she should have remembered that Pin is still frightened by thunder like when she was younger. The audience is shown a flashback to young Pin who is sobbing in down-pouring rain as her mother and father lay dead from an accident. Back in the present Anil tells Pin that she probably will have to stay a while at the Pine Palace because of the weather. Pin retracts from Anil’s arms and tells her that she has to go back and prepare dinner for Anil, but she will wait until the rain lets up. Anil remarks that it seems like Pin is only occupied by the thought of feeding Anil. Anil tells Pin to rest, and if she is hungry, Anil will cook for Pin instead.

We next see Lady Pin on the couch asleep with a blanket over her and Anil sitting on the opposite end watching with affection. Pin awakens and Anil tells her that dinner is ready and she wants to show Pin her cooking skills. At the dinner table Anil has set everything up and cooked an array of various dishes. She fills Pin’s plate and asks her to try the food. Pin tells Anil that she can’t eat that much or she will be too full to be able to walk back to the Lotus Palace. Anil tells Pin to stay there with her as the rain has not let up yet and it’s late. Pin tries to object saying where would she stay and Anil tells her in the guest room where no one else has stayed yet. Pin tries to say that she doesn’t have any clothes to wear and Anil rushes off and says she will get some pajamas for Pin! 

Now on the sofa both Anil and Pin are working on putting a jigsaw puzzle together. Well, Pin is working on the puzzle and Anil is actually staring at Pin with a wide sweet smile. Pin looks over at Anil shyly and asks if Anil is sleepy. Anil tells her no, Pin is spending the night with her, how could she be sleepy when she would rather stay up all night and talk with Pin. Anil takes Pin’s hand and gently caresses it. Pin begins to think back to the tennis match from the other day when she saw Pranot holding Anil’s hand and playfully trying to kiss the back of it. Anil notices that Lady Pin’s expression has shifted and she seems taken aback. Anil asks Pin if anything is wrong and Pin confesses that she saw Pranot kiss Anil. Anil is confused and says she doesn’t remember that happening. Pin explains he was kissing Anil’s hand. Princess Anil begins to laugh and brushes off Pin’s concern. Pin doesn’t find anything funny though and says that a kiss is still a kiss. Princess Anil counters that isn’t true, that there are many types of kisses with different meanings. 

Anil sets the puzzle aside and takes Pin by the hand and gives her knuckles a gentle kiss. She tells Pin she is going to demonstrate to her the difference in kisses. She explains to Pin that this is called a “hand kiss,” which is when you wish to honor the other person. Anil then pulls Pin close to her by the waist and closes her eyes as she runs her nose against Pin’s cheek. She explains that this is called a “butterfly kiss,” for when you adore a baby or little kid. Anil then brings her lips to Pin’s and tenderly kisses a surprised Lady Pin on the bottom lip. She explains that this is called a “lip kiss,” and you use it for expressing love. Anil then slowly takes her hand and holds Pin’s cheek as she kisses her again and this time she slightly uses her tongue as their lips part. Anil thumbs at Pin’s chin and explains that this is called a “French kiss,” which is used to express desire between lovers. Anil leans in again and starts to kiss a more relaxed and more comfortable Pin who kisses Anil back in turn. The episode ends with the two continuing to kiss as they start to lay down on the sofa.

Be sure to follow along to @TheLoyalPin2024 for updates, information, links, and more about the series! Watch new episodes every Sunday at 10:15 PM on Workpoint Channel 23, and see the uncut version following on Idol Factory’s Youtube channel.


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