
The Loyal Pin – Episode 5

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By: Lisa Steinberg



When we pick up with episode 5, Princess Anil (Rebecca Patricia Armstrong) and Lady Pin (Sarocha Chankimha) are continuing their kissing lesson. As they lay kissing on the couch in the Pine Palace, suddenly Lady Pin pushes Anil back and runs away to the guest room. A shocked Pin locks the door and hides from Anil who has chased Pin to the room and is knocking on the room’s window crying out for Pin. Eventually Anil walks away saddened and confused. In Princess Anil’s bedroom, she paces back and forth while it continues to storm outside. She then sits on the bed thinking about her time kissing with Pin and wondering if Pin is mad at her. She realizes that shouldn’t be the reason, and frustratedly lays back on the bed.

The next day Anil goes to Lady Pin’s room and finds she isn’t there. She goes downstairs and sees the doors to the Pine Palace are open and Lady Pin has left. Mae Koi (Anna Maria Benedic) brings breakfast to Anil who looks around to see if she can find Lady Pin. Mae Koi informs her that Pin made breakfast and asked her to bring it to Anil. Anil asks where Lady Pin is and why didn’t she bring the food to her herself. Koi tells her that Lady Pin is fine and she is in the Lotus Palace. As Koi puts the food on Anil’s table, Anil is still concerned about Lady Pin. Later while sitting at a table on the palace grounds Anil is looking over at the Lotus Palace trying to get a glimpse of Pin. Mae Koi approaches and brings her an afternoon snack. Anil asks if Pin is not coming and Koi says, “No, she is not.” An annoyed Anil gets up from the table and walks to the Lotus Palace. Anil is waiting in the hallway when Koi comes to see her and tells Anil that Lady Pin has told her to express her apologies for not seeing her today. An angry Anil says tells Koi to let Lady Pin know that she will come return. The camera pans and we see a hiding Lady Pin who has overheard their exchange. At night in her pajamas with the doors open and a storm raging outside, a sad Anil sits drawing a beautiful smiling portrait of Lady Pin. A tearful Anil says aloud, “Why are you ignoring the love I have for you Pin?”

In the morning Anil is awakened in bed by the sound of her breakfast delivery from Mae Koi. A forlorn Anil tells her to take it back as she is not hungry. Back to the Lotus Palace with the untouched tray of food, Mae Koi returns and sees Lady Pin. Pin is upset because Anil hasn’t eaten anything and she hasn’t told Mae Koi anything that she would like. Pin says that she will make Anil’s favorite dish of Moo Sarong, deep fried pork balls wrapped in Chinese noodles, for Anil to eat for dinner. Pin tells Mae Koi to let Anil know that she made the dish with all of her heart. Later Mae Koi returns again with a full tray, and she is reluctant to go into the kitchen with it. Debating in the kitchen entryway if she should just eat the food herself or not, Pin approaches Koi and is concerned as Anil hasn’t touched the food again. She asks Koi if she relayed her message to the Princess and she tells her that she has. Koi says that Anil only has told her that she doesn’t wish to eat Lady Pin’s food. Pin tells Koi to wait by the Pine Palace in case Anil is hungry and she will make food for Anil.

Two days later at the Lotus Palace Lady Pin brings a snack and water to Princess Padmika (Charm Osthanond), who has returned from her trip. Padmika says she passed by the Pine Palace earlier and it looked deserted. Padmika asks if Anil has been staying at the front Palace and Pin inquires if Padmika saw Anil at the Pine Palace. Padmika is shocked that Pin doesn’t know about Anil. Pin asks about if Prik came back with Padmika and Padmika says that Prik ran right to see the Princess the moment she got out of the car. Padmika remarks that Prik probably missed the Princess a lot and Pin comments that Anil probably feels lonely and misses Prik too. Cut to Prik (Orntara Poonsak) running wildly over to the Pine Palace to tell Princess Anil that she is back. Prik searches all over the Palace and she finally finds Anil lying passed out on the floor.

Prik runs to see Prince Anan (Kanin Stanley) and tells him about Princess Anil. We then see a doctor at Anil’s bedside as he checks her blood pressure and her fever. The doctor says Anil has caught a cold and it is nothing serious, he will prescribe some medicine for her. The Prince tells Anil that he will have a car come pick her up to stay at the front palace. Anil assures him that she will be fine at the Pine Palace with Prik to take care of her. 

In the kitchen both Padmika and Pin learn from the servants talking that Anil is ill and caught a cold. Padmika remarks that the Princess is usually in good health, so how did she get sick? A servant tells her it’s because Princess Anil got wet from the sprinkle of heavy rain. In the evening Lady Pin walks to the Pine Palace. She encounters Prik who is getting ready to bring a basin of warm water and a towel to Anil. Prik explains that Anil will wipe herself down as she doesn’t let any servants, or even her own mother, touch her as she is very protective over her own body. Pin tells Prik to go and rest, that she will bring the bowl of water to Anil. 

When Pin enters Anil’s bedroom she finds Anil awake and reading a book. Anil doesn’t look up and assumes that it is Prik bringing the water and cloth. When Anil does actually look up, she realizes that it’s actually Pin there instead. Pin walks over to Anil who has gone back to reading and reaches her hand and places it on Anil’s forehead and cheek. Pin offers to wipe Anil down as she is flush with fever. But Anil shuts her down and says that she will do it herself. Pin asks again to wipe down the Princess as she probably doesn’t have enough strength to do it herself. Lady Pin sits on the edge of the bed and begins to wipe Princess Anil’s body. As she reaches Anil’s chest, Pin starts to look away from her as she wipes. Pin finished wiping and says she will leave to let the Princess rest. As Pin tries to get up, Anil starts to say she has a bad headache. Anil leans in to Pin and asks if she can stay a while and Pin says she will stay until Anil falls asleep. Adoringly Anil asks Pin if she can sleep on her lap and then lays down. Sweetly Pin strokes Anil’s hair lightly. 

The following morning Pin emerges from Anil’s bedroom and Prik inquires how the Princess is feeling. Pin says that Anil’s fever has subsided, and Prik comments that’s because of the care from Pin. Pin tells Prik that she has to go to the university and asks Prik to take care of Anil’s food and medicine for her. Later, Prince Anan comes to check on Anil who walks down the stairs and says she is doing better and they can go for a walk together. While walking Prince Anan mentions that in a few days they will travel to Phrae to accompany Lady Uangfah on her return and have a visit with their aunt Princess Dararai. As they stroll, Prince Arnon (Danny Luciano) approaches and says their trip has been moved up as Princess Alisa received a call from Princess Dararai letting them know that Prince Jakkham has passed away. He informs them that they must leave no later than that day to attend the funeral. At the main palace sits Lady Parawatee (Lalichat Warawirojpol) who is wiping the flowing tears of Lady Uangfah (Sarochinee Petampai). As Uangfah sobs, Anil comes rushing over and hugs her close.

At University, Lady Pin sits and contemplates her conversation from the other day with sick Anil resting in her lap. The audience is given a flashback to the two in Anil’s bedroom. Anil asks Pin why she has stayed away for a few days and Pin says it’s because Anil already has many people who are visiting her and they all love her and find her endearing. Anil says everyone loves her, but not Pin. Pin inquires how does Anil know that she doesn’t love her? Anil goes on to say Pin may love her, but not in the same way she loves Pin. Pin asks Anil if she can tell her in what way she loves her. Anil tells Pin that she loves her in the way that all of her thoughts are consumed by Pin. In the way that Anil longs to be close to Pin. To see her face, hear her voice, and to touch her.  She doesn’t want anyone to get close to Pin. 

Anil then asks Pin in what way does Pin love Anil. Pin responds that she doesn’t see how this type of love between them would be possible. Anil says what she asked was whether Pin loves her in the same way that she does, she never said it would not be possible. Pin responds that she doesn’t know what it is that she feels for Anil. Anil sits up from Pin’s lap and tells Pin if there is someone who enters your mind from the moment that you open your eyes until the moment you close them, is that her? Someone who your heart aches for in pain or sorrow, someone who makes you feel uneasy or restless when they ignore you or care for someone else? Someone who makes your heart feel overwhelmed with joy when you get close or talk to them? Should there be someone on your mind, is that me? Pin simply says she doesn’t know. A resigned Anil tells Pin nevermind, if she said anything that might have offended Pin, to please forgive her as she may be delusional from her fever. 

Back in the present, Lady Pin’s friends stirs her from her thoughts. Her friend asks what Pin was thinking about and Pin tells her it’s not important. Her friend suggests that they go watch a movie afterwards, and Pin declines saying that she has to rush back home as Princess Anil is not doing well. Her sour friend asks Pin when Princess Anil is going back to England. At night back at the Palace Lady Pin finds Koi and Prik eating food. She rants that she told Prik to stay by the Princess’ side and there Prik is lazying about at the Lotus Palace instead. Prik explains that the Princess left that afternoon for Phrae, and how they received a call about Prince Jakkham suddenly passing away. She tells Pin that Lady Uangfah was inconsolable, and that Princess Anil had to hold her and wiped her tears away. She and Mae Koi even act out the activity between the two! Prik says that Lady Uangfah asked Princess Anil to sit in the car with her on the way to Phrae and that Anil was probably holding Uangfah the entire drive. That drives Pin to be annoyed and tell Prik to stop! Prik tells Pin it will be probably a few days or more before Princess Anil returns. 

Now in her bedroom and in her pajamas we see Lady Pin with her pink stuffed bunny Sasa. Lady Pin is unfortunately using Sasa to take her frustration and jealousy out. We see flashes to Princess Anil dressed in black sitting with her arm resting around a sobbing Uangfah. We then see Prik and Koi walking to the Pine Palace and as they enter they are startled by a figure in the dark and are spooked that it’s a ghost. As the figure turns we see it’s actually an angry Lady Pin who is sitting in the dark carving fruit! 

In Phrae, Princess Anil sits dressed in black and she thinks back to her conversation with Lady Pin about love. Particularly Lady Pin’s comment about how she doesn’t know how a love between them would be possible. Lady Pin sits on Palace grounds and she thinks back to her conversation with Anil when Anil was asking her questions about love, and if that person she loves is Anil. The camera flashes to past moments of Anil ignoring Pin as she came into her bedroom, Anil tending to Lady Uangfah’s hand when tasting the dumplings that the group made, and of the dinner that Anil made for Pin when it was storming outside. Lady Pin smiles and says aloud for the Princess to come back soon.

Many days later pass and Lady Pin greets Princess Padmika as she returns to the Lotus Palace. Padmika tells Pin how Princess Dararai and Lady Uangfah are coping with their loss, but Uangfah was upset again when she learned Princess Anil had to return home early. Padmika explains further that Prince Arnon had an urgent matter with the Ministry and Princess Anil decided to return home with him.

Lady Pin walks hurriedly over to the Pine Palace and sees Princess Anil standing outside looking up at the sky. Anil tells Pin that she has missed her and that her heart is still at the Lotus Palace. Pin says that Anil must be exhausted from trying to console Lady Uangfah. Anil responds that she is not, as Uangfah is her cousin, who else would console her? Pin says that she only hopes that Anil didn’t have to console Uangfah all night. Anil says no, not all night, she didn’t console Uangfah when she was sleeping! Pin is shocked, and asks if she slept in the same room as Uangfah. Anil says yes, because there were many people who came to stay at Chao Fah Palace. Pin asks if Anil stayed in the same bed as Uangfah. Anil tells her no, Uangfah slept on a mattress next to Anil’s bed. She goes on to say that no matter how many times Anil asked Uangfah to join her, she would not. Anil inquires of Lady Pin since she is asking her all of these questions, is Pin perhaps possessive of her? Pin admits yes, she is possessive. And she always has been. Anil tells her that she has something important for Lady Pin.

We then see the two in Anil’s bedroom with candles lighting the room and Lady Pin is seated on Anil’s bed. Princess Anil enters the room and hands Pin a wooden box, and upon Pin opening it, there is a beautiful ornate golden hairpin inside. Anil is holding a second similar wooden box and it has a silver hairpin. Anil states that Princess Dararai gave the two hairpins to her, and Anil would like the two to have matching hairpins. Anil tells Pin that she would like to put the hairpin in for her. Anil says that from now on, the hairpin belongs to Lady Pin, and Lady Pin only. 

Pin looks Anil in the eyes and tells her that when Pin told her previously that she didn’t know how she loved Anil, she was in fact lying. She does know, and has always known what she feels for Anil. Pin slowly leans in and gives a soft kiss to Anil’s cheek. She then sits on Anil’s bed and lays her head on Anil’s chest. Anil holds Pin close to her and Pin wraps her arms around Anil’s waist. Pin tells Anil that from now on the hairpin belongs to her, and as for Pilantita, she belongs to Anil and only her. She has always been. Pin asks Anil who she belongs to. Anil replies that she has given herself to Pin since the beginning. The two exchange tender kisses. 

The episode ends as Princess Anil asks Lady Pin if she can truly belong to her that night. Pin responds that everything she has already given the Princess, she may do as she wishes to it. Anil removes the hairpin from Pin’s hair, and they continue to sweetly kiss each other. They intertwine hands and then lay back on the bed.

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