The Loyal Pin – Episode 7
By: Lisa Steinberg
When we pick up with the episode Lady Pin (Sarocha Chankimha) awakens and it seems that she had a nightmare about Anil leaving, what she imagined wasn’t real. Anil (Rebecca Patricia Armstrong) rushes into the bedroom when Pin calls for her and Pin clings tightly to Anil. Pin cries and cuddles into Anil who asks if Pin still has a headache. Pin tells her that being close to her helps her to feel much better. Pin tells Anil that she is sorry for making her worried and Anil responds that Pin shouldn’t blame herself, she did the best she could to cope with Anil’s departure. Pin asks Anil if she will stay with her that night and Anil says yes, she will stay all night and take care of Pin. She goes on to tell Pin that Pin needs to eat.
Anil sits on the edge of the bed and feeds congee to Pin. Anil leans in and kisses Pin’s lips in the corner. Pin is concerned as to why Anil did that when Pin has been sick. Anil with a smirk says it was because she was wiping Pin’s mouth. Pin asks if that’s the way Anil checked her fever and Anil retorts yes, or should she check it another way…
Now out on palace grounds, Pin sits doing some needlepoint at a table and is joined by Princess Padmika. Padmika (Charm Osthanond) inquires why Pin isn’t with Princess Anil and she responds that Anil is busy spending time with her parents before her return trip. Pin asks Padmika if she can spend the night at the Pine Palace and Padmika agrees. She says that Pin and Anil will be separated for one or two years when Anil leaves, so Pin should spend time with Anil while she can.
We next see Pin helping Anil in the Pine Palace to pack her suitcase. Anil tells Pin not to worry, but Pin says how can she not worry as she loves her. Anil tells Pin that she loves her more! Pin cutely asks Anil if she can let her love Anil more just this once and Anil smilingly relents. Pin walks away and when she comes back in her hands she is holding a pillowcase with needlepoint embellishments on it. She tells Anil that she made it for her with all of her heart. She says to please use the pillowcase so that every night Anil will feel that Pin is near. The pillowcase is adorned with beautifully sewn pink flowers at the top of a golden hairpin base and underneath the hairpin is a blue letter P. Anil thanks Pin and tells her that it seems she will be dreaming of Pin every night.
Now in the bathtub together, Pin tells Anil that she heard Pranot say the other day that Princess Anil’s charm has captured many hearts. Whether they are Thai or hearts from abroad, there are many people who are trying to pursue Anil, and Pin is very worried. Anil teases back that Pin’s charm is not so bad also, and that hopefully Pin won’t be married to Khun Kuea when Anil returns from England. Pin tells her that she has already made herself clear to everyone, but how about Anil? Pin tells Anil that this time, she has to tell everyone that she is taken. Anil snarks back that she must think about it. Pin tells Anil in her ear that perhaps Pin should leave marks all over Anil’s body so that she won’t be naughty with anyone else while she is away. Anil taunts Pin by saying, “What are you waiting for?” The two begin to kiss and caress each other while all soaped up in the bathtub.
The next morning Anil sits at the dining room table with her breakfast and Prik brings her a glass of water. Prik (Orntara Poonsak) sniffles and asks Anil if she is really leaving today, and if this is the last meal she is going to prepare for her. Anil tells Prik that she’s not dying, she’s just going away to study and it’s for a short time. Prik says if she is this sad, she can’t imagine how terrible Pin must feel. Prik asks Anil if Pin will come to see Anil off as she hasn’t seen her all morning. Anil admits that Pin already told her that she would not come as she doesn’t want to see her off.
There is a flashback to the night before as Pin and Anil lay in bed holding hands. Anil is asleep but Pin lies awake looking over her. As Pin strokes Anil’s arm, Anil awakens and wonders why Pin isn’t sleeping. Pin confesses that she is afraid she isn’t strong enough to see Anil off. She doesn’t want to see Anil leave. Pin says that tonight will be the last night she can stay close to Anil. Pin wishes that Anil would never leave. Anil tells her that she won’t be gone long and will come back to Pin soon. Anil holds Pin’s face and asks her to please wait for her.
Back in the present Anil exits the Pine Palace to her brother Prince Anan (Kanin Stanley) waiting next to their car with Parawatee (Lalichat Warawirojpol). Anil stands next to the open car door and turns back to look at the Pine Palace. As the car begins to drive away, Anil looks out the window and sees Lady Pin standing there sullen not far by the pathway leaving the palace. As the car slowly drives by Pin, Anil looks out the window and cries. When the car passes Pin, Pin runs towards it but then suddenly stops. Anil cries even harder in the car as Pin slinks to her knees and sobs.
One week later has elapsed and Lady Pin stands outside of the Pine Palace as the wind blows pink petals around her. Cut to Lady Pin sitting down and Padmika is stroking her hair. Padmika asks Pin if she knows what Anilaphat means and Pin responds, “beautiful wind.” Padmika then asks if Pin has ever seen the wind standing still. Pin responds to her saying never. Padmika tells Pin not to be sad, as soon the wind will return and start to blow in their direction again. We then cut back to Lady Pin in present still standing and smiling. She says out loud to herself, “I will wait for the wind to return.” The pink petals begin to swirl around Lady Pin again and she reaches out her hand and one drops into her palm. The wind picks up the petal and carries it away. Pin says “May this wind carry my thought to you, Anil.”
We then see some lush trees swaying in the wind and the petal making its way in the wind. The petal drops away by a table where Princess Anil, Pranot (Nuttapart Tuntistianchai), and Prince Anan sit and have tea together in England. Prince Anan says that he must go home tomorrow and Anil makes a sour face. Anil comments to him that she will be lonely when he leaves and Pranot counters that Anil will not be lonely as she has a lot of friends there. Pranot promises to take care of Anil and look after her. Though he goes on to say that there are a lot of people already who would like to take care of her. Anil says that she never wants anyone to take care of her, she wants them out of her sight! Prince Anan questions who dares to bother Anil and Pranot replies that it’s hundreds of people. Prince Anan offers that if Princess Anil tells him the names, he will get rid of those that bother Anil.
In a restaurant shown as Theorie Rose sits Anil at a dining table as Pranot and Prince Anan sit outside on a patio. When a suitor comes to Anil’s table he asks to sit down and tells Anil that it’s good to see her as he hasn’t for a while. He misses her. Prince Anan comes and sits down next to them at the table and requests if the unnamed suitor knows what qualifications someone should have in order to qualify as worthy enough of Princess Anil. Anan says the person should be equal to or higher than her position. If she has to leave her position in order for the marriage to be accepted, Anan will not allow it. We see quick cuts between different suitors sitting at the table being berated by Prince Anan. He tells them all to get out.
After Prince Anan’s interrogation of the potential suitors, he and Anil sit together as she eats. He questions if there is anyone else who is attempting to pursue his sister. Pranot says there are many more and Prince Anan is shocked. Anil tells Anan that those people are not hard to handle. She says although they like Anil, they never bother her and all she has to do is ignore them. Anan admits that he was worried to face his father when he went back. Anan asks if Anil is interested in anyone and she says no one at all, do not worry. He says he has always known that Anil is charming and attractive, but he didn’t know it was like this.
As Pranot and Anil exit from a car at Anil’s dorm, Pranot says that there is still one more person who is interested in Anil that she hasn’t gotten rid of yet. He goes on to say that it’s Miss Aon Arisara, the ambassador’s daughter and Anil’s childhood friend. Anil defends that Aon has never said she likes her, and Pranot counters that even from afar he can see that Aon is smitten with Anil and likes her as more than a friend. She asks Pranot if he has told anyone yet that she has returned to England…and just as she says that Miss Aon (Neilinyah Taweearayapat) shows up to greet the Princess. Pranot uses Aon’s arrival to exit and leaves the Princess and her friend alone.
Back to Prik and Lady Pin, Prik says she heard Prince Anan say that Pranot and Miss Aon are both taking good care of the Princess. This doesn’t please Pin who didn’t know that Aon was in England. Prik asks if Pin knows Aon and Pin discloses that Aon used to go to the same school as Pin and Anil.
Miss Aon and Princess Anil sit together and Aon tells Anil that she was very lonely without Anil. Anil asks her why Aon has come to see her and Aon says that it is because she would like to invite Anil to dinner and stay over at her house on Saturday. Anil declines the invitation, but that doesn’t deter Aon. Flash back to Prik and Pin – Prik wants to know why Pin would be worried about the Princess being with Aon. Pin tells her that Aon was besotted with Anil when they were in school together, and Aon always gets what she wants. Flash again to Anil and Aon – Aon asks Anil if she can sleep over in Anil’s room tonight as she hasn’t seen her for a while and has a lot to tell her. Princess Anil agrees. Aon lights up happily at that. Back in Thailand, Prik asks if Anil will be safe and Pin tells her she doesn’t know…
Asleep in her own bed, a sudden hand wraps around Anil’s body. Miss Aon wraps herself around Anil and Anil tries to pry herself away from her. Aon continues to grab at Anil and asks her if Anil can accept her love. Aon says that she has loved Anil for so long, does Anil really not know? Anil yells for Aon to let her go! Anil is finally able to extricate herself from Aon’s grasp, and runs away from the bed. She asks Aon why she is doing this and as Aon cries, she tells Anil it’s because she loves her and always has loved her. Anil flatly tells Aon that they cannot love each other like that and also she has only ever seen Aon as a friend, nothing more. The last thing that Anil tells Aon before leaving the room is that if she still wants to be Anil’s friend, never do anything like that again.
Prik comes running to see Pin and tells her that Khun Kuea is here to see her. Pin instructs Prik to tell him that she is busy studying. Prik responds that if Pin turns Khun Kuea away again, that Princess Padmika may be upset as she seems fond of him.
Khun Kuea (Chatchawit Techarukpong) visibly annoyed waits in the Parlor having been there quite a while. Finally Pin comes to see Khun Kuea and he is more pleased. They sit together and he tells her that since Pin is going to graduate soon from the university, he is going to have his father come to propose marriage after she graduates. Pin is shook. Khun Kuea says his father asked him about his lover and he wants him to get married soon. He further tells her that he would like to start a family with her soon. Pin tells him directly that she is afraid he has misunderstood. She says should there be any sign of her hospitality that gave him the wrong impression, she apologizes. He tells her that maybe she doesn’t love him now, but maybe she will when they get married. Pin tells him she is going to be straight forward with him. She doesn’t like him, and never will. She tells him that from now on, she doesn’t want to see or talk with him again. She flat out says that he should remove himself from her sight and never return. She gets up and walks out on him.
Many months later, Pin walks out of the Lotus Palace and is greeted by Prik who is carrying mail. Prik hands Pin a letter and Pin asks if that’s all the mail she received. Prik teases her that if Pin wants more letters, she should tell the Princess to write her more often. Pin tells Prik that she can leave. Prik teases her that she is dismissing her like a dog, and she guesses that Pin doesn’t want the parcel that she has for her. Prik teases Pin more and says that if she gives her the parcel, will she get something to eat that is delicious in return..Pin tells Prik that if she tells her what she wants to eat, she will make it for her when she has time.
Pin sits at the desk in her room and opens the parcel that Anil has sent to her. She begins to open the sweetly adorned envelope from Anil. As Pin begins to read the letter, the voiceover is of Anil. Anil calls Pin her everything, and she goes on to say that she sends her kisses from afar that are filled with love and longing that she has for Pin in every breath she takes. Anil says that she still misses Pin every night and day, whether awake or asleep. In this moment we see a glimpse of Anil in her pajamas in bed as she lovingly gives a soft kiss to the top of her pillowcase which is the one that was gifted to her by Pin. Anil says that she is always looking forward to seeing Pin, even if it is just in her dreams. We then see Anil sitting at a desk writing to Pin and saying that she knows that Pin’s graduation is coming up soon and how unfortunate it is that she will not be able to be there to offer Pin her congratulations. Anil advises that she has sent some gifts and she hopes that Pin accepts them in her absence. The first gift is a stunning earring set that Anil had especially made for Pin which has a P engraved on the right back and an A engraved on the left back. Anil tells Pin to please wear the earrings on the day of her graduation ceremony so that Anil can be a part of the celebration and that she should be assured by now that it is her wish that they always be together. The second gift is a pen that has Pin’s name engraved on it and it symbolizes that Pin has reached the next stage in life.
Pin sits at her desk and writes in return to Anil. She tells her that she never wishes for Anil to please her with valuable gifts, all she wants is to hold Anil. We then see Pin walking around Anil’s bedroom in the Pine Palace. Pin recounts that each day she goes into Anil’s bedroom to lighten the weight of her absence in Pin’s heart. Pin says that she imagines that Anil is still there with her. We see an image of Anil laying on the bed near to Pin and the two are smiling as they touch hands.
Next we see Pin sitting on the palace grounds at a table knitting a scarf. She says that the weather must be cold where Anil is, and so she made the scarf with her own hands and with all of the love that she has for Anil. We then see Anil taking the scarf from the package box and smiling brightly. As the shot widens, we see Anil sitting on her bed next to a large window where we can see that there is lots of snow falling down, and the scarf is draped around her neck as she looks at it adoringly. Anil imagines Pin behind her putting her arms around her embracing together in a comforting hug.
The time shifts to many months later and Pin walks around Sailom Publishing. The voice over is of Pin who says that she was finally accepted to work as a translator for academic articles and young adult fiction. Pin remarks that she is allowed to work remotely from the palace as long as she turns in her assignments on time. She talks further that she asked her university friend Thanit to apply for a proofreading job at the company, as he was the only friend that was still unemployed. She says not to worry as she only thinks of him as a friend, even though she is aware he has feelings for her. She ignores and acts oblivious to his interest in her.
Pin arrives walking into the Lotus Palace as Princess Padmika drives up in a car and honks at her. Pin inquires with her as to whose car is Padmika driving and Padmika tells her she drove herself and the car is for Pin. It’s a graduation present for her as Pin must travel to the publishing company very often. Pin is so moved by the gift and tells Padmika that the kindness that Padmika has always given to her is more than she can ever repay. Padmika tells Pin that she loves her like her own daughter and she will always want the best of everything for her.
As Pin and Padmika make their way down some stairs to the garden, Pin notices people are seated on the ground having tea together. It’s Prince Anan and Parawatee along with Prince Arnon (Danny Luciano). Pin asks who the guest is that’s visiting. Padmika tells her that it is Prince Arnon’s soon to be fiancee, Miss Ornnida Sawadhipat. Miss Orn (Tanida Bavornkaisri) is the eldest daughter of the Thai ambassador to England, and the sister to Miss Aon. Padmika says Miss Orn is probably there to discuss the impending engagement which will be held soon.
Pin now sits making food with Prik diligently assisting her. Pin asks Prik if she knew that Prince Arnon was going to be engaged to Miss Orn. Prik tells her that she did know and Pin comments that this means that Princess Anil and Miss Aon will become relatives. Prik teases Pin that she is not fond of Miss Aon just as she is not fond of Lady Uangfah. Pin explains that Sawettawarit and Sawadhipat will soon become relatives, and the Darawin family is also close relatives. She goes on to say that she is only a Kasidit, a family of a lower ranking, and can never compare to them. Prik tells her that there is nothing wrong with being a Kasidit, and that Pin speaks as though she barely knows the Princess. Prik comments that for Princess Anilaphat, Pilanthita Kasidit is incomparable and more precious than anyone in the world. Prik reassures Pin that her Highness only has eyes for Pin. Pin teases that Prik is a sweet talker like Princess Anil. Prik responds that a good servant should know what her master wants and that no one knows Princess Anil better than her.
As Pin walks the palace grounds with Prik she laments that it has been many months since she heard from Princess Anil. She questions why Anil has stopped sending her letters. She mentions that Princess Anil also did not come to Prince Arnon and Miss Orn’s engagement reception. Prik says that Princess Anil will graduate in a few months, it may be that she wants to return after graduation. Prik says that is unless the Princess has graduated early and Pin says if that was the case, Princess Anil would have written to her already. Prik tells her to be patient as it’s only a few more months.
Pin walks into the Pine Palace and looks around. She imagines Princess Anil sitting in the entryway smiling as she eats a piece of cake. Lady Pin walks into the palace further and imagines Princess Anil walking down the stairs with the birthday cake she had made for Pin. Pin states out loud, “I miss you so much, Anil.” As Pin stands there she goes to walk further but then surprisingly has two hands wrap around her waist. It’s Princess Anil, and she whispers in Pin’s ear that she misses her so much too. Pin turns around and looks at Princess Anil as she can’t believe that she is actually there. The two hug each other closely.
Be sure to follow along to @TheLoyalPin2024 for updates, information, links, and more about the series! Watch new episodes every Sunday at 10:15 PM BKK/11:15 AM EST on Workpoint Channel 23, and see the uncut version following on Idol Factory’s Youtube channel.
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